Feb/March IVFR'S part 3
318 Replies
Tink - February 12

Hey ladies- well my u/s on sat revealed 2 more follies- so 13 now in the running. labs still good. i went again today and here are the sizes- right- 24, 20, 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 11. left is 16, 13, 13, 12, 12. lining is 12.6! yeah. so good progress. however, my RE is really a perfectionist and wants the majority to be at 18. he really watches that a 'crop' can grow together so that he can maximize the number of mature ones to increase the # of good eggs i'll have. so while the waiting is hard, i know it will help me have better results in the end I guess! so i have to go another night on stims tonight. no triggering yet for me. so the earliest my ER would be is thursday now, maybe even friday depending on how things go, but i guess it will be thursday. i go in again tomorrow am. the shots are getting really old. and i am super uncomfortable now and hurting. not fun. hopefully thursday will get here soon. at least that means I'll have a 4 day weekend. if it is on thurs, i'll take thurs and fri off work and relax over the weekend too.


aish - February 12

goof luck Robyn& mega


esmerelda - February 12

thanks ladies.
I think I better just hang on and
hope for the best. At least I
feel a little better, I was feeling
so depressed this morning.
go-go good luck I am sure you
will have good embies for transfer
is this your first IVF this is my
first one. I only had three they
were going to cancel but went
ahead because I was on a max
does of injec. That’s ohe of the
reasons I am so worry about my
beta. I hope u get some good
news soon. Roby good luck at
your appoinment.


Tink - February 12

CMEL- so glad it went well and you got a good count, even better than your previous ones- that is awesome! please keep us posted on your lab reports! 8 fertilized is awesome!! JODY- great for you too- wow, 22! so sorry about only 5 fertilizing, try to think positive, it really is about the quality, not quantity. we are all here for you- don't feel like it is over. hang in there. and i am so envious you don't have to do PIO shots! ;) ROBYN- sorry you had more blood gushes...that just must get so old and annoying. so another week off work and more bedrest? and an august baby! yeah! Janae- sorry the PIO shots are getting to be pain. i am not looking forward to them and my RE insists on them only. no gels or creams! oh well. sorry about DH not being there. just know we are always there in spirit! ;) DCL- we will probably be doing ER on the same day maybe. It is taking longer for me than I thought, but I think it is just my RE making sure everything is perfect and that we can maxmimize how many are mature. sorry the u/s came back weird. i am guessing it was just an error on their part. just keep thinking positive, you still have lots of time for those follies to grow! i have a few front runners (24, 20 and 16), but the rest are all 13s and 12s. Stacie- glad things are going well for you too! DCL and STacie- are you doing 3 or 5 day tx? we are shooting for a 5 day! KB- welcome back. two broken legs in your group- ouch! so glad your pregnancy is going well! Mega- gl on your appt today! JB- i am thinking of you today and wishing you good thoughts on your TX!!!!! sticky vibes!! Esm- i have read on another board that the dollar store tests are not good at all. One girl got a BFN on the dollar store version, but a BFP on the digital EPT. you still have time, don't rush it and try and wait it out and keep busy. good luck!!


KBinParis - February 12

Mega, all the very best of luck for your u/s today!


cmelissa - February 12

Gogo - i always feel the same way and i'm worried my eggs arent good quality either - my dh always says we are doing what we can do so we have to stay positive!! So you are doing a day 3 cool!! I hope i have at least 2 for Wednesday and possibly 3!!! Its supposed to snow here tomorrow night!! Also my car wouldnt start today - so annoying! Stacie sounds like things are moving along nicely for you!! Let us know how tomorrow goes - when is the tentative ER? Stacie i cancelled my check up today b/c i had a meeting i couldnt miss, plus i feel much better so didnt feel it was necessary! Unsure how many they will be implanting - they have been calling my dh with the daily reports and he isnt telling me as it stresses me out and makes me worry, haha! JB - good luck tomorrow - how many are they transferring?? Yeah my shot in the butt last night hurt like crap, hate doing those! Stacie thats so funny dh let you give him a shot - my dh wouldnt let me try it on him, haha! KB thanks for the well wishes! Esmerelda isnt it too early to test?? Mega - let us know how your appt goes today - hope the spotting is nothing - i'm sure everything is fine!! Thinking of you too! Tink great # of follies and your lining looks great!! well i will check in later to see how Robyn and Mega your appts went!!


barzee - February 12

esmerelda- I did the same thing my last cycle. The 2 week wait is torture- when I called my nurse and told her, she got mad at me. She said there are reasons why we tell you not to test.
Aish- Where are you in your cycle?
Are you on the BCP?
I started mine last Thursday. I hope this month goes by fast. I never though that I would say this....but I cant wait to start my meds. :)
Good Luck to everyone this week- there are exciting things going on. Please keep me updated. We need more good news on this site.


Mega - February 12

Esmerelda--Hang in there. As Robyn said, you're still very early to test. Try to wait it out, at least a few more days. Feeling like AF is coming can be a very good sign, I agree with Gogo. I've felt like AF was coming as late as 6 weeks into this pg. The beta wait is a definite mind-game. Just do what you can to wait it out. Gogo, I'm so sorry that the clinic won't even grade for quality under 6 embies. How frustrating to not know what's going on. You're so close to their cut off point though too. Grrr. Robyn--Good luck today at your appt. So are you doing the level 2 u/s today? I just skimmed briefly but I saw someone mentioned that you're close to the cut off point for getting that one done. Good luck! Update us when you can. Well for my update--the bean is doing great. I'm 8 weeks 4 days. The bean's h/b is 182 BPM, which I'm thrilled about. The due date is: Sept. 22nd, 2007. DCL--I read about your follie confusion. But still, a lot can happen from now until the ER, the smaller guys (gals) will have plenty of time to play catch up. I think your e2 level yesterday is very good. You don't want it to go too high too fast. That's not good either. That's good that your follies will have a few more days to grow, grow, grow. And grow, grow, grow they will. YAY! Baby--You're off to a fantastic start, grow follies grow! KB--Yikes, 2 friends ended up with a broken leg skiing huh?! Ouch! Bad luck. Glad you got company though, too bad it had to be the ouchy way though.


cmelissa - February 12

Mega - so glad your appt went well!! Wow already 8 weeks, thats fantastic!! So Sept 22nd is the big day!!! Congrats again glad to know the h/b is nice and strong too!!!


esmerelda - February 12

barzee: did u test early and get a negative,
did u retest again the day of or before beta?
please let me know.
Also do you get beta results on the same
day? I have a hair appt on Saturday I will
have my cell. But I prefer for them to leave
me a message at home. I can only handle
a positive on my cell. Negative just leave
me a voicemail. Maybe I will call the
clinic and ask. Hope to hear ya, baby dust


Tink - February 12

Mega- so glad you heard a strong h/b. 8 weeks along- that is awesome!!! esmerelda, hang in there, i know the wait must be torture, i've survived a year's worth on other treatments/IUIs, but i know the IVF 2WW will be a true test! i am going to do my best not to test until the day before my beta, so at least I can prepare myself either way. well got a call from the RE- same dose for tonight, i go in tomorrow, but she said I WILL TRIGGER tomorrow night. so ER on thursday for me. yeah! so i get a 4 day weekend to relax after it, which is nice. My ET will hopefully be next Tuesday, since we are shooting for a 5 day. i am talking to my follies and telling them to grow, grow, grow and be good quality!! lol


DCL - February 12

Hi ladies - I am getting very anxious about tomorrow's u/s. I hope they cooperate and show up on the u/s fine. I am not super bloated yet so maybe I don't have much action going on in there. I honestly thought by now I wouldn't be earing my everyday clothes. Tink - I think you and I will be on the same day but I think your follies are growing a bit more than mine. Cmel - not sure if they are doing 3 or 5 day. I think they said a 3 day awhile back was most common but note sure yet. Great news Mega!!!! Robyn - how did today go? Any updates Baby? Good luck JB!!!


DCL - February 12

Tink - are you currently feeling really bloated? I don't feel super bloated and think I don't much going in there. I want tomorrow morning to come quick so that I can have a better understanding as to what is going on. Can I ask is there a difference with a 3 day or 5 day? Is a 5 day better? I probably should have asked more questions but there is just so much to take in with IVF and my brain is not functioning well these days... Have a great night - yeah 24 is back on. Can't wait to see what Jack Bauer is up to tonight? Have a nice evening all!


barzee - February 12

esmerelda- remember everyone is different.
My nurse said she has seen a lot of false negatives. I took 3 tests and they came out negative and so was my beta. PLEASE dont let that disocurage you keep thinking positive.


KBinParis - February 12

DCL, the difference between 2 or 3 or 5 day transfers is that the embies mature more as the days go by. However, there might also be a risk that some embies do not make it to day 5 but if they do, there is a better chance of implantation by then. I had 3 embies transferred at day 2 so they were very young. I was concerned at the time that they were too young but that turned out to be irrelevant since two implanted. To summarise, day 5 embies (or blastocysts as they are called at this stage) have a much higher chance of implanting compared to day 2 embies. Most REs tend to only transfer 2 blastocysts due to the high chance of implantation. Hope this helps.


Tink - February 12

DCL- yes, super crampy for me today. tonight is my 9th night on the stims. my dress pants I am wearing are getting tighter as the day goes on. i can't wait to get home. i am not feeling hot either, crampy, back ache etc. as for the 3 vs 5 day tx.....my lab does 5 day. well their goal is to do the 5 day. both can have good results and i haven't read any data showing one better than the other yet, but i think many labs are starting to move to the 5 day. i heard that on day 3, the egg etc. would be in your tube, not your uterus, in a natural cycle. so putting an embie back in the uterus at that stage isn't what would be happening at that point in time naturally. but by day 5, it would be in your uterus, so putting it there is just like it would be if it happened naturally timing wise. that is the only real difference i heard for benefits. I know my lab said if you don't have very many embies or they are poor quality, then they will consider doing a 3 day tx, since htey don't want to risk waiting til day 5 and then perhaps none of the embies make it in the lab and then you have nothing to tx. so i think that is how my lab does it and decides which day it will be. i hope that helps and makes sense. I think the medical world could argue both ways.



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