185 Replies
Lynn - March 31

Hey Nicole, I have not had problems posting but I know Kristie did. I am sorry you are not feeling well. I hope it gets better. I had to take provara before and only had to take 5 pills and then AF showed. Good Luck. Sandra, have fun at your brothers. Are you on holiday to be able to go for a week? It has actually been nice here except today when it rained so hard. I am so hoping AF shows soon. I want to begin injections. I am figuring around April 10th or so. Stephanie, I hope your doing well. I knwo this is all hard but you can do this. You are a strong woman. Kristie, I hope you and Paige are having fun at Nana's. talk to y'all later.


nicole - April 1

thanks for the encouragement. i got 14 pill of provera, 10mg. hope i only need a few. husband is calling me a bib baby. wish they knew what it was like to have PMS.(won't that be the day) HAHA. Enjoy your weekend all.


Lynn - April 1

Nicole, I hope it works for you after a few pills. Keep us posted.


sandra - April 1

hi, going away later today, Nicole I have not had any problems posting. Hope things get better for you now. Lynn - I am self employed accountant. I work for myself , mostly from home so I can basically take holidays when I want. Kids have also finished school for 2 weeks for Easter holidays. Stephanie - hang in there!! As Lynn said - you're a tough cookie. Kristie - how goes it? Hope Nana is feeling better. Have a great weekend Ya Ya's


Lynn - April 1

Sandra...have fun. We are off school from April 14th - April 23rd for Easter. I am so looking forward to a break from teaching. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Dh is off until Tuesday so not sure if I will post much this weekend. check back later.


Stephanie - April 3

YA YA...hi girls....I HAVE had some trouble clue came last night....Benjamin Robert, 8lbs 10oz, 22inches....beautiful, and they had me video tape it......UGH!!!!!! Oh well, sucks, but I will get through.....Nicole, sorry about that kidney thing, those really hurt....Sandra have a good holiday......Kristie your pic is great.....I have a folder with all the photos of you all, YA YA it, puts me in a better mood when I need signs of ovu this month yet for me......get back to you all soon, busy busy busy...YA YA


Lynn - April 3

Hey YA, YA's.......nothing new here. Cd 23 and waiting for AF. I never thought I would be waiting for her. I am just wanting to move onto injections again. Stephanie.....sorry you had to video, hopefully it was not the birth. I went to a birthday party yesterday. She turned 1. It was kind of hard. My mom told me to let go because the jealous feeling will eat me alive. I understand what she is saying but.....sometimes you just cannot. Anyway. check back again tomorrow.


Stephanie - April 4

YA YA....Lynn it was was the actual birth they made me video, she thought I would just be more than happy to do it.......and she really believes that ( my sister in law).....she thinks because her brother may never get to experience that with me, that her giving birth is the closest he will ever get.....killed me, really hurt me deeply....but, what could I do, say no? Awful made me physically ill......Great Grammy was there to witness the birth, because "I am old and I will never get to see another one" broke my heart, she has totally given up on me having a baby........I just kept thinking "How can these people NOT know that this is killing me?" Whatever, me being selfish again I guess.....hubby says to me on way home for the birth, wow, she seemed to have no trouble, made it look easy, guess we know what to do when we have one.....UGHHHHHHHH are you kidding me? First of all, everyone is different, second, I have been through it before, he hasn' just made me feel awful......having a bad day....can't get it off my mind......I know people aren't intentionally trying to hurt me, but GOD people...get a frigin clue!!!!!!!!!! No mucous again for me this month....ordering preseed this week for next cycle....HELL, I can't even tell what day I am on, that may be a good thing.....too much stress in my life and most of it is all baby girl has a 3rd grade music concert tonight, so that will be good, I love those...something funny always to ya all later...sorry for the negative...YA YA


NICOLE - April 4



NICOLE - April 4



Lynn - April 5

Sorry I did not post. What a day yesterday was.......I turned 38, UGH!!!!! depression for my age and being stressed did I wait too long to have baby. Dh brough a dozen of roses and balloons to school today to surprise me. Boy was I caught....he never does anything like that. Then to top it off, it was kindergarten registration and I had to return back to school from 7pm-9pm. Busy, Busy. Cd 25 and nothing to report. I just want AF to show so I can begin injections. ...Ya, Ya Stephanie....I AM SO SORRY FOR WHAT YOU HAD TO TAPE!!!!!!!!!!! I understand why you did it but I have to are one stong lady to do that. I could NOT do something like that and honestly with all the ill comments....I would have had to shoot off my mouth. I would not have been nice to all those RUDE comments. Need to vent, girl, you can do it here. Nicole, glad you only had to take 4 pills. Maybe it was one its way and you just helped it along faster. Kristie and Sandra...hope you girls are doing good.


Lynn - April 6

hi, hope everyone is doing well.


Kristie - April 7

testing post


Kristie - April 7

LYNN HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY sorry I haven't been able to post I had a story book written the other day and when I hit submit it would not post UGHHHHHH.... Anyway Steph sorry to hear you had to go through all of that I swear I had a sister and sister in law have babies in the past few years and I had to put on the non jealous happy was tough... I would feel their baby kick and move while they were pregnant and the worse part of being around pregnant people is when they don't want to be pregnant and say it ans there I would sit wishing I could swap places with them. Sandra hope things are well with you and Nicole how's the pills working? When I was trying to get preg for Paige they put me on those but nothing happen for me it was 2 years before I got preg but everyone is diffrent. When I got preg for Paige I had been on birth control and did not go pick them up that week because I had been working out of town and didn't have time to get them and assumed I couldn't get preg anyway so I never picked them up. Nana is doing better she has all of ya'lls name written down to pray over even when she goes to her weekly prayer class she brings ya'lls name to the calss and has everyone pray over them. I don't know if ya'll have ever heard of Jessie Duplantis. He is a Cajun Christian Preacher and comes on the Christian channel every week well Nana sent ya'lls names to him to pray over also. She done the same for me. He is affiliated with Pat Robertson and joyce Myers so that is very powerful. I had a doctor appt on tues and everything is going great I have put on 41 lbs and have 5 weeks to go Me and MiKayla are doing fine I am just ready to push her out... Well I need to go get ready to take Paige to the bus and run some errands so I will chat with ya'll later......have a Good Day YAYAYA"S


Lynn - April 7

Kristie...Thanks for B-Day wishes. It was hard turning 38 and no child to speak of. It is nice to hear Nana and her group is praying for us. I only hope the power of prayer helps. Yeah, I am glad it is almost time to meet MiKayla. I am so excited to see her. Don't forget pictures after you all get settled. Is Paige excited? I am sure your life will change a little. Tell Nana I said hello and thank-you for prayers. Keep us posted on appointments. Are you going weekly now?


Kristie - April 8

I will start going weekly after my next appt. As it gets closer and I get bigger it gets very difficult to do anything. I've been getting heartburn now for 3 days straight and my legs cramp at night. but it's going to be all worth it. Paige is getting very excited she even says she will take a shift at getting up with her at night. The way it looks now her last day of school falls around my due date so we won't be having to get up and go to the bus every morning. I'll have a few months of getting adjusted to the baby before we start the school stuff again. Paige had her last softball game at the school last night she is thinking about playing for the town we live in. She just thinks it will interfere with when we have the baby I think she has to have her mind made up on that soon. Well I guess I am fixing to go finish repotting some of my plants we just had about a 10 minute rain shower here (the first time we have had rain in 65 days) We been having to water our garden every day but it is paying off I saw we had our first tomato today on one of our plants. I can't wait for it to start producing home grown veggies......



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