Feb/March IVFR'S part 3
318 Replies
Tink - February 12

DCL- yes, super crampy for me today. tonight is my 9th night on the stims. my dress pants I am wearing are getting tighter as the day goes on. i can't wait to get home. i am not feeling hot either, crampy, back ache etc. as for the 3 vs 5 day tx.....my lab does 5 day. well their goal is to do the 5 day. both can have good results and i haven't read any data showing one better than the other yet, but i think many labs are starting to move to the 5 day. i heard that on day 3, the egg etc. would be in your tube, not your uterus, in a natural cycle. so putting an embie back in the uterus at that stage isn't what would be happening at that point in time naturally. but by day 5, it would be in your uterus, so putting it there is just like it would be if it happened naturally timing wise. that is the only real difference i heard for benefits. I know my lab said if you don't have very many embies or they are poor quality, then they will consider doing a 3 day tx, since htey don't want to risk waiting til day 5 and then perhaps none of the embies make it in the lab and then you have nothing to tx. so i think that is how my lab does it and decides which day it will be. i hope that helps and makes sense. I think the medical world could argue both ways.


GoGo Trigger - February 13

Hi guys...DCL, don't worry about not having bloating, enjoy it, rofl! I had an E2 level of over 2600 and they retrieved a huge amount of embies, and I was never really bloated until the day before my ER. You WILL NOT fit in your clothes after ER, so enjoy that while it lasts :D I think today was the first day that I could see the swelling go down. But my weight was good...I weighed 2 pounds less than the morning of my ER. so I must be losing water weight or something, I'm sure not exercising!! But everyone's individual, so don't worry about what you are noticing :D I think my RE usually does 3-day transfers, but they wanted to do 5 in my case to increase chances of implantation, but I didn't have enough embies. I think I might even go as high as 4 tomorrow, esp. if there's one that's borderline quality. But that's hoping for a lot, that 4 embies out of 5 are good enough to transfer. I'll be very happy with three. Esmerelda--as for the embies, it takes 3 to 5 days for them to implant after transfer. And then after that it takes some time for the HcG levels to start, and then for them to double. That's a lot of days...if your HcG level is 1, then 2, then 4, then 8, then 16, then 32--that adds up esp. if you implanted on day 5. So there's good reasons not to test up until the day before the beta :D Well guys, I had my pre-transfer acupuncture appointment and will go there again after the transfer tomorrow. Wish me luck :D It will be great to find out all about the embies and what quality they are. I've prepared myself to get some bad news, and I've told myself that this first cycle is the experimental one and that anything we learn this cycle can really help us out with the next one, even if we don't get a growing bean out of it. I figure that's something positive at least too...but God help me if I get a phone call before the transfer saying that the eggs arrested, I will cry...


Katt - February 13

Good evening girls...you do not know me but a great friend of mine comes here all the time and she has asked me to post on her behalf until she can get back next week. She is not feeling up to posting. Everyone send Robyn your prayers! ROBYN SAYS _"We had our appt today with the high risk doctor. There appears to be very little amniotic fluid for the baby to survive at this point. The heart is beating and on the exterior the baby appears to be normal. It is unknown whats going on in the inside of the baby could be the kidneys not forming correctly, genetic, who knows. But we have another appt next monday. If it doesnt look good then our decision will be to terminate the pregnancy as the baby would not survive outside and will probably die soon. My OB called me several times tonite and told me no decisions will be made this week to terminate the pregnancy. If the baby does die this week the umblical cord will collapse and the heart beat will stop. My OB was in complete shock as he and never expected anything like this. He said that there is a slim chance that the fluid can return and things would be ok but as of now its probably not going to happen. ... i will come back next week when i find out stuff and the outcome i just am really upset right now to deal with any thing else. I will be back i promise. Tell everyone i love them all and they have my email address. Take care, Robyn"


GoGo Trigger - February 13

Robin, I'm too stricken and in tears to say anything more than I will get down on my knees right now and pray for you and your baby and son and husband.


barzee - February 13

Does anyone know Robyn's e-mail address?


esmerelda - February 13

I am so sorry to hear about Robyns baby, i am praying for a miracle. May god bless her and her family. she is such a lovely lady.


JB0405 - February 13

MEGA- 8 WEEKS,WOW!! CONGRATS on that and finding the heart beat!! Very strong one at that!
ESME-HOLD ON,DARN IT!!!LOL!! Do I have to come & sit with you everyday to make sure you don't test?!
TINK-ER is fast approaching! Excited?! I hope it works like a charm! You seem to be very positive
CMEL-I don't know how you do it, I would insist on being given the info... I am a need to know kind
of gal, LOL!!! JODY- you are so torn up over missing class, YEAH RIGHT... LOL!!! You are correct,
not everyone has signs or symptoms of pregnancy. I know your situation is frustrating you but try
to relax and remain positive. OMG-ROBYN????!!! WOW, I am so sorry, thanks Katt forletting us know, we
love ROBYN! I have said prayers for her! I feel so selfish talking about myself now but I promised to
share the events of today with all of you... They had me waiting over an hour and 20 minutes in the waiting
area so I fell asleep. They sedated me,it was great! I had 2 great embies transferred with assisting hatching...
when I woke up DH was there, I was happy to see him! He has been telling me to go to bed since we got home BUT
I have been laying on the sofa, VERY COMFY!! The shot went well tonight... In any case, let me go lay in the bed.


isa - February 13

Robyn Prayers and thoughts are with you my girl. I do not have your email address, as i have not been keeping up lately due to my health but happened to come on tonight and noticed no message from you as i was scanning. I read Katt's and I'm glad she posted as i was already worried since it is so unlike you not to post. You have so much strength in you, more than you know and I want you to keep your most positive thoughts alive. Take it easy. Get friends to try and google for specialists that might be able to help you save this pregnancy as there are very good docs around the country that seem to know a lot that our indiv. docs dont know (I see them on health discovery all the time saving "in utero". I wish I knew what else to say but I am now at a loss. Stay close with family and dont worry about us....Love you girl. ISA


isa - February 13

Mega congrats thats fantastic news. I would have been sept 25 if my embies had stuck.


baby1234 - February 13

Robyn--you are in my thoughts and prayers! I am so sorry that you are going through this! I am praying for a miracle for your little bean and sending love and support to you and your family. I am here for you (as we all are) when you are able to talk. Take care and much love. Stacie


baby1234 - February 13

Hi all. I just popped in to quickly check the board. I hope you all are doing well. I think I need to go to bed. I'll check in tomorrow. Stacie


KBinParis - February 13

Katt, thanks for posting on Robyn's behalf. Robyn, sweety, I'm so sorry to hear this. How worrying. We're all reaching out to you right now as we're all in a similar boat. Its so touch and go even one does get pregnant! Praying to whoever might be out there that your bean makes it through this ordeal intact. Take good care of yourself, KB.


KBinParis - February 13

Janae, that's wonderful that you had two good embies transferrred. I hope that they implant really well and that you get a BFP in... how many days? Rest up!


aish - February 13

Hey Robyn....believe in GOD ...He wont harm ur baby ....u will be in my thots ....i hope u will give us good news soon....nothing will happen to ur little baby


KBinParis - February 13

Girls, if you don't mind, I'm going to set up a new thread as a continuation to this one which is now taking ages to load. I'll call it "Feb/March IVFers part 3 (contd.)". See you over there!


JB0405 - February 13

Thanks KB! I find out on the 26th! I realized that the next few weekends are very busy for us. Alex has a performance this weekend, she loves to dance. We are also supposed to have company one day this weekend! I nearly forgot that we are also going out to dinner with my inlaws on Sunday to celebrate my MIL's b'day! Next week friday, my family is coming over for family night esp. because my father will be in town visiting! THEN, the weekend after we are going to Maryland to see our nephew in his high school portrayal of The Wizard of Oz AND then we go to a party to celebrate the birthday of Jeff's FAVORITE cousin... so I will have quite a few things to keep my mind occupied! I hope everyone is in good spirits... ROBYN-I am thinking of you!



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