Day 21 test--Part 3
531 Replies
Mega - September 7

Good morning! Thank you so much for the thoughts, well wishes & prayers for me & my babies! There were only 2 that made it to blast on Tuesday which was perfect, since we were only going to tx 2 anyway. They were leaving the others out though to grow a little more in hopes that a few more might make it to that stage & then they'd freeze them too. I have a pic. of the embies, which if the test comes back + I'll make photocopies for the grandparents and maybe frame them. Actually I just thought that up now as I'm posting to you! One is a little bigger than the other, one is about the size of a quarter, the other is about the size of nickle or so. Very cute IMO though. Listen to the proud mommy! So how have you been the past few days? How's Hunter's school year going so far? Were you off earlier this week? Or will you be off any this weekend since you were working Labor Day? Oh, get this. Guess when our beta is scheduled for? Sept. 18th. Derr & I have been married 2 years on that day! Good omen for a beta day, I hope!


cw - September 7

well congrats on your "babies"!! how was the transfer? was it painful? i know that you are glad that it is over. did you relax on yoru 2 days off? hopefully you had dh pamper you for a couple of days. how do you feel now? did they give you any suggestions on what to eat or anything like that? i am just FULL of questions today arent i? LOL i feel like i have gone through it too :) i think that is a great idea with the pics for the grandparents!! i am sure that they would love it. nothing is going on with me. i thought i was Oing b/c i wa having tugging on my left side but the opk only had a very faint line??? who knows :) hunter is loving school and football. his first game is on sat. we have a big pep rally friday night so that should be alot of fun!! afre you back at work today? or still relaxing? i am actually off until monday! i am not sure what to do with myself!! lol


Mega - September 7

Wow, off til Monday, that's great. I'm at work, but I'll only have a 2 day work week so that's fine by me! :) I did relax on Tues & Wed, just took it completely easy. I can eat like a regular old pg woman, no real restrictions except for the typical 2 ww no-nos. The transfer didn't hurt per se, a little pressure no real cramping. The valium helped the cause though. :) Yummy valium. I'm trying to ignore signs/symptoms since they're mainly all Progesterone caused anyway (including vivid dreams!) but I did get a quick digging twinge today that fingers' crossed could be implantation which with a blast tx is possible b/c blast is the stage before implantation. But then it could be a zillion other things but that's my favorite theory. You might not be ready to O quite yet but the crampy feeling could be an egg growing getting ready for the big O. Keep on keeping on with the OPKs & also maybe start BD now just in case. Is Scott up to that yet? What am I saying, he's a guy, a broken finger won't stop him from BDing. :) LOL! Your SA isn't til next week right? Hunter's 1st football game. How exciting! Aw a pep rally, too cute!!!


cw - September 7

i like your theory! lets stick to that :) i just got back from shopping with mom. nothing special just walmart, but it was nice. i am enjoying being off for a few days and i actually have ALL weekend off which is really rare for me. it will be nice to laze around and not have a whole lots that i have to do. hunt is really looking foward to the PEP rally . i just bought blue paint to do his mohawk with (his colors are blue and gold) so he is excited!! well i am off to pick him up. i will post when i get back!! i hope you are still taking it easy and sitting alot today and tomorrow!!!


Mega - September 7

Awww, now that's too too cute, a blue mohawk! Such team spirit. Good team colors. Shopping with your mom sounds like a fun way to spend a day off. I'm so glad you've got the whole weekend to relax, what a nice mini-break for you. Needed I'm sure. I'm not doing much tonight. Maybe cooking. Maybe ordering out. Probably ordering out! LOL! Indian food sounds so good now. We have a busy but fun weekend planned. Our friends Tara & Aaron are getting married on Sat., Derrick is in the wedding. We have the rehersal dinner tomorrow night. I have to go wedding gift shopping on Sat., I'd planned orignially to do it Friday but I'm working tomorrow instead then I'll go to the rehersal dinner right afterwards. Well work wise I was useless tomorrow though I have a ton to do. So I guess I'll just buck up then. Have a great night.


cw - September 8

goodmorning!! how are you today? i dont have much time but i wanted to check in and say hi!! dh is off today as well and we are going to the movies this afternoon after we have his stitches taken out. it should be a fun day today!! your weekend sounds really fun. enjoy the wedding and the distraction of teh 2ww!! i will try and check in later today but if not have a happy and safe weekend and i will talk to you on monday.


Mega - September 8

Hi! Sounds like a nice day planned today. What movie are you guys planning on seeing? Have fun! Thanks! Yes the wedding should be a lot of fun, looking foward to it. I LOVE other peoples' weddings. Thanks, you guys have a fun, safe weekend too. Enjoy your time off from work! Hope Hunter's team wins tomorrow. Talk atcha later! TGIF!!!


Mega - September 11

Hi, how was your weekend off? Did you enjoy the movie on Friday? How'd Scott's dr's appt. go? The wedding was very nice. The bride said she had a lot of fun. Most brides say they didn't enjoy their own wedding at all. Sad! Mine was in Vegas though so I did have fun but it was a blur for me. I'm hanging in there during the 2 ww, but barely. :) I'm overemotional these days, hopefully due to HCG rising but I fear it could just be hormonal shot over load catching up. But I'm starting to get the very occasional mentstrual like backache so I'm hoping that's a + sign. Derr thinks I'm pg & most of the time I think so too. But other times doubt creeps in which I'm sure is totally normal. Very annoying though. Well just one more week to go. Yay! So did Hunter win his game on Saturday? Did you catch your surge on the OPK yet? Hope you did some BD! Isn't your DH scheduled for an SA this week? When is that appt? Good luck!


cw - September 12

goodmorning girl!! well this will be a short post but i wanted to say hi and let you know that i am thinking about you during your 2ww!! just think only 6 more days to go!!! i am so excited for you! i think that all of your twinges and emotional episodes are a good thing!! thats the way that i am going to look at it :) is anything else going on? as for me i never got a full blown surge so i am going to assume that once again i didnt O. we still have to do the SA so until i get a number back on that i am not goingto stress about me Oing. i know that femara can work so i can always go back to that of need be! well have a great day and i will post back tonight!!!


Mega - September 12

Good morning! Thanks. I hope they're good signs. As you said I'll find out in 6 more days! :) That sounds like a good plan, waiting til you get the SA results back before worrying about your lack of O. As you said you've responded very well to Femara so that's a good thing. Are you still on that higher dose of Synthyroid though? Well have a good day at work. Talk atcha later!


cw - September 13

hey girl!! hows your day going? i am off for the rest of the day!! yay!! it is so nice to actually have a few min by myself. :)how are you doing? you are on what day of your 2ww?? i cannot wait till your beta. are you going to test before? do you have a gut feeling now? i am so excited for you!!!!!!!


Mega - September 13

Hey! That's nice that you got out a bit early today. Going to run errands or anything fun while Hunter is at practice this PM? I'm 8 dp 5 dt (or 13 DPO) today. Gut feeling not really, but very encouraged by a lot of weird but seem to be common signs. A couple things I've never had before. But it's so hard to tell what's being caused by the prog. shots & what could be pg induced. That's the tough part. Things taste off, the freezer smells so bad to me (never really annoyed me before) things like that. I just hope I'm not reading too much into things. I'm definitely reading too much of the 2WW website though. LOL! I won't POAS per se, though I might do an OPK test strip this weekend just to prep myself. DH & I almost got into a fight when I mentioned doing a HPT pre beta. And the funny thing is I don't typically believe in them at all. That's how desparate to know I'm becoming. Oh well I'll have my test 1st thing Monday AM, so it'll happen soon enough. Anything new with you? When's Scott's SA appt?


cw - September 13

i would be going insane myself if i were you!! just remember that you can vent here :) we were going to try and do a sa this week and just realized that it is almost over!! lol i guess we will try next week. i am off on monday so maybe i could "run" it over there! i am just so nervous to know the results. but we have to get it done to prepare for step 2 if need be. i think that some of the symptoms that you are having maybe possibly be prego symptoms!! i have everything crossed for you in case!! i cant wait till monday! i would have to do a test i think but that is just me and it is easier to say that when it is not my outcome. well off to the grocery store!! i love my life :)


Mega - September 13

Oh yes, I'm definitely going insane! I might take you up on the venting offer. :) Thanks, I hope you're right about them being true signs. We'll see. The cramping/pressure has abated some today (though not gone totally) which I'm hoping is b/c the implanting is just about finished up. But the pulling hasn't really abated so that's good. I get a lot of feeling on my left which is where I mainly O'ed but I'm feeling my right more now as well so hopefully that mean's it's more than just residual pain from over stimming. Here's hoping! Going nutso, see?! Any way Scott could take his lunch hour & do the SA on the premises so they'd get a "fresher" sample? Maybe next week? Good luck. I know it's scary but you're right, you have to know so you can prep for step 2 IF need be. Which hopefully it won't be needed, hopefully Clomid is doing the trick. Ive got body parts crossed for you guys too. Have a great night. Happy food shopping. I'm about to do that myself. Yippee yay!


Mega - September 17

Hi. I hope you had a nice weekend. I imagine you worked most of it, right? How's Hunter's football games going so far? Any this weekend? Well thanks for all your confidence & well wishes. I did something bad, I POAS. DH said he didn't care if I did it as long as I don't put a lot of faith in it, easier said than done. Esp. since I got a BFN. Needless to say I'm pretty bummed. But I did it so I could prep myself, you know. But that said, I was VERY confident I'd see those alledged 2 lines I've heard so much about & dream about seeing in person one day. So I fear I'm out. But I'm definitely going to do the PIO shot tonight & go to my beta tomorrow. So please pray the HPT test is wrong & I actually will get my BFP tomorrow. DH still has faith, wish I did. But still there are tons of stories out there with - HPTs & a + beta, but considering I'm 18 DPO I find it hard to believe a HPT wouldn't have picked it up by now. But we'll see. Otherwise, I think I'll jump right back on that horse & do a FET. There are lots less drugs involved, it's less time consuming and I do have several fert. eggs in the freezer I could use. We'll see. I'll post an update when I know for sure though.


cw - September 18

mega--- i am sorry but keep in mind that it could wrong. teh blood test are WAY more sensitive then the hpts. it is NOT over for you just yet. ALSO this is only your 1st cycle and like you said you have more eggs left over so it is not like starting completely over. half of your work is done :) BUT that being said dont give up all hope just yet. God has a plan for you and i really believe that it involves little babies! maybe not this month but keep the big picture in focus (thats what i have to do) i have been thinking and praying for you all weekend. i am off today so i will be checking in all day!! GOOD LUCK and lot of PRAYERS with you today!!



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