Day 21 test--Part 3
531 Replies
cw - August 30

WOW 23!! and you were nervous on how you would respond!! i am so happy for you!! you so deserve this!! if the ER is scheduled for tomorrow when will the transfer be? i cant wait to see how many mature!! this is so exciting! well the surgery went fine. the put 2 screws in and bandaged him all up. he is all set. hunter is finally over most of his cough. now we are just running ragged to and from football. i didnt even sit down last night until 9 pm. thank goodness this is only 10 weeks!! i am off again today. i actually had to work yesterday so i will be around cleaning!!


Mega - August 30

Yup, well 23 give/take, most of those are mature, some are borderline but I'm cautiously optimistic most of those will make it too. I know, I really was worried about my response. Sounds funny now, huh?! I guess I just needed the right drug. If I ever do injectibles again I'll insist on Follistim & only Follistim. The plan as it stands now is to do a 3 day transfer, which will be Sunday then. BUT they did say in class that if we get a large # of fertilized eggs and they keep dividing well, they may let them continue on to the day 5 blast stage, but only if they're 110% sure there will definitely be a couple that will survive that long. So a blast transfer won't be til next Tues. I won't know what day the tx will be til Sat. at the earliest, perhaps won't know til Sun if by some chance they decide to do a blast tx. Having it done on Sun. is nice b/c I'm off on Monday for labor day, an extra day to laze around, take it easy (as my clinic requires) & day 3 tx do have a nice success rate. However, a blast tx is risky b/c embryos do better inside the uterous than the lab so you lose more waiting for blast BUT it does carry a higher implantation rate for those that do survive. On the IVF board the 2 blast tx ladies both got their BFPs recently & very high beta #'s. There's another woman who is having her beta on Friday, fingers' crossed she'll get her BFP too. I'll take Wed. off too though if I do a blast tx on Tues., that way I'll take it easy a little longer than the required 24 hours. My dr isn't strict on bed rest, but I do have to laze around, though I can go up & down stairs, sit on the couch etc. I can deal with 24+ hours of lazing around watching TV, reading and NOT feeling an ounce of guilt. Tee hee hee. So I'll keep you posted. I'm so glad Scott's surgery went well. 2 screws, ouch. So they leave them in permantly, right? I'm glad Hunter's cough is much better too. Good, both your boys are on the mend. Though Scott's will be a slower go, I'm sure. Geez, 10 weeks of running you ragged huh?! Wow! 2 of those weeks are passed, right? Just 2 more months to go??? Enjoy your day off today!


cw - August 30

oh my gosh! i didnt realize that it could be this early!! wow i am blown away at all of this. have you decided how many you want them to transfer? wouldnt it be great if you ended up with your twins??? i really am so excited for you. yes i am enjoying it today although i have alot to get done. i am going tot ry and pick hunt up alittle early so he will have more time before football practice and maybe we can get his homework done before hand so he can relax when we get home. i meant to ask you how your dh was holding up with all of this. when does he make his donation?


Mega - August 30

Once the IVF cycle gets moving things move fast, it's the building up to that part that sucks. Well that & the 2 WW of course! At my age, my clinic prefers to tx just 2, if there were a few of lower quality though then they might consider tx more than 2, but I'd much prefer tx 2 of high/higher quality of course b/c the odds are higher. So most likely we'll just tx 2, oh that would be WONDERFUL if they both implanted. Seems like the odds of twins are higher when implanting 3 but I don't want to risk trips either. :) But yes, twins are quite likely with just 2. Yay! I hope your plan works out & you get to pick up Hunter a little earlier today. I'm sure he needs time to chill before they run him ragged during football practice. Derrick is holding up pretty well overall I think. I asked him last night if he was getting excited now & he said yes. When I asked him if he was excited when we were about to start stims he said no. He doesn't complain but I don't think he likes giving me shots very well & I know he's dreading the PIO shots almost as much as I am. Sometimes it's easy to forget how much this affects the male partner too. Which is sad really. But he's confident this will work which is good. I hate to think about how much a BFN would hurt him though. Well I can't focus on that right now. He'll be making his donation over in the other building at the same time I'm having the retrival. Kind of stinks that he won't be in the same room as me during that time but honestly he probably doesn't need to see the retrival anyway + hopefully I'll be asleep during it anyway. They give what's called consicous sedation which means I might fall asleep but I'll still be able to respond to instructions such as move up the table a little bit, shift to your right, etc...I really hope I do end up falling asleep though. I'm not squemish by any means but I really hope I can't feel how the collect the eggs. :) Y'ouch! I'll get a valium ahead of time though which will be nice & relaxing esp. on an empty stomach. And DH will be allowed to be with me in the recovery suite afterwards & I think he'll be allowed in the room during the transfer too. Which is appropriate that he be there during the conception phase, no?!!!


cw - August 30

well i will keep my fingers crossed about his donation and that it will be very active and cooperating! :) i am with him on feeling positive i really feel like this is going to work for you this time. i agree with you on the # to transfer. it seems like a safe bet esp since you would love twins anyway. just think this time next week it should all be over :) nothing new with me. i guess i should be Oing sometime in the next couple of days or so but i havent really even thought to keep track of it this time. i feel like my body is totally off and it will take me forever to get it back. we are going to do another s/a sometime the middle of sept and see where we stand with that. it has been since the end of may so that should have been plenty of time for the clomid to work i would think. i will be really nervous for that. i am scared if it is still zero that it may never come back. i think that is why i keep putting it off, but we have to know. all signs pointto improvement though... his "boys" are twice the size they were and he def. has his desire probably too much at times!! lol at least i have you to focus on right now!!! i have to run and check homework before we leave for practice. i will try and check back before we go!! if not have a great night and good luck tomorrow i will bethinking about you and post when you can!!!


Mega - August 30

Thanks! I'll probably post on Fri. after I have the fert. report back. I think I need to just rest up tomorrow, take it easy. You're right, it will all be done with this time next week, well except the 2 WW. Thanks for your + attitude, I certainly will try to be pos. too but I feel I need to prepare myself as well, if it is BFN this time I still have several tries left. But right now I'm just focusing on the ER, then the ET...Baby steps. I think you have every reason to be encouraged by Scott's desire returning & the fact that his boys are bigger! Excellent signs that things are improving. Is he taking his Clomid everyday like a good boy? There are other things to try too, HCG shots, injectibles like Repronex or Follistim, so even if the SA isn't as stellar as you'd hope it doesn't mean all is lost when it comes to TTC #2. Hopefully though mid-Sept. will bring ++ news to both of us. Are you still tracking your O with OPKs though? Have a good night, good luck with the homework watch! LOL!!!


Mega - August 31

Okay I just wanted to update ya quickly, they retrived 24 eggs today! So now let's see how many fertilize. I'll get that report tomorrow. Fertilize little eggies fertilize! Okay, I'm a little sore now so I'm signing off. Talk to ya later. Hope you have a great night!!!


cw - September 1

WOW congratulations mega!! that is GREAT news! i am glad that it all went smoothly and i will be praying for your "babies" today!! post back when you can and take it easy and rest :) i am so happy for you!


Mega - September 1

Good Morning! Thanks, your prayers worked. They ICSIed 19 of the 24 eggies (b/c 19 of them were mature) & 15 fertilized. They automatically--per clinic procedure--froze 7 of those fertilized eggs & left 8 out to divide. I'll get a call Sunday AM either saying come to the hospital now for a day 3 tx or telling me they've decided to go ahead with a blast tx so I should come to the hospital on Tuesday. We won't know the plan til Sunday. I'm feeling okay today, a little bloaty which my nurse said will only get worse, with Tuesday being the worst of it. Oh goody! But that still leaves plenty of eggies to work with I think. And I knew not all the ICSIed eggs were fertilize, so I think just losing 4 along the way isn't bad. So now I just wait on pins & needles wondering how my babies are dividing! Divide embies divide!!! I'm here at work today, I'm hoping though my boss gives us a 1/2 day b/c of Labor Day weekend, she usually does. Do you have big plans for the weekend? How's the patient doing?


Mega - September 3

Hope your Labor Day weekend is going well & you're having FUN. Any picnics or anything? My holiday just got extended. I got the call this AM, that of our 8 embies 5 of them are 8-cells, 1 6-cell, & 2 4-cell, so with the 5 8-cells we meet the blast tx criteria. Yay! That's what we were hoping for actually b/c it seems to carry slightly higher odds of implantation. In fact the blast stage is the stage the embies go thru right before implantation. Anyway the tx will happen bright & early Tues AM. They want that many 8-cells b/c not all embies will make it to that stage but the stronger ones will definitely so they'll just tx like 2 of those stronger ones. Just wanted to update you. Take care! Talk to you soon...


cw - September 3

WOW that is great news!! i bet you are so excited!! you are really having great results with tehy whole process!! i dont want to get your hopes up but it seems like it has to work!! things are just falling into all the right places for it not to!!! how is yoru dh holding up? is he nervous? so you go in on tuesday morning and have the transfer, how long will that take? are you off on wednesday? mega i am so happy and excited for you. nothing new with me. i still do not think that i have Oed yet, but i havent been keeping track either. i havent had any symptoms yet though. i think that we are going to do another sa on friday morning. i am getting nervous just thinking about it. scott is getting tired of my stalling though so i think that he wants to know. well i have to work today andtomorrow so we are not doing much at all. its ok though we really didnt have anything planned. relax today and tomrrow and get all ready for tuesday!!! i am praying for you :) have agreat day and congratulations on your "babies"


Mega - September 3

Thank you!!! Oh I really hope you're right about the way it's all coming together being a sign of success. The first timers IVF thread I post on as well just had 3 BFPs in a row, so it's really hard not to get optimistic. So we'll see. I'll esp. have my hopes up with the blast tx though, since I've read up to a 70% success rate on that, which is EXCELLENT odds & a big reason we were praying for a blast tx. So hopefully my "babies" will continue to do well in that incubator. I'm sending them lots of loving growth vibes. It's an amazing thought really, thinking about it all. Good luck on Friday. I'll be praying & keep my fingers' crossed that Clomid's been good to Scott. I know how scary the unknown can be, but at least once you know how well the Clomid is working then you can make alternate plans. Or hopefully not need to make alternate plans (HCG, etc). But my point is there are other treatments even IF Clomid isn't working as well as you'd like. But still there's reason for optimism, the signs are there that's its helping. That stinks that you're working today & tomorrow. I can't imagine there are lots of people apartment hunting on Labor Day, I could be wrong though. Yes, I'll be off Tues & Wed., resting, taking it easy. I plan on watching a couple of PPV ondemand movies I've been wanting to see, just treating myself. I've also stocked up on books & word search puzzles. I'm set! I hope you O soon! You're tracking CM at least right? That should be suffcient.


cw - September 5

goodmorning mega!! i just want you to know that i am thinking and praying for you today!!!!!! good luck with everything and post a update when you can! relax and pamper yourself for the next couple of days!! i am sending lots of prayers your way!!!!


cw - September 6

mega i am thinking about you and i hope today went smooth. i have been saying little prayers for you and your babies all day!! post when you can and rest up!!! enjoy these days to pamper yourself! talk to you soon!!


cw - September 7

hey girl!! just thinking about you and sending lots of positive vibes your way! hope everything went well tuesday and cant wait to hear from you!! relax and let those babies do their thing!! :)


Mega - September 7

Good morning! Thank you so much for the thoughts, well wishes & prayers for me & my babies! There were only 2 that made it to blast on Tuesday which was perfect, since we were only going to tx 2 anyway. They were leaving the others out though to grow a little more in hopes that a few more might make it to that stage & then they'd freeze them too. I have a pic. of the embies, which if the test comes back + I'll make photocopies for the grandparents and maybe frame them. Actually I just thought that up now as I'm posting to you! One is a little bigger than the other, one is about the size of a quarter, the other is about the size of nickle or so. Very cute IMO though. Listen to the proud mommy! So how have you been the past few days? How's Hunter's school year going so far? Were you off earlier this week? Or will you be off any this weekend since you were working Labor Day? Oh, get this. Guess when our beta is scheduled for? Sept. 18th. Derr & I have been married 2 years on that day! Good omen for a beta day, I hope!



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