466 Replies
JB0405 - January 3

Don't worry TWhit, it's coming! LOL!!


me - January 4

Hi Everyone! can't write toomuch since I can barely see. I have pinkeye - YAY! And so does Brandon. We got it from grandpop. Anyhoo, we are doing well. Welcome Newbies! Being a fellow PCOSer, I know how hard it is to stay positive when you don't know if you are ovulating or not. I was weird though because I had a period every 28 days or so regardless if I Oed or not. It is good that you are being proactive with things. We are here to support you, through good and bad. As for insurance stuff, I don't know what you can really do other than do whatever testing it allows and see what your drs plan of action is afterward. Just try to take one day at a time and stay positive. Good luck to you! Write more later-


guju - January 4

I just read the whole thread. It gives me hope that it might happen for me. I've been ttc for 3 years now and just started my first round of clomid. The darn tww is killing me.


Roxanne - January 5

Hi. I don't know if this will help of not , but I had some trouble with cysts last time we were TTC. It had been about a year and nothing, so I started acupuncture, I got pregnant the second or third month. Now, four years later ( I am 36 now) we are TTC again, and I was afraid it might take a long time again, esp. since we are older (dh is 41). So I started acupuncture right away. My cycles are regular (30-31 days) and I have felt pregnant twice in four months. The first time I was three days late and had every symptom in the book. But then AF. Now this month I feel the same and am on day 36 and no AF. I will take a test soon. So, at least this seems better than nothing for a whole year. Anyway, for what its worth, the acupuncturist claims about a 75% success rate on fertility cases. So good luck to you. I know how depressed I can feel when everything seems hopeless - even though I haven't been through nearly as much as most of you guys. Hope you get pregnant soon.


me - January 15

I am glad that we may be able to give someone a bit of hope! How is everyone doing? We are going to have to do daycare for 3 days a week :( I am not happy about it, but it is what is best for our situation right now. How is everyone doing? Any news?


JB0405 - January 15

Hi ME!!! Are you back to work? Is that the reason for daycare 3 days a week? Here's my update: I have good news & not so good news! They took 25 EGGS out, that's the good news. The not so good news is that I am hyperstimulated AGAIN!!!! Which means no ET in the next few weeks! If I decided to go ahead and have them transferred anyway, there is a higher risk of hospitalization and miscarriage. So we opted to wait until I am better in order to do the ET. I will have another period and then start estrace, so no ET until about the 1st week of February! I am pretty bummed right now but it's for the best! They will call me tomorrow with fertilization results.


jenn00 - January 15

some people on here make me sick not tryin to be mean but for the average couple it takes aleast a year or people who come on here and already have kids least you know you can get pregnant im happy for all those who got pregnant dont get me wrong just makes me jealous me and my husband have been tryin a year in a half with no luck i have a sister in law who is a total junkie who has 3 kids and has been pregnant 10 times and got abortions why would god give her a baby and not me i also feel like a failure is it sumthing im doing wrong i just dont think i cant take heartbreak anymore each mouth i feel so stupid for even tryin cuz deep down i dont think i cant have babies at all:-(


me - January 25

I am glad to hear you have 25 eggs! Wow! I know it is hard to wait for the ET but I agree with your decision to do so. It will happen!! As for Jen, I think we can all say we have had a bit of jealousy towards others while we tried so hard to get pregnant and they were blessed to have conceived. Myself included. When Justine told me she was pregnant, I was so happy for her and yet still had a twinge of jealousy. I think I even told her that at one point on this forum :) It is natural. We are all here to help and support those who are trying to get pregnant. This thread was started as a vent for me, so vent away! We will try to help in any way we can! On another note, Brandon is doing well. He will be 6 months already in a few days. He is sitting up on his own, babbling, trying to hold his bottle and wants to crawl in the worst way! Yes we started daycare becuase I am back to work and our babysitting situation wasn't working out for us. How is Emma?


JB0405 - January 25

Jen- TRUST me, I know how you feel... I feel that way quite often but like ME said, it's natural! As for me, I have 19 frozen embies, hopefully ET will be with in the next 2 weeks!


caribangell - January 31

Hi ladies, I've been reading your posts and i must say that I've gotten a little encouragment from each of you. that you so much for sharing your experiences with us. My dh and i have been ttc for 7mts now and every month when Af shows I cry my eyes out for an hour and feel more less of a woman. my sister said that maybeI have no follicles however everything eles is fine.I did a very painful HSG 2mts ago and found my left tube is blocked up but the right is fine, the utering walls are unremarkable as put by my dr. so our advice was to try harder. I'm now currently in 2ww so please pray for us. my husband adopted my 2 sons from a failed marriage, and they only know him as daddy as their bio. dad never took the time to know them. so My dh has been in their lives ever since they were toddlers. he love them as his own beleive me you would never know the difference. but he would like to have another baby. It hurts every time we both attend a couples babyshower or if we are walking and see a preggo mom. so it hard, but at least we now have this 2ww to look forward to. I've been charting my temp like you ME and mines have been 98 for a week now. last night it was 98.8, this morning 98.2, and now 98.6, so its stuck at 98. congratulations on your bundle of joys everyone, I hope and pray that dh and I will have one or two for christmas this year. and that you for your enspiring stories, they all gave US hope. Hugs,and baby smells from us.


caribangell - January 31

did JCR got her bay yet? if so congrats JCR


me - February 9

Hi there! How is everyone doing? I have been away on business for the past two weeks, so I havne't been able to check in. Where is everyone is their treatments?


Justine - February 15

Hi me and JB and to all the new ladies. It's been so long since I posted on here as each time I tried to post the page wouldn't load properly and it only gave me the early posts from 2005! Anyway, I'm so happy to see you're all still around. Can you give me a quick recap of how you're all doing? Emma and I are doing great. She's now 61/2 months old and is such a sweetie. I can't believe how quickly the time is passing and how much she is now doing especially sitting up on her own and babbling. I'm exhausted most of the time though as she's still waking every 2-3 hours throughout the night but hopefully that won't go on for too much longer now. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing ok and I can't wait to hear all of your news. Did Jcr ever return on here?


JB0405 - February 15

Hey JUSTINE!!! No sign of JCR since Sept. of '06. It's great that Emma is getting along nicely... I'd love to see a pic of you guys!!! As for me, after the egg retrieval, I was once again hyperstimulated and could go through with the transfer at that time! They took about 25 eggs and 19 were fertilized and froze. Monday was transfer day and the RE said they looked great, both looked close to perfect... I hope they stay that way and I have a great pregnancy and healthy baby or babies!!! My test date is 2/26!


Justine - February 20

Hey JB - that's great that you got 19 eggs fertilized. How are you coping with this long wait until you can test? I can't wait to hear from you on Monday and I'm keeping you in my thoughts that it's going to be good news. Not too much going on with me. I weighed Emma yesterday and she was 151/2 pounds so she's definitely a petite little girl which is surprising as she really likes her milk and adores fruit but I guess she's not too keen on the savoury stuff so she can be a little picky. She's like a baby sparrow with an ever open mouth when fresh fruit is on the menu... it's so cute.


Justine - February 27

Hey Jb. I was thinking about you yesterday and was wondering whether you tested or not.



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