Anyone have feedback on Femera?
48 Replies
magwantsbaby - October 21

RLR and Daisy, its all so frustrating because I have been using a OPK kit everymonth and Oing. We B/D all the time it feels. So we aren't sure why I m not getting preg. I am on 5mg/day on CD 3-7. I think I am going to O in the next day or two. the OPK says 'high' .
I really dont have any s/e other then I find my c/m has dried up a little.


tonyaandjoe - October 22

i took femara for cd 3-7 for 3 cycles didn't work for me so i stopped taking it.


RLR - October 22

Hi Daisy- no problem! I didn't think you were trying to leave me out. :) Yes, this is my 1st mo on femara- we've been trying for about 7 mo. Thankfully, I knew my cycles were never right so I went to a re right away for help. I really hope femara does the trick!! I'm also on 5mg cd 3-7. No trigger since I haven't had any good follies yet. :( mag- I'm so sorry you're o'ing and no BFP. How frustrating! Have you had an HSG and your DH checked? Also, for my own reasons- do you use a digital OPK? I use the regular ones, but I haven't O'd yet. I heard that pcos can give you a false positive, but I haven't ever gotten one. I go in tomorrow for an u/s (cd 10) so here's to 2-3 goos follies! :)


RLR - October 22

good- not goos... I don't want to be Mother Goose.


DaisyClara - October 22

Hi everyone, I o regularly but now bfp as well, I understand your frustration Mag. My doctor has me on 2.5mg days 3-7 and she said since I o on that amount there is no need to up the prescription. I just wonder because I see so many people taking two instead. I am on cd8 today and am hoping to do IUI this weekend. It sounds like we will all be in the tww at the same time. Maybe we can keep in touch for that as well. I use an OPK instead of a monitor but I wonder if the monitors are better. My doctor is having me not drink or pee from 6pm to 8pm then do the OPK test starting from cd10. Then when I get a positive go in the next day for my IUI. Does this sound right to you guys? I know some people take it in the morning. How do you do the monitor Mag? I am reallly crossing my fingers for us. It's so hard to stay positive month after month but I'm trying.


DaisyClara - October 22

I meant to say no bfp, not now. Sorry, should have reread.


lindsie - October 23

Hi everyone. I'm also on my first round of Femara after 9 clomid cycles. I'm somewhere between 3 and 6 dpo today. This was a really strange cycle (not sure if it was the Femara or just coincidence). I've been charting for almost 3 years and I've always been able to see a definite temp shift after O. This cycle my temp went up around O time, but then went back down for 2 days, then went back up again. So, I'm not sure if I should go with the first high temp or the second. I stopped doing the OPKs after that first high temp so I'm not sure when I o'd. When I was using them I didn't get a positive, but I drink so much water throughout the day, maybe my urine was just too diluted. Anyway, I'll just have to wait to see how it plays out. RLR, how did your u/s go? DaisyClara, I know how hard it is to stay positive. Every month I build up my hopes so high, only to have them crash down when I realize I'm not pg. I really hope Femara will my miracle drug!


DaisyClara - October 23

Hi Lindsie, I think sometime temps just vary, did you get up earlier on the days it dipped? Sometime if I get up at the same time but go to sleep late it has an effect on my temp. I don't eat or pee from 6pm to 8pm and then test at 8. It has worked for me so far. Maybe give that a try if there is a next time which hopefully there won't be! I hate the waiting part and have my fx for you. I have read about a lot of success with femara so here's hoping your right about it being a miracle drug for us all.


RLR - October 24

Hi Lindsie & DaisyC- The u/s went really well, thanks! I responded to the femara- which didn't happen with clomid. I had one 13mm & two 11mm follies. It was only cd10 so I'm hopeful- have to go back fri morning for a recheck. I'm praying that little egg grows to 20 so I can either O or get a trigger shot! I am doing the OPK right now so I might have to switch to that 6-8pm system. Seems easy and doable. I've always done it in the am, but I've heard that's not the most ideal. So lindsie...could your chart just be a triphasic pattern?? I hope those temps stay up for you!!


mtrav - October 26

1st time femera i actually have a follie 14 mm yesterday so im hoping its much bigger now. how is everyone doing today?


magwantsbaby - October 30

Daisy, I use the digital monitor the ClearPlan. I think it works, but Im on cycle day 20 and still no O. Which wouldn't be all that out of the norm, however, my last 4 cycles have been around 30-39 days. I was on Metformin as well, but when my Rx put me on Femera he told me to stop the metformin. But for the first cycle I didn't and I was a norm Oing cycle, this last cycle was with just Femera and CD 20 and still no O????? So I'm not too sure what to think. My Rx has never checked my follicles or anything to that nature.
But I do a prog. test every week and It does go up to like 39-42 so that clearly looks like Iam Oing. Am I wrong is that not always the case? LOL LOL sorry I've gabbed. Good luck talk soon


EER - November 27

Hi everyone-- I'm new to this forum, but have been ttc for 2 years; one year on metformin. we did 6 100 mg clomid cycles and i o'd each time (according to temp shift and ultrasound of folicles), but no luck getting preg. If I'm not preg this time, I'll start femera. I can't tell if i'm pg or not, should know in 2 days. they gave me a shot of HCG, so I've got breast tenderness & mild nausea but i think it could be based on the shot I got. My dr. told me that i should take femera the same as i've taken clomid, cd 1-5, but everyone else seems to take it on different days; any comments?

DaisyClara, thanks for voicing how hard it is to continue to remain positive. I find it particularly hard because I've had seven or eight friends have babies or get pregnant in the last year.


EER - December 29

So I just wanted to give an update-- first cycle of Femera, and this morning I got a + p-test. Just in case, I tested again this afternoon... Now we just have to pray that 9/5/08 truly will be the most exciting day of our lives...!


hopefulin08 - January 5

I'm a new member of the site. I see a lot of you have used or tried femera. My doctor has done two cycles of clomoid on me and I feel as if it is not working for me. I have pcos and am on metformin and have been for two years now. It is so disappointing each time i get a neg test. Any advice for me?


tynadu - January 9

JCR - That study is from women who were already pregnant when they took the femara. Other than that femara puts you at no higher risk than other fertility drugs.


tynadu - January 9

I am 35 weeks pregnant after using femara and so far so good!



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