Baby Wishes and Diaper Dreams
411 Replies
LoriB43 - April 13

Hi everybody! Just a quick note to let you know that they had to cancel the meeting for yesterday.... a long story. It is now set for next Wednesday.. He is in the new foster home, but the caseworker said for our sake she doesn't want us to do visits until everything has been set and it is 100%, due to everything we went through already. I don't know if I had mentioned that last summer we were suppose to get two little boys. Then 3 days before they were suppose to come to us, an old foster parent showed up and the kids agency decided to go with that foster parent over us. Well, we had those boys for visits and became close to them, thinking that they were going to be ours. And when that didn't happen it broke our hearts. So, we are once again in the waiting mode. I'll check back later to catch up.


CC - April 13

EMM-It was so nice to read your post. I have several friends who have said the same thing happened to them after having their 1st with their dh. It must be fairly common, you arent the 1st person I have heard that from. Im glad things are working themselves out. If you ever need to vent, we're always here to lend an ear! Tracy, your headaches sound so awful, that must really get frustrating after awhile. Lori, I would have been devastated meeting some child/children, thinking they were coming to live with me in my home, and then BAM, all of a sudden gone. Im sure after that you must be thankful they are handling this situation as they are, although the waiting as well all know, can make you bonkers..Good luck and please keep us posted...


CC - April 14

This post is all about my experience, so if you are as tired of reading about me as I am posting about me-skip it and I understand! I feel like all I have been doing the last few days is talking about me only. After tomorrow I am done for awhile and will go back to normal! IUI went well-we were there for a total of 3 hours, little miscommunication as to where dh was giving his sample-long story, eventually got worked out. Dh had a sample pre-wash of 47 million sperm w/ a 42% motility, and after wash we had 17 million w/ a 78% motility. No idea how good/bad those #'s are but RE was happy and said anything in the 3-10 million range for count was good. IUI took all of 5 min, didnt hurt, laid there for 15 min and that was that. Felt fine afterwards, but in the last few hours have had cramps, some bleeding when I wipe, and some brown blood on the liner. Not much of either. Im crampy and think I am ovulating now, I can feel both sides. I was told you cant O on your own unless your follies are 20 mm or over. She didnt scan me before today, so all I know going into it is that 2 days ago I had 5 follies, anywhere from 12-14 mm. She said the scanning before IUI isnt good and isnt neccesary and that they never worry about early O and that the trigger is almost always a sure thing. Not sure how much of that I believe. Some parts yes, some no. For now, Im going with it. Will do it all again tomorrow, interested to see what dh's counts will be. Going to ask the question on the forum about the counts and see.


CC - April 14

Tracy, that just reminded me..Did you ever find out what amorphous sperm are from your dh's last s/a ? I think I will google it...


Lynn - April 14

Okay...I know we all think sometimes we talk too much about ourselves but.......we are all here to lend an ear and listen. Tracy, I am sorry to hear about the headaches. I completely understand your position but I have not had many lately. I have more good days than bad days. What did your doctor suggest for this cycle. I do not think you shared that, you were just so dang excited you liked Lori, I am glad they told you the meeting was changed. I am also glad they are taking your feelings into consideration and not doing what happened last time. So, are you doing clomid this cycle? CC, I am glad they already told you and did the paticulars with IUI. I am glad it went well. My understanding if you feel no pain when this is completed then you were close to ovulation and your cervix was ready. The cramping was from something foreign invading your area. The bleeding is natural. Once I had it, twice I did not. Trust in your RE until she gives you a reason not to. Life will be so much better. D, how are you doing? EMM, I am glad to hear you are doing well. jcr, how does it go? How is the munchkin adn her fashion show going? check back.


LoriB43 - April 14

Ok, catching up here. EMM - Sorry to hear that you have been having some issues with DH. I think I am the veteran on this thread being married for 12 yrs (in June). Sometimes I look at my DH and literally think "what am I doing with this guy?" And other times I just glance at him and he takes my breath away. Alot of it depends on what we have going on in our lives. You and your DH have been going through alot (your brother's wedding, urology appts and what the results are, and just plain old ttc) all those things can put a strain on a marriage. It is perfectly normal not to love your man every day. That's what makes the special times even more special. Tracy - I feel for you with the headaches. They are the worst next to a toothache! I am glad to hear that you like your Dr. It always helps when you feel comfortable. What will you be doing for this cycle? CC - My RE told me that any sample with 75% or more motility after washing is great. I have heard from others that 50% or more is very good. And they at least like to see 2 million (more of course being better). The first IUI that I had was the worst as far as cramping goes, it lasted for two days, almost like on and off contractions. But the others resulted in very mild cramping. Hope that info helps. And as far as talking about your self goes. We all learn from the experience of others. So, talk on girl!! Share it all with us!! And you really don't talk about yourself that much at all anyway!! Lynn - how are the shots going? D - how did the MRI go? I have had such swelling, especially in my feet and ankles (they are turning blue, purple & yellow!) I am starting to get nervous about it all... it seems that the water retention is even affecting my eye sight. So, I am going to give the Dr. a call tomorrow to see what can be done about it. That's it ladies. Have a good night!


Tracy88 - April 14

I will not be doing anything this cycle. I am already on cd6, and didn't want to do clomid again. I read up a little on amorphic sperm, but sooooo much of it was too scientific, so the reserach continues. I think if amorphic sperm is our issue, we have plenty of viable swimmers for IVF. I think morphology is the shape of the sperm, so much of DH's is not shaped properly, but he had a super high count. I dropped my records off at the doctor, so he now has DH's old analysis and is doing the new one on Monday. It will probably be a week before I hear anything since the actual analysis takes 4 days. If he has enough viable sperm, I am considering one cycle of Injectibles with IUI, then a break cycle, then possibly IVF. I asked DH where we would get the money for IVF, and he said we would whore me out for a little while to save for it. Ha ha!! Really he doesn't seem too concerned about the cost. I am unsure if his parents or sister said they'd pitch in or something, but he is not stressing at all. He never tells me how much money he makes or talks about money, because he likes to surprise me. The trainer and the Ipod are perfect examples. I know we are not rolling in dough though so someone else must be involved. Thanks for all your concern about my headaches. It gets depressing sometimes and I occasionally ponder suicide when I have a migraine, but that is the nature of migraines. I think they were created by God to test a persons will to live. Sometimes they are hormonal, and sometimes they are triggered by sinus inflammation. With my allergies I tend to get regular headaches. I had a good winter though, except for the clomid/hormone induced headaches, so I think I need to move to a cooler, drier state. I'm willing to give it a try anyway.


Tracy88 - April 14

CC-girl I talk about myself all the time and often think of how self-absorbed I must seem to you all, but then I realize that we all go through cycles in which a lot goes on in our lives. I am on this site everyday because I want to learn and share in this experience, so talk away. Just like I love to hear JCR talk about her daughter and the baby that is in her tummy. And also, hearing about the whole IUI thing is important for those of us who have yet to go through it.


LoriB43 - April 14

CC (and anybody else) - you might get a kick out of this. I was talking to my therapist about sperm washing today and she just cracked me up with it! She was like "what the hell is that!" "Is it like they put them in a washer and spin them around like clothes. Don't they come out all dizzy and like "where the hell am I"!! The poor guys, you do that to them and then you expect them to swim afterward!! And then with an IUI you put them in the uterus and they are just bouncing off the walls from being so dizzy! She painted quite a picture!! Just thought I would share that.


CC - April 14

Hi guys. Thanks for letting me talk about myself so much.! Lynn, I hope what you said is true about feeling no pain and close to ovulation. The cramps seem to be getting worse, but go through phases where I feel completely nothing. The bleeding on the other hand has gotten a little more heavy, and at this point, I am just glad Im going back tomorrow. I dont know how much is too much, it isnt a ton but a fair amount and a few small clots (sorry if thats tmi). Lori, thanks for the numbers comparison. The RE seemed happy, so I feel ok about it. You are right, the cramps feel how I imagine contractions to be. Im glad you are calling the Dr tomorrow about your swelling in your feet and ankles. That does not sound normal and should be checked out. I think you have mentioned the swelling before but were they turning colors like they are now? The comments from your therapist did make me laugh. Isnt it amazing how much more we know about this stuff then the average person? My best friend means well, but honestly has no clue. She has 3 kids and had no problems geting pregnant and having them, but sometimes I feel like I am talking to a 5 year old trying to explain even the simpliest things to her like how we ovulate, follicles, etc. much less washing and IUI stuff! Tracy I was telling my dh about your situation and having offers to pay for IVF on the way home today. Oddly enough laying on that table getting the IUI I kept thinking of Lynn telling me to "RELAX!" I tried, I really did! Anyway-if your dh isnt worried about the $$ for IVF its just one less thing you have to worry about. I cant wait to hear what your Dr thinks is your best route and what you decide to do. Very exciting times to be getting to the bottom of things. I hope d is ok, everytime I get on here, I keep expecting to see a post from her...Guess thats all for now. Im so tired and ready to lay down. Have a good night everyone.


CC - April 14

Lori, I still dont know the answer, are you taking your Clomid ? (I scrolled back because I know the question has been asked but didnt see a response) Lynn-when is your next RE follicle appointment ?


LoriB43 - April 14

CC - Yes, I am taking clomid. But, I screwed up. I was supposed to start yesterday but missed that dose. So, I guess I do days 4 - 8 this cycle, lol. I am going to ask the nurse about that when I call tomorrow. I don't know if that will push the u/s and trigger shot back by a day or not?? Does it make a difference?? Also about the cramping, I have had my cervix dilated for a biopsy and that is exactly the same kind of pain I have had with an IUI. But with an IUI they say that it is because you are putting the sperm some place where it doesn't start out at and that is why there is cramping.


Lynn - April 14

Good Morning gals......CC, it is 9am here so I am assuming you are rising and getting ready to do IUI #2. Let us know how it goes and what they said about the bleeding. I remember a few spot on paper when wiping but not any bleeding. Hmmmmm, anyway...I am sure it is nothing. Good Lucka dn keep us posted. Lori, I do not think starting later matters. When I did 2nd cycle of femera, I did it different than others because they were closed for something. I think you just need to let them know you started later. I give you credit doing yet another round of clomid. I am so scred of that drugs and what it did to me. EMM, we all experiece issues with our dh. I have only been married for 3 years in July and we have had some rough times (Mainly delaing with his kids, his mother and his ex). Now that things have changed with all of those issues, thing have settled down. Our first year of marriage was the worse (believe it or not). I think anything that puts some stress on us puts some stress on a marriage. Testing us to be strong and beat the divorce odds. I am glad things are working themself out. Tracy, taking a break is a good thing. I do it often. On a postive note, I did get pregnant on a break never know. Hey, how is the monitor going? Do you think it is monitoring closely and accurately? D, how was the MRI appointment? Any news on surgery or how they will repair it? As for me....I am up to 3 shots being completed and 3 more to go before seeing the RE. My appointment is Monday at 9:15am. I am feeling a little bloated and do not remember this from last time. I also have a touch of a migraine (UGH) and do not remember that either. Went to weight watchers and gained a half of a pound (not bad seeing when you take injections they tell you you will gain at least 5 pounds). check in later.


Tracy88 - April 14

Talk about knowing so much more than the average person on this subject......when DH and I were consulting with the doctor, DH said, "Man she's really knows a lot, she could be sitting on the other side of this desk." and the doctor replied, "She has definitely done her homework." DH later told me he was lost in the conversation at times. I felt good about that, because it has given him more faith in my ability to deal with these doctors on my own. Before he was complaining about all the hocus pocus tests, until the doctor started asking me about all of them, then he realized that they really were necessary. I just kept thinking about this forum and how much I have learned just by reading up on other people's experiences. So CC, you see, it's good to talk about what you are going through. I have to get ready to go to the gym. Also have to work from 3 to 10, so I will either check in b4 or after work. I also hope D is OK. I was thinking about how she has been reliably on line and now nothing......D-where are you? Emm how's everything????


d - April 14

HI ladies. I am here. I just can't sit down at the pc. The mri was ok took an hour (just for the knee). i go to the drs on monday to find out what he wants to do. From what I can see everyone is doing ok on their new cycles. As for me been feeling like af is going to show early. If it shows early this cycle i think i might have to have the dr put me on b/c cause i can't get pg with it being late and early. Sooryyyyyy this is so damn short> I feel bad. I want to read everyones posts and all that good stuff but i just can't sit down at the pc. Sooo sorry. Will you all forgive me? HAppy Easter to all.


Tracy88 - April 14

D--don't sweat it; I'm just glad you checked in. Was getting a little worried, that's all. Take care of that knee. My little sis is scheduled for surgery on her foot today. They may have to cancel for two more weeks though because there was an emergency last night and she has three more scheduled before hers. We'll see.



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