61 Replies
NVgirl - April 5

Hi ladies -- just checking in to see how everyone is doing today. Hope all is well!


Mega - April 5

Hi Michelle (NVgirl), thanks for the well wishes but AF came full flow yesterday. I had spotting Mon. night though so I was prepared. Though rather upset. But I'm going to switch to injectibles this cycle & have an appt. in an hour with my RE where I'll discuss this further. So I'm actually excited for this new cycle. Good luck to you. Keep us posted on the results of your next hcg levels.


Becca - April 5

Hey Mega,
I am very sorry that AF showed...I know how devestating that is each's such a horrible feeling. I really hope all works out with the next cycle of injectibles and everything new you try. You deserve this BFP!!!!

NVgirl (Michelle) - Keep us posted girl.


Mega - April 5

Awww, thank you Becca. I'm so excited about trying the injectibles though I just found out how much the meds are costing us. Sticker shock! We're paying totally out of pocket. But still when it works it'll be the best $ ever spent. I'm going on Repronex starting tomorrow. I'm glad things are going well for you. When is your due date?


Becca - April 6

Well I'm glad you are keeping positive, that's the best thing to do, although the hardest as well. Keep us posted on what happens with these!! That's exciting!! I'm due July quite a ways to go!!


Mega - April 6

At least you'll have the baby before the hottest part of the summer--Aug., well, I guess though that depends where you live. At least you're past the 1/2 way point now, that's good at least. Thanks. I'll definitely keep you posted on this cycle.


Becca - April 6

Yeah, it will be right before the hottest part of the summer - thank goodness...I'm in I'm prepared!! :) Thanks for the congrats....:)


Mega - April 6

Dallas--wow, you're no stranger to hot humid summers then, I'm sure. Well, that turned out to be pretty good timing. Though I guess when your trying so hard to have a baby there's no bad time to be pg. :)


Becca - April 6

Yeah, very used to it....:) or :(
The baby we lost last year was due at the end of fun!! Of course like you said, at this point I would not have complained if I had known I would lose that I promised my hubby I would do my best this time around about not complaining. Each month we were trying I was like Oh cool....a winter baby would be nice, oh well that didn't happen, how about a spring baby? Nope didn't looks like a summer baby, but I'll definitely take it. We tried and tried to have one in a more "convenient" weather month, but God had other plans...we've realized that the last three pregnancies (first two lost) that we only get preggo in fall/winter...I guess his sperm don't like the heat here in Texas!! :) That's our only explanation.


Cloe - April 6

Can I join this thread next month? I will turn 30 and I have been ttc for over 2 years. I am on my 6th round of Clomid.


NVgirl - April 6

CLOE -- Welcome!!! Don't bother with next month --- just stay and chat with us now! BECCA: How are you doing, hun? MEGA: How is AF treating you? I know that I will be cheering you on for the next 4 weeks to get you through! I just got back from the Radiology Lab, they said I will not get the results back until probably Monday… so that will be a long wait to see if my thyroid is enlarged. Tomorrow I have a blood test to see if my hCG levels are rising. This is what I am all nervous about. Will find out results on Monday for that as well. Here’s to hoping everyone is doing well today! I am 4w5d with 245 days to go! Damn that sounds so long to go!


Mega - April 6

Becca-- Again I'm so sorry for your loss. I think when a womans body is going thru so many changes & it's so hot and they overheat it's hard not to complain a little bit even if you're so happy to be in that condition. My friend (who is currently pg with baby #2 after 2 back to back m/c) emails me every other season telling me if I get PG in the next couple months it's such a great time to be in that state & she always has a couple of reasons. It's cute. She's given me pros for 2 different seasons so far. :) Chloe, of course you can join us. Good luck with this cycle of Clomid. Are you doing IUI with it as well?


Mega - April 6

NVgirl--good luck tomorrow on your 2nd Beta. AF is almost finished, just a little brownish spotting, TMI I know. I get my first shot tonight so I'm excited about that. Fedex emailed me this AM saying that my package arrived so I can't wait to get home & dig thru my drugs. Thanks for cheering, I'll need it. :) Keep us posted. That is a long wait to find out about the thyroid. Hope it's all good for you. Sending you & your baby lots of sticky vibes.


Cloe - April 6

Thanks ladies. NVGirl, congratulations on your pregnancy, and good luck on all your tests. Mega, I have not done IUI yet. So far I am just seeing my OBYN/GYN. Was hoping Clomid would do the trick. Have an appointment early May and DH and I will get more tests done if still not prego. If my doc cannot help beyond that, then he is sending us straight to the fertility clinic.


Becca - April 7

Hey Girls - Doing pretty good, just had my 24 week check seems to be thriving just beautifully - I'm actually getting more and more excited...reality still has not set in!! Mega- Glad you got your was the first one? I'll totally be sending postive thoughts your way that this is YOUR MONTH!!! Yeah, believe me every month I would count to see when I'd be due if that was the month...thinking about the clothes I could wear..will I be swollen from the heat or in a huge sweater from the cold?? So funny!! That's very cute of your friend though. NVgirl- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too that your HCG levels have risen properly..I know that wait is the most excruciating wait!!! It stinks that it has to be on a Friday , but I just know it will work out great. Cloe- Good luck to you....I know the trying is so tiring and time consumes every thought......the whole time we were trying in between each m/c I would be online looking up "signs" and "symptoms" and ovulation and blah blah blah....OBSESSED is what you could consider me!! Of course, since I've been pregnant...(I found out at exactly 4 weeks, due to doing the meds and what not) I've been obsessed with every twinge and "side effect" of pregnancy, I'm a sick sick woman, the internet is a horrible horrible thing for some one like me!!! :) good luck to all of you girls and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!! :) The weather is getting beautiful - great time of year!! :)


Mega - April 7

Becca--too funny about the clothes thing & checking your potential due date I do the exact same thing EVERY CYCLE, guess you could label me a tad obsessed too. Glad your 24 week check up went so well. Did you have an u/s done? Thank you for the + vibes, I certainly hope this does the trick. My 1st shot wasn't too bad. I got a little confused about how much to take, but I got it all cleared up in time for the shot. It felt like a HS science experiment though mixing all the meds, but we figured it out. DH is better at it than me though. The shot itself was just a little stingey at the injection site & maybe sore like 10 mins. afterwards. That's it. No big deal at all. Chloe--good luck with this round of Clomid. How far into this cycle are you? The 2WW yet? I'm glad you have another appt. coming up but hopefully you won't need to go thru the testing afterall. NVgirl--hang in there this weekend as you await the results of Beta #2, but as Becca said I'm confident that everything will continue to work out great for you. Let us know when you get the labs back. Does anyone have any fun weekend plans? Nothing much doing for us. It's shaping up to be a lazy weekend, fine by me!



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