~o~o~oFertility Journeyo~o~o~
158 Replies
Tink - December 29

Mel, what great news- a big congrats to you- how exciting to share it with your family for the holiday! well today is 6 dp iui. i had my 4th IUI on saturday, 12/23. crampy and sore boobs ever since, but i am sure it is from the trigger shot or the follistim injections. i had these side effects on my 3rd cycle with injectables too and a BFN, so i am certain it is the shots. i promised not to read into SE this time, so i am not. taking it easy, less stress this time. less pressure on myself, which i hope is helping. so i'll keep everyone posted and hope for my miracle this time around1


Shauna - January 1

Hi ladies. Just popping in to say HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best in 2007. What news may the new year bring???? Hopefully great news!!!!! Love you all....talk to you 'next year'!!!!


Shawna1 - January 2

Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone's holidays were fantastic!! I will be 16 weeks on Friday!!! I can't believe I'm almost 4 months already. I am finally starting to feel a bit better, thank God! Mel, I'm so happy for you! Tink, I am praying this will be your time! Kristi, have fun on your cruise! I'm so jealous! Shauna, what's new with you? I'll be in Moose Jaw this weekend for Alexander's hockey and we are all pretty excited to go! We haven't done the Tunnels yet so I think we might book a tour! Heather, how is your pregnancy going. Do you have a belly yet? I do and I love rubbing it! Ginger and Linds anything new with either of you? I think we need to keep this thread going! Take care Friends!


Tink - January 2

hey guys, miss seeing you post here! Shawna, i can't believe you are 4 months! wow, are you feeling good now? i am so excited for you. it is just so great when any of us that have struggled get the BFP and have a great healthy pregnancy! how is everyone else? DCL? Heather? Kristi? oh and btw- CD 21 for me- i can test this weekend, i've decided to just let AF come though- if she isn't here by sunday or monday, i'll test then. i still haven't gotten my reimbursement from my first 2 IUIs.....insurance had to reissue another check- the doc never got the first one. i am hoping they have it soon and i'll finally get my $800 back. i am praying we won't need it for another cycle, but it will come in handy if we do get a BFN again. happy new year to all of you!!


Kristi1 - January 3

Hi everyone! Shawna, good to hear you are feeling better! Mel, how are you feeling...any morning sickness yet?? Not much going on with the ttcing for me yet...I am on cd26, so AF should be here soon...hopefully by this weekend so it doesnt ruin my whole cruise! We leave for Tampa Sat and set sail on Sunday! I cant wait! So I was really hoping to do first IUI this month, but they want me to take a blood pg test on cd1 then have me take Femara cd3-7 and if I dont start till Sat or Sun when I am gone, then I will miss out on taking the Femara and the IUI this month, so I was thinking about calling them and seeing if I could go ahead and come in Friday and take the test and get my pills even though AF may not be here, that way we can still do IUI this month....or I have thought about just not worrying about it this month and waiting till February, and not have to stress over it on my cruise....any suggestions??? Tink, I hope you get your $$ back...I have gotten back 1/2 of mine so far from the HSG back in June, and still waiting on the other part to be filed... Geez/ Heather, Shauna, Laine, Tink, and everyone hope all is doing well!! I will try to get back on before I leave, but if not, I will be back Jan 15!


ginger6363 - January 4

I haven't been around in a while b/c it was all getting to be a bit too much for me. I was just taking it easy for the past couple of months so to speak....anyway, I took an hpt today and finally after 9 months of ttc and a couple of "corrective" surguries, I am so excited to announce that I finally got my BFP!!! Thanks for all the support, ladies.


Tink - January 4

Wow, Ginger- congrats to you- i am always so thrilled to hear about someone on here getting their BFP, especially after such a long struggle. enjoy it and i wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy! how far along are you?


ginger6363 - January 4

Tink: my last AF was on Thanksgiving day---so, I would guess that would put me at almost 6 weeks. But b/c I am temping and charting and am on no meds this month I ovulated late cd26 (I had an unsuccessful IUI and had taken femara for about 3 months straight), I think my dates might be off. I just had my blood taken, so I am waiting on the results and they should be able to tell me a better approx. Here is my chart at FF home/ginger6363 in case your interested. Thanks for the well wishes!


Shawna1 - January 4

Ginger I'm so happy for you! What a way to start the new year! Please keep us posted on your updates! I know I'm not very good at that! Well I had my second prenatal appt on Tuesday. We got to hear the heartbeat again! It was 160. We are going for another ultrasound on Feb 6, but I don't think we will find out the gender. I love a good surprise. Anyways, I hope to post the pics on Myspace, as soon as my hubby has a spare moment to hook up the scanner! Talk to you soon and congratulations again Ginger!!!!!!!


stepmommel - January 5

Wow, I feel like I've totally abandoned all of you in the last month or so. SO sorry for my lack of contact. Have been fighting the flu but I think I'm finally over it now. Ginger, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I think you and I are only about a week apart! You'll have to let me know when you get your due date. I will ask my doc for mine on my first appt 1/15, but according to my date of O, I'm calculating it's around 8/29. Anyway, I'm so excited for you! Shawna, I'm so glad you're feeling better and can enjoy your belly... I can't wait for that day. Kristi, have a fabulous time on your cruise... I'll be thinking about you. Be sure to relax and enjoy yourself to the fullest! Everyone else, good luck with all the IUIs and what not that are coming up. As usual I am praying for ALL of us to get our BFPs! I'll check back in soon.... Much love to you all!


ginger6363 - January 5

Shawna and Mel, thanks for the well wishes. Mel: I had no idea you pregnant---serves me right for not keeping up! So, congratulations to you, too! When did you find out? As for me, I am still waiting for my beta results, but I'll post as soon as I know (which should be later today).


Kristi1 - January 5

Congrats Ginger! Wow, this thread is turning out alot of BFP's! How wonderfull! Mel, thanks for the well wishes on my cruise...I leave tomorrow and I cant wait! Went in this morn to get a blood pg test - it was bfn which I knew it was, I just had to get it before they would give me the Femara - so now I can start taking the Femara so we can do the IUI later this month....if AF finally shows that is! She still has not come (cd28) and none of my usual spotting, but she is on her way..probably just waiting to show up on my cruise! Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will be back Jan 15!


ginger6363 - January 5

well, here's the skinny: hcg=860 and progestrone=20.2 at 17 dpo. The nurse positive and said my numbers were good. I was so excited I forgot to make my first appt. with the doctor. duh! I had to call back and leave a message.


Shawna1 - January 10

Yowzers!!! We were on the bottom of the second page!! What's happening to our thread? Ginger, what were your results from your beta? Mel, what were your numbers? How are both of you feeling? What about everyone else? I go for my second ultrasound (20 week mark) on Feb 6, but we have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. I should be able to feel the baby move soon and I can't wait for that! But I should run. Alexander is home sick today. Take care everyone and please leave some updates!!!!!


Shauna - January 10

Hi all. Glad we are up at the top again. Sorry I havent been around. Congrats GINGER!!!! I just can do all these BFPs right now. I am gonna be 30 on Feb 9 and that was my (our) date we would agree to not try anymore. DH's #s are still really low and the dr cant do anything else for him. My friend is having a baby on Feb 29ish and I cant ever call to say hi for fear I will burst into tears. Its just not fair. I love you all and wish you all the best but I cant hear the 'good news' right now. Sorry if it sounds selfish and rude to you all ( dont mean it to be ) Best wishes and if there is anything to read ....I WILL!!!! But forgive me if I dont type often. Please feel free to email me your tummy pictures etc if you like....I would love to see em!!! Toodles!!!


Shauna - January 10

should say cant do the BFPs.



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