Deviated and Retroverted Uterus, need answers
5 Replies
SaintRose83 - August 23

My doc has figured out the cause of my repeat mc's, due to bilateral hydrosalpinx ( fluid in tubes toxic to embryos) but as I was reviewing my medical records the HSG said that I had a deviated uterus to the left and also it was retroverted as well! The fallopian tubes were open though. So the doc never commented on the deviated and retroverted uterus. I was planning on removing tubes and doing IVF. Now I read this. What are the complications of deviated and retroverted uterus.


Lissa_ - August 23

good question. My uterus is also retroverted. Hope someone comes along with wisdon soon!


ROBYN - August 23

I have a retoverted uterus and am currently 12 weeks pregnant with IVF i have no problems whatsoever and once you hit 12 weeks with the retroverted uterus it moves pretty much forward. The only issues i have had were doctors not knowing i had this and not being able to locate the baby but once they knew it they found it with no problem.


SaintRose83 - August 23

Robyn.... what do you mean once you hit 12 weeks it moves foward... what happens be4 12 weeks that is complicated, just locating the baby?


Sianna - August 24

Hi Saint, I wouldn't worry too much about this unless your doc has mentioned something. The reason I say this is cuz my uterus is tipped to the right (deviated?) cuz I have a unicornuate uterus. Which basically is a smaller misshaped uterus. From what I have read it is usually shaped somewhat like a banana, which makes sense to me why it would be tipped to the right. It is more common for the uterus to be tipped forward or back though. I actually know people with this and they all have had babies. As for mine, my doc seems to think the misshaped uterus will not be a problem and the tech told me that the position of it will not matter either. Doc hasn't said anything about there being a problem with it being tipped to the right, so I am thinking is doesn't matter, especially since I am ttc through IUI. Good luck and ask your doc about it, so he can help clear things up and ease your mind. Take Care


ROBYN - August 24

STROSE - I googled retroverted uterus in pregnancy - A retroverted uterus generally does not affect a woman's pregnancy. After about 12 weeks of pregnancy the uterus has grown with the baby, up and out of the pelvis, like any other pregnancy. From this point on it sits in exactly the same position as a uterus that started off being anteverted.
Yes to your question if a doctor doesnt know your uterus is retroverted they will look for the baby in the normal place where the uterus should be but once they know where to look there isnt a problem locating the baby. When i was released from my RE to my OB a few weeks ago he did my u/s and he said ok i know theres a baby in there i cant find it so another OB came in and said i bet her uterus is retroverted and she found the baby in 2 seconds.



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