Any OHIO Girls trying out there?
438 Replies
nikki2204 - August 15

Good Morning! Hope everyone had a good Monday night. Jsmith- No, all feelings that AF are coming have gone. And yes, this is just so frustrating. As if we haven't been through enough, you know? Enjoy the pool, I will just be here at this crappy computer all day :( LOL Mega, are things? Mommy, today is the big day, hope you post when you are done...oh wait, it's not until late today is it? Are you prepared?


Mega - August 15

Morning ladies! JSmith, oh enjoy the pool, supposed to be a very nice day, at least here in Cincy. And I'd say the fact that your bbs are so sore is an excellent AF is (Finally!) coming sign. Hopefully she's on her way for you! Nikki--The class was just a 1 day seminar type of thing. Info overload really, which is okay. I do have my trial transfer this morning though, I leave in about 20 mins. Just a quick in & out thing. They have to do it though otherwise they might hit the uterine wall & cause contractions during the embryo transfer and that can cut the pg rate drastically for reasons they don't fully understand. Why do you think work will be crazy busy til at least the end of Sept.? Is that when things typically quiet down? Have you been interviewing replacements for the woman who walked out recently? Mommy--Yes, your big day! How many pages of questions do you have for your RE? I can't wait to hear how it goes. Hope you get lots of good answers. Good luck!


BabyRN - August 15

Hello ladies!!!! Did you think I fell off the face of the earth? I feel like I did! I was checking my emails today and I had emails all the way back to Jul. 30th. Ugh. Well not too much new. I am now 11wks 4days. Just over the last few days has the vomiting started to subside. I actually did my hair and put on makeup yesterday for work. Everyone was like ahh your head must not have been in the toilet as much today!! Sad isn't it. Lol. I have lost 12 lbs so far and all my clothes still fit me. Yeah (kind of). I am sort of looking forward to maternity clothes, I have lots of mimi maternity gift cards to spend!! Hope you all are doing well. I tried to catch up on what has been going on. Mega sounds like you are starting/started your IVF stuff, that is awsome! When do you actually go in for the baby making part? Good luck. Sounds like everyone else is doing fairly well. I hope my appearance has spread a little baby dust around. I will try to keep you all posted a little more now that I am hopefully starting to feel human again. It is kind of hard to keep up on email when you live in the bathroom hugging the porcelain god!! LOL.


Mega - August 15

Yay, BabyRN, you're back!!! Welcome back, yeah we were starting to wonder where you were. Rest assured, you were missed. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better now, hopefully this is the begining of the end of this nasty "morning sickness" (er all day sickness) phase! Yes, I began the IVF cycle. I start the Follistim this Saturday, find out via e2 levels how I'm responding on 8/23, hopefully get a follie check on 8/25 and if all goes according to plan I may do the actual egg retrival (true baby makin') on 8/31! Yay!!! I hear ya about being eager to get into Maternity clothes. They're so cute now, it took long enough but clothes makers are finally realizing, hello preggo women want to look good too! So have fun spending those gift cert., how nice of your friends & fam to get those for you. So thanks for spreading your pg mojo around, hopefully it'll spread & start a trend on this board. Keep feeling better, BabyRN! Mommy--I'm guessing you're at your appt. now. Hope it's going well! And you're getting a much needed plan of action.


JSmith - August 16

Morning all- Just getting ready for my first day back at work since vacation. :( I am not happy at all about it! did your appointment go mommy? I hope you got some good info. Mega-are you nervous about this whole process? It's exciting I'm sure! BabyRN - Glad you are feeling better - when I was preg. I was sick for about a month (around the 2nd month) and then I was fine. I hope it is smooth sailing from here on out. Maternity clothes are cuter these days. I didn't have to wear them till 6 months - I'm thinking if I get pregnant again it will be much sooner, since you really NEVER go back to what you were before pregnancy! :( It's all worth it however! Nikki-how are you today? Still waiting on AF like me? This is getting old isn't it? Never thought I would say I wanted AF, but at this point I would gladly welcome her! :) Well, I need to get dd to the babysitter - you all have a great day!


Mega - August 16

JSmith--Have a good day at work! Hopefully it won't be bad, though the 1st day post vacation is always rougher. I'm pretty excited, but yes a bit nervous too I think. I had trouble getting back to sleep this AM after DH got up for work at 4:30, that usually only happens when I've got a lot on my mind. My meds arrive today, so that's cool. I'm looking foward to starting the Follistim on Sat.--then things will really start to pick up. Did you start BCPs yet or are you supposed to wait for AF first? Nikki, Mommy--I hope you ladies had a good night. Mommy, were you happy with yesterday's RE appt? Hope you have a good report for us.


mommywannabe - August 16

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I wanted to catch up all my work before I left. Which didn't happen by the way!! Work never stops for some reason. LOL!! Anyways, got a report for you ladies. OK here goes. RE said he's really upset that clomid hadn't worked for me since I did so well on the right dosage. So pending whatever dh S/A shows we will do 2 tries at IUI with Clomid/HCg shot and ultrasound monitoring if his count is good. If his count is not good we will start IVF in the fall around Oct. I did find out that on my HSG that my left side did not have any spillage of the dye but he said he didn't believe it was a blockage that it was just a spasm of some sort due the trama per sae of the HSG. He said he'd guarantee if he did it again it would be open. He didn't seem to concerned and neither did I since he sounded so reassuring. He said if I wanted to do gonadatropins before trying IUI, I could but he doesn't recommend them because of the risk of multiples. He said they can't control multiples when doing gonadatropins but can do so when doing IVF. So all I am waiting for is dh to squeeze his love juice in his cup and have his guys looked at. He is going to schedule something for this month so that we can start fresh next month if anything doesn't happen this month. I was so excited because I just know one of these procedures will eventually work. I asked on IUI was their success after a number of tries and he said usually after 2 they have a 3/5 turn around on pregnancy. So out of every 5 women that get it done at least 3 get prego after second try. That to me was astonishing and I felt secure in picking that choice first if I had to. He said their IVF success rate is one of the top rated in OHIO. My friend I told you about that had it done went there and got prego first IVF. I told him about her and he was happy to know I could talk to someone like her about her experience with it and with them. He said that is reassuring to know that. I am eager to get this show on the road. All I have to do is make sure dh does his part which he promised me he'd do.


mommywannabe - August 16

Also Nikki, what'd you think about last nights Rockstar?


Mega - August 16

Grrr! I just wrote you a long post Mommy re: your RE appt. yesterday, but I hit the wrong button somehow & it got erased. So I'll start from scratch. :) Mommy--The never ending work pile got you again, huh?! :) Anyway, I'm so glad the appt. went so well. Your RE sounds wonderful, & even better that you have a friend who is a success story from that clinic. Love juice--that cracks me up! Anyway I'm glad they'll get your DH in for a love juice analysis this month, the sooner you get that result the better. Also I'm glad that the RE only plans on IUIs if your DH's SA is normal. That increases your odds of IUI success quite a bit. Impressive stat by the way, 3 out of 5 women there getting pg by IUI #2! Here's a tip for your DH's SA, if he ends up having to do it in a collection room in the lab. My DH finds it's more comfy for him to bring his own er entertainment with him rather than use one of the generic dvds they provide there. Just something he discovered after doing multiple collections on site. :) But anyway I think your appt. sounds very promising & hopefully before the Fall's up we'll be celebrating your BFP.


mommywannabe - August 16

I hope to be celebrating my BFP with all of you. This would be the luckiest thread out there if all of us did around the same time. WOOHOO!! I am glad it went well also. I am excited that you start stimming soon. Means that you are this much closer to being a mommy. Let us know each step of your IVF, as I might have to go that route I want to know everything.


Mega - August 16

Mommy--Could very well happen that way, all of us celebrating our BFPs around the same time. And now we have BabyRN as a guide to help us get thru the 1st trimester, esp. if any of us end up with Morning Sickness/er all day sickness. Thanks! Yes, I'll definitely keep you posted on my IVFcycle and how it goes. If you have any questions let me know! That's a great way to look at it--IVF will bring me "this much closer to being a mommy. " Sounds good to me!


nikki2204 - August 16

Good day all. How is everyone doing? Mommy- I'm so excited for you, you are definatly on the road to being a mommy again! Sounds very promising! I thought Rockstar was good, again, Ryan was awesome! ;) Mega- how are you doing, anything new? BabyRN-- so glad you are back and doing better!!! Now we can all plan that get together again! Jsmith- you gotta come too!


mommywannabe - August 16

Yeah I am excited about my next steps whatever way I have to do it. I just got to make sure dh does his part. It's like pulling teeth on men. He's already agreed to do it but he has a problem getting time off work to go. His boss is a really meanie and doesn't give in so easily. LOL!! I told him that his boss takes off when he's got a problem and so can you. Everyone has sickness/problems sometimes. LOL!! Anyways yeah we can plan that get together and it'll be so much fun.


Mega - August 16

Yes, I'm also looking foward to seeing you ladies again & being joined this time by JSmith & BabyRN too. :) Nikki--Nothing new with me. I picked up my meds this afternoon, can't wait to get home & sort thru them. Yay! Mommy--That sucks about your DH's mean old boss. Could he sneak away at lunch sometime? Or what about weekend hours? Our clinic has weekend hours for SAs, & I'd think your clinic does too esp. since I'm sure they do IUIs & ER's on weekends. My DH told his boss about the IVF and how he'd need to be off for the ER and maybe the ET too & his boss is really understanding, which is cool. He & his wife just had a son, his 1st kid, his wife's 3rd. They'd been trying for aeons, finally gave up since she's in her mid-40s & it happened by accident. Anyway, he's thrilled with being a new parent so that helps I think. I haven't even told my boss yet. She'd be cool about it though, she knows I've been in fertility treatments for about a year now & has always been fine with my frequent dr's visits.


mommywannabe - August 16

I haven't told my office yet either as I want to know what I'll be doing before I tell them I'll be off for whatever I'll be doing. I also don't want my WHOLE office to know that I'm doing this. I don't care that the people I work with know but their are people in my office that aren't part of my department that don't need to know really. So yeah I'm going to keep it under wraps until the time comes. I told dh to tell his boss why he needed off. I told him to tell his boss I'll kick his butt to if he don't let him off. LMFAO!! My dh is a roofer so he's like the bosses only employee so that's why it is so hard to have off on certain days but it's not like his boss can't find someone to do the work that day. He contracts out when dh is on vacation, ya know. Anyways, Nikki and JSmith hope AF comes real soon. I hope they finally get rid of Zayra tonight on Rockstar then I hope Patrice and Storm follow. Then it'll be down to the goods of the group. I can pray right Nikki!! LOL!! OK sorry so winded...back to work I go.


nikki2204 - August 17

Good Morning Girls! How is everyone today? Mommy--Zayra is gone!!! YAY!!!! I was so relieved! BabyRN, how are you feeling? Hopefully the sickness is gone for good now. Jsmith, did you get your pills??? I still have not started and am no longer getting any symptoms of anythign anymore (no more cramps). Ugh, so frustrating. I guess if nothing by the end of the month I will call the doc for an appt. Mega- how are you?



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