cost to buy firtility drugs
1 Replies
gmh - October 3

Hi, this is my first time and I am looking for information. I have only one ovary and been trying to get pregnant for three years. I have done four IUI and there cost was about $500 a cycle. I am changing in injectable and wondering where to purchase at a reasonable price. My insurance only cover partcial office visit so the majority of the cost is on me. Any help would be appreciated.


Mega - October 3

Hi gmh. I've found the internet pharmacies have pretty competitive rates. I've ordered from Apothecary Shop in AZ and most recently I've been going through Schrafts in New Jersey. You can do a google search and find their websites & phone #'s. I pay for fertility drugs out of pocket with my policy too. It can get quite spendy. Your clinic should be up to date on what the pharmacies are charging these days, they should work with you to get a good deal. Good luck. I hope the injectibles do the trick for you. HTH!



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