Feeling "out of the loop"
169 Replies
hoping4anangel - March 25

Well...finally Af started and I have an appointment Sunday with RE to check that the cysts are gone, which I pray they are...then Im starting back on Follistim with IUI to hopefully get my BFP!!!! Anyways, good luck to everyone and I have a feeling that we will see alot of BFP's in this thread!!


trying4pg - March 25

Hi Just me - Yeah I am on clomid this month but no iui...so we'll see. I hope your appointment goes well next week and they figure out what is the matter. How completely hearbreaking ...I am soooo sorry! Hoping - I hope you are cyst free and can do IUI this month. How many times have you done it so far? Ekoorb I am really hoping you get your bfp tomorrow...please let us know.


auburnlocks - March 26

Wow this thread has really taken off. I have not had a chance to get on here the past couple of days. I had my neice (3 years old) and nephew (8 months) the past few days, so I had my hands full!! By the way I am from Indiana. I am currently at 4dpo. So now the wait. I am just hoping for a bfp. If not then it is clomid for me! Has anyone tried the pre-seed? I have seen alot of positive information about it. Ekoorb_79 - sounds like you should get a bfp!! I have my fingers crossed for you!! :0)


hoping4anangel - March 26

Well..I went to my RE and I am officially cyst free and got the go ahead to start back on Follistim tonight...225units once a day...yea!!!! This will be third cycle with the Follistim and IUI's...I hope its the last..my RE does 4 cycles and then on to IVF. How is everyone else doing??


ekoorb_79 - March 26

Hi ladies! i'm so sorry I have been out of touch. This weekend was very busy for me. I was away for a baby shower on Long Island. Those are always a fun...lots off AWWWWES. So, this morning I took my beta test and had my sitdown w/ RE and DH about plan of action in case of BFN and RE was convinced I am pregnant w/ out even seeing results. I'm a little surprised he would say that because they are not usually so friendly or willing to offer false hope. It kind of made Dh and me a happy, but I am still affraid of let down later. I told RE to call my Dh with results because I don't want to find out at work. If it's BFP he will call me. It is what it is, can't change now. I'll let you guys know either way. I'm so happy to see this thread has taken off. It's unfortunate, but I feel better knowing I wasn't alone in "feeling out of the loop." Alicia, thanks for coming back, sounds like you still might hava a chance. Have you had a beta done. Hang in there, I know how trying this can be. I'll be thinking of you. Trying- good luck ttc on your own, you never know and clomid works, so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Hoping-no more cysts and now you can start. I'm so happy for you. Thanks to all of you for all the well wishes. I'm hoping it's BFP and that I can stand the wait. I should know in a bout an hour. Good luck to you always ladies!


Hannah B - March 27

Brooke. when do you expect to get your HCG results. I'm still waiting for Friday to come around. I am expected there at 7am, so I should know something by the end of the day. Congrats Hoping4anangel, on the cyst going away. Where is everyone on their cycle?


ekoorb_79 - March 27

Hi girls, got my result and BFN...I'm sad ,but ready to move on with my life. I'm not willing to put myself through this any longer. I just need a break. I wish you all the best and I will be rooting for you. Thank you all for being so positive and helpful. I have been reading and trying to join in on these threads for a long time and I haven't made any friends and then you guys came along. You really helped me through these last two weeks. I don't want you to think I'm ditching you guys, but I just need a break from the TTC world. Please keep this thread going because I will be checking in to see how you guys are and I will be looking fowrd to some BFP's. GOOD LUCK...*********BABY DUST**********


justme100 - March 27

I am sorry to hear about your BFN. Try and take it easy. I wish you peace.


auburnlocks - March 27

ekoorb - sorry to hear about the bfn. Do not lose hope!! I will keep you in my prayers. tons of baby dust to you.


trying4pg - March 27

Hi ekoorb - I am sooooo sorry to hear about what happened. I had a similar situation happen to me in February. Unexpectedly the RE office phoned and said they thought I was bfp but to test again in a week and a half. It was still a week before AF was due but I was out of this world - happy, crying, hoping excited. I decided to tell dh on valentines day - very romantic. For a year, my RE's office had never given me any hope - so I was POSITIVE I was brp. Well to make a long story short - I wasn't and it was a million times more devastating than ever before. AF came for valentines dinner. That's why I came to this website ekoorb. I was devastated and nobody else could understand. We understand ekoorb. My heart goes out to you. I believe that we will one day laugh about this...just not yet. Take care everyone else!!! Good things are gonna happen here! Karen


trying4pg - March 27

TMR - how did your retrieval go on Sunday? Did you get alot of eggies. Alicia - you didn't update us...did AF come?


justme100 - March 27

Hi Everyone,
I started Clomid 5-9- bd the 11th -17th everyday and then again on the 19th. I used opk and saw lines on the 15-19th or roughly at those times. I didn't get a dark-dark line but one nonetheless. I am ovulating on my own but my dr. gave me the clomid b/c I am older etc... I also am a bad charter- I never wake at the same time. So I have headaches and am more tired than usual. I tested today at either 10 or 12 dpo. I had a bfn - do you think that this is a wash or I was just too early testing ? I am a 29-30 day cycle. I had a lot of cramping last week but not so much now.
I also see an RE tomorrow should I ask about any other fertility meds ?
Thanks Everyone


hoping4anangel - March 28

Sorry to hear about your BFN Ekoorb.......I know how disappointing it is...dont give up hope, I am just starting back on Follistim...I go back to RE Thurs for my first follies check...so hopefully there are many starting to grow. Godd luck to everyone this month...Be positive!!


trying4pg - March 28

Hi just me - what day of the cycle are you on. I don't know for sure if it is too early or not because we don't really know if you o'd, and if so when. Do you have a blood test done 7 dpo. That will tell you if you ovulated or not. It also depends on the HPT, but I haven't been really successful on those months I was sure i was BFP but the kit showed BFN...but maybe you will be the exception. Good luck with RE.
Hoping - let us know how your follies check goes. I am just about to o and I swear I have a couple of dinosaur eggs trying to blow down my tubes - I am very uncomfortable this month. I was on clomid day 3-7 and it drives me crazy. Does anyone else get huge dinosaur egg-laying pains on clomid???


TMR - March 29

ekoorb-79 - sorry to hear your news. don't give up hope. we're all here for you.

trying4pg - I'm happy to report they retrieved 33 eggs!! 26 embroys resulted. Tomorrow is my transfer. They will only transfer 2 back. And they will let me know if I have any to freeze. I'll post again on Mon - I want to stay relaxed & not think about it too much!!! Thanx for thinking of me.


trying4pg - March 30

Holy omlette TMR - 33 eggs -that's crazy talk. How was the follie check hoping - things going good? Justme - how did things work out for you... Come on ladies - we've got to keep supporting each other - we all wanted to be a part of this thread. Auburn.....Linds....Hannah....Alecia.... I would hate for us to let this thread die out while Ekoorb is away....we can do this! K



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