2 Replies
Ino_87 - November 13

i havent got pregnant me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected sex for about 10 months i have an overactive thryoid but its under control could that be the problem? i know its me because he has a child from a previous relationship?


JLS - November 14

Most doctors will tell you that you have to try for at least a year, and that means totally monitoring your cycle etc. before it's considered a problem at all. If your thyroid is controlled by medication, it should not be an issue. Have you used home ovulation kits to help you pin point when you are ovulating? Good luck!


ethanandevansmommy - November 15

It could still be him, male infertility is the problem is almost 1/2 cases. Says my DR. before you spends hundreds or thousands on testing and treatments, get him checked, My husband recently had a semen analysis it was around $80.00 and our insurance didn't pay any of it. The blood work I had done just to get started was well over $400.00. My OB told me that even though he already has children, it dosent take much to alter male fertility. Good Luck to ya!



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