466 Replies
Justine - February 27

Hey Jb. I was thinking about you yesterday and was wondering whether you tested or not.


me - March 2

Hi everyone! JB- whats up? Any news? How is everyone? Good to hear Emma is a petite thing, cause Brandon is a monster :) He is 19lbs 15oz and just turned 7 months already. He has been crawling fro 2 weeks, but now he is supposedly crawling up stairs slowly. I can't believe it has been 7 months already. How is everyone else doing? We are here for you!


Justine - March 4

me - Brandon is big! And crawling too! Emma kind of gets into the crawling position but then seems at a loss as to what to do next and tends to flop on her belly and eat the carpet! Can you believe they are 7 months already?! Time really does fly so I don't know about you but I'm obsessively documenting every stage in my baby book, scrapbook and endless photos. How are you finding it back at work now? Jb - how are you doing?


me - March 20

Hey there ladies! Just checking in. Any news? Where does everyone stand with things?


Justine - March 20

Hi me. Good to hear from you. How are you and Brandon? As for me, well I'm pregnant! Yes, bit of a surprise but I'm 6 weeks pg and after the initial shock as we weren't ttc, I'm thrilled and very happy to be having my babies so close together. Emma is doing great and is such a wonderful and happy and inquisitive little girl. We have such a nice time together as she loves going out and doing new things and meeting new people. Her current favourite is a music group for babies and toddlers that I take her to. She gets to jig around for an hour and shake shakers and has a great time bouncing around to the music. Can you believe that Emma and Brandon are almost 8 months old now? Jb - any news with you?


Atava - March 20

Husband was tested & had a low morphology 3%, did anyone conceive with there spouse at this percentage. The count was good, they were good swimmers. The clinic suggested shots and IUI or IVF. Sorry to crash, I just need some information.


JB0405 - March 20

Hey Ladies, well Justine, congrats to you! It appears that we are a week apart! I am pregnant! 7 weeks & 1 day, but who's counting?! LOL!! I am cautiously optimistic, I don't want to get too excited. Some people know but the majority won't know until the 12th week of pregnancy. Emma & Brandon sound like they are doing so well! I would love to see pics of you guys. You can see me at www.myspace.com/eanaj76... take out any dashes that may show up.


me - March 21

HOLY CRAP THAT'S AWESOME GUYS!!! Congrats to you both! Funny you are both pregnant because I was joking with my husband that should start trying for another right now. We won't start trying until Brandon is 1 year old, but that is SO GREAT!! YAY YOU! How do you guys feel?


yam - March 22

Hi please cheer up you are not a failure the devil is a liar.I will be praying for you.I want to give my husband a child too and my test all came back negative so you see i do not have any cyst and still cant get pregnant so keep the faith God can change all the impossible to possible.


Justine - March 23

OMG Jb congratulations! I can't believe we're only 1 week apart. Bit spooky really as me and I were only a few days apart when we got pg with Emma and Brandon - guess this is a lucky thread...lol! How are you feeling? Any m/s or anything? I'm doing ok with just occasional nausea but I'm really tired as I'm still nursing Emma so I guess my body is abit busy right now! I checked out your site, it was nice to be able to put a face to the name. I've only just started putting a piczo site together but I'll give you the link once I've put a couple more pics on, I'll try and do it later today once I've been out with Emma. me - we were planning to wait until Emma was a year old too but I guess fate had other ideas...lol! How's Brandon doing?


me - April 4

Brandon is doing well. He is crawling really quickly and trying to stand up in the worst way. How rae you guys feeling? I have to live vicariously through you guys now :)


me - April 23

Whazzup ladies? Talk to me. Baby is doing well, very vocal and pulling up on everything. How are you guys? Any news?


me - May 16

Anyone around? Sure, you all get pregnant and then leave me :) Where is everyone? Hope you are all doing well!


Chrystina - May 16

Wow two ladies pregnant at the same time! That's so awesome! I remember reading this thread many many months ago and I was truly inspired by me. I thought I'd re-visit and found that this thread was near the top so despite it being soooo long , ppl are still posting which is great! So JB and Justine, can you tell me how you got pregs, I mean what the obstacles u had to overcome? I myself hae been trying over 4 years now and still nothing. I've been seeing a RE and he's put me on numerous drugs but Io dont respond to any of them. My problem is my cycles are completely outta WHACK and I simply don't ovulate, I don't know what else to do...So if u ladies don't mind giving me a bit of insight into ur journey in getting pregs I would truly appreciate it.


Aimee M D - May 21

Hi. My DH just found out 3 days ago that he has a zero sperm count. We are both devestated!!!!!!! To give you a little insight from the other side, my DH is just as much of a man to me now as he was before. I think our battle with conception is making me fall more in love with him everyday. Infertility can either tear you apart or pull you much closer. I am grieving as though I have lost everything in my life and I feel horrible because I don't want my DH to feel that it is disappointment in him. I am angry, frustrated, hurt, disappointed, jealous, powerless, lost, exhausted, and feeling defeated. None of those feelings are aimed toward my husband, but toward the circumstances. I guess you have to call on your faith and the support of your DH. I am trying to take a very good friend's advice as well: you can still have a family and a child, even though it isn't blood. You have to allow yourself to grieve. Then you can see what else life has to offer. Even though it isn't what you had planned, it can still be just as sweet if you embrace it whole heartedly!


me - June 18

I think this thread has come to an end since it has been going on for so long now. Thanks for all your support. Good luck to everyone now and in the future. May your lives be blessed with children. Please remember to try and stay positive and proactive with your fertility. It worked for me. Baby dust to everyone!



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