Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor PART 2
1080 Replies
TerriT - May 20

Ps to anyone...I am a little crampy..hence the ovulation. We BD this morning..should we do again tonight or wait until tomorrow? I can actually feel the stretchy ovulation cramps..tee hee, that's a first!


TerriT - May 20

Mac~ What's going on with you? Thanks for the support, it is much appreciated! I wish you all the same!To all my fellow teachers, 12 and 1/2 days of school left..whoo hoo!!!!!!


Skylar - May 21

Territ~ when did you O? Did you bd before and on the 2 peak days????


Mac - May 21

Terri, Deanna's plan says bd every second day until o, but if I felt the pains, I think I would get my grove on - wouldn't be able not to!


Mac - May 21

Remembering I am the nice but dim one, please can I have some enlightenment? Obviously I have worked out that bding is making the springs creak and squeak but what does it exactly stand for?


Mac - May 21

Terri, I am on day 15 (8.47am). I have tested this am, but the cbfm is clutching onto to it's little stick for dear life, until DH gets his butt out of bed and disengages it! This is all part of the DH empowerment plan i.e. so he does not feel as if a maching is giving me orders and I am passing them on to him - this way we cut out the middle man and he gets his action orders directly. I think it is giving him more control, but ofcourse he is denying it! I certainly do not feel as if o is on its way - but I am trying to keep my chin up! How did the formal go for your daughter? Oh and give it a rest on the holiday count down please, I have still got 6 weeks to go and then we only get 6 weeks off!!!! You lucky duck you!


Mac - May 21

Talk to me about bathing posting BDing (regardless of what it really means!) Is this a big no, no? Oh and lieing still, how long do you do that for? The whole legs in the air thing and legs against the wall? My DH insists that it is an urbsan myth, an old wives tail, absolutley hilarious, so I am getting ziltch support on that one! My doctor suggested putting a pillow under my hips post bd, has anyone tried this during bd, I did once but dh pulled it out! I need a manual gals, they can shove their Kama Sutra, for sure!!!


Mac - May 21

Sorry for going on a bit, this time difference is mince! I want to talk to someone who understands - now!!!!! Hope you are all having positive mind set days when yours begins!


TerriT - May 21

Mac~ Oh my gosh, you are SO funny:) BD = baby dance:) I have tried the legs up in the air, but I had two children prior to this and legs were never in the air..only during:)haha..They say you shouldn't take baths prior to, just showers, not certain why. And the pillow under the hips, tried it...didn't seem to do much good. My DR said to lie still for atleast 20 minutes afterwards so that everything stays in. Daughter's formal was amazing. She looked stunning and she should have for all the time and money that was spent on the entire thing! So, now we are off to something else! Well, we went out last night because it was a children free zone in our house last night. So, it was late when we came home and we were both very we bd'd at 6:30 this a.m which I am sure was fine still because it was my second egg day when I tested at 5:30. Wish me luck! And, it was very slip slidey...GO EPO!!!!!


TerriT - May 21

Skylar~I O'd on yesterday and today. I felt the cramps last night. We bdtwo days prior to O and on both Peak days. I hope it works!!!!! Babydust! What cd are you on?Good luck with your cycle!How many days till you get out of school?


TerriT - May 21

Mac~ Why such a short vacation for summer break? You need to come to the States and team teach with me:)


TerriT - May 21

Mac~have you had a high reading yet?


Mac - May 21

The cbfm's coat is on a shakey hook! Still no high, looks like this is going to be a very long cycle!! Althought he last two months I have had atleast 5 highs, so maybe, just maybe the mmmachine knows me a bit better now?


mala - May 21

The good thing about being on the second cycle on the monitor is that we have an idea of whats going to happen. You still gotta have patience though. I am on cd 12- another low. What to skip to the egg asap. Mac - I agree, I think that the monitor must be getting to know us better. Last cycle, I remember I did not have a lot of CM on the egg days. Hopefully a more accurate prediction this time.


Sweetpea - May 21

I started getting really nauseous late Thursday nigh, good sign I thought so I tested Friday morning. BFN, later I started spotting! Of course, this morning AF came and is vicious! Therefore, I’m at CD 1 and it begins again. To celebrate my debacle I went out and bought some E.P.O. so I can be on the fantastic CM bandwagon! Although last cycle was a complete flop, I am excited that this will be my next cycle. I can’t explain this sudden ardor but its here and hopefully it will stay this entire cycle!


Sweetpea - May 21

Lauraw, I hope this is your month, you're next to ss or not see AF.



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