~o~o~oFertility Journeyo~o~o~
158 Replies
stepmommel - December 8

Hey Shawna, that's so exciting! Your family must be so happy, and how cute that Alexander is so into it already! I know you were anxious to tell all them, so you must be on cloud 9! Worry not, your grandfather is in my prayers. My MIL is having heart issues too and poor DH is so worried about her. She's everything to him and for most of his life he' didn't have a father figure so it's really affecting him. So, if you guys wouldn't mind adding her to your prayers too, that would be wonderful. She'll have an angiogram (sp?) on Monday and may have to have angioplasty. Scary stuff. probably not near as scary as a quadruple bipass though! anyway, I hope everyone is well. Nothing new to report on this end. Kristi, you still out there? Hi everyone else!


Shawna1 - December 11

Hi! What is happening to our thread? I just wanted you all to know that we had our ultrasound done today. It was very exciting! The baby is measuring 12weeks, 3days, which is 1 week off of what I thought. So my new EDD is June 22/07. Everything is normal on the baby. When the dr put the thing on my tummy, it jumped like it had been jolted! The little arms and legs flew up into the air! We were given two pictures to keep and Taylor brought the video camera and taped the whole thing. I'll try and figure out how to get the video hooked up to the computer and set it up on myspace. How is everyone else doing? Mel, did you o yet? Heather, when do you get your ultrasound done? We are even closer now than before! So that is my news. I am looking forward to reading about all of you. Please share what's happening in your lives! Talk to you soon!


Shauna - December 11

Hi all. I am still here. I have just been so busy with all the 'holiday shopping'. I get very stressed out at this time of year so I am not into talking so much right now. SOOOO BUSY!!! Shawna...so glad the baby is doing well. Just wanted to say hi and that I am still around and reading. lol.


Tink - December 11

hey ladies, hope everyone is well. Shawna, the U/s sounds very exciting! 12 w, now, that is amazing! ;) I am on CD24, sitting out due to the cyst, so just waiting on AF. it's been a long 24 days, but nice with no meds. hopefully the cyst has cleared up and i can start my 4th IUI cycle next week. I am expecting AF any day now. she has been arriving early lately (day 25-26).


Kristi1 - December 14

Hi ladies! Where is everyone at? Not much going on here...very busy at work with the year end coming soon, plus the Holidays, plus the cruise....just busy. Hope everyone is doing well!


Tink - December 14

yeah, where is everyone? I was moving to a new office and then out of town last week. but back now. and AF came yesterday-----which is good news for me. i was sitting out last cycle due to the cyst, so i was just waiting for her to come so i can move on. have an u/s tomorrow with the RE to see if the cyst is gone and if i can proceed to IUI #4 with follistim injections. this would be my second cycle with injections and my 2nd IUI since the lap in late october. it is sad i am on my 4th IUI, i didn't think i would have come this far and not have gotten a BFP, but i am still holding on and won't give up yet. i have my down days, but mostly i am trying to stay positive and i am hoping there is no cyst and we can do the IUI again. if so, we will probably be doing the IUI on christmas eve or the day after christmas. i need to see if they are open- they do IUIs on weekends and holidays usually, so i assume they will be available. i hope so! it's my last chance to get in one more IUI covered by ins before 12/31~ !!!!! so wish me luck. AF is heavy and painful today. she usually isn't heavy for me. i usually also have a week's worth of PMS cramping and awful backache, but not this month. i only started hurting yesterday and today during her visit. so that is good and probably a result of the lap in october. i think removing those 5 mild spots of endo made a difference in my pms pain. i am thankful for that. well back to work- and hopefully i'll be having DH giving me injections this weekend!! ________________how is eveyrone else doing? I know LINDS egg transfer was today. she will probably be resting (she better be!) and not online for a few days.... i know in another thread, she said they implanted 2 i think. she had 9 fertilize and i am guessing froze the rest and it was a 6day tx which i think is great! good luck Linds!! How is everyone else?


stepmommel - December 15

Good morning ladies. Hey, I think it's time for a new thread. This one is freakin' long!! Anyway, looks like everyones still here though it's slowed down a lot. I've been reading up daily but have just been trying to not think about TTC too much in general, so it's been keeping me from writing much. Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and let ya'all know I'm thinking of you and wishing for a bunch of BFPs this Christmas! To answer your question Shawna, yes I did O... another really good one, my progesterone was 44.1! DH is convinced that this is my month, but I think he's just trying too hard to be positive and I fear him being crushed if it doesn't work out yet again. Oh well, at least it's fun when he's convinced. Nice to dream! Happy Friday all! Hugs!


Kristi1 - December 19

Hi everyone!! I assume everyone is busy with the Holidays coming up soon...I know I am! Both at work and home - it's just crazy! Well, nothing going on with me still with ttc....just waiting till next month to hopefully do my first IUI! Hope everyone else is doing good, and wishing for lots of BFP's in 2007! Everyone have a great Christmas and New Year!


stepmommel - December 21

Hi ladies! What's happened to our thread!? I can't believe how it's shrunk back down again! Where did everyone go?! Well, AF was due to arrive today. It's 8:00 at night and there's still no sign of her and still not a wee bit of spotting which is a 1st for me! Won't test until Friday since DH wants to be with me and I'm grandma sitting for the next two nights without him. Please pray for me and cross your fingers, and anything else you can think of for this to be my month so I can give my family the best surprise ever for Christmas! How's everyone else doing? WHERE ARE YOU ALL!?


Kristi1 - December 21

Mel, anything yet? Make sure you let us know as soon as you test!! What a great Christmas present that would be!!


Tink - December 21

Mel- i'll be thinking of you! good luck and baby dust! i have 5 follies for this cycle so far measuring over 12mm. one at 19, 20, 15, 14 and 12. another u/s tomorrow and probably trigger tomorrow. i have to do another follistim shot tonight- that is 7 nights worth of shots! IUI probably on sunday- christmas eve! i hope this is it for me- IUI #4!! and my 8th month on meds.


stepmommel - December 21

Nothing yet. Meaning no spotting still! I'll test tonight rather than wait until Fri I think. Will let you know for sure. I'm scared to test though!


stepmommel - December 23

Well my dear ladie friends... I tested on the 21st after work, and I'm PREGNANT!! Had the blood test to confirm it too. I can't believe that after two years of trying, not only did I finally get my BFP, but just in time for the Christmas surprise I"ve been praying to be able to give my family!! I already told my sister and she was hilarious. We got her reaction on video... classic! Christmas morning we'll be telling my folks and the rest of the family later that day. Got a Tshirt made for Dad that says, "Don't I look too young to be a GRANDPA?" and for my mom that says, "My baby is having a baby!" This is their 1st grandchild, so I just know they'll flip when they open the gifts. I can't wait for the day! Well ladies, here's wishing you all the best Christmas and New Years ever. I hope you too get all you're wishing for! Merry Christmas, and BABY DUST to those who might need it. Oh, and I can't go without thanking you guys again for always being such a huge support for me. I've come to adore you guys so much! I hope we never lose contact! Thank you for being you! :)


Kristi1 - December 26

Congratulations Mel!! I am soo excited for you! How did your family react? Did they love the shirts you made?? My Christmas wasnt as exciting as yours, but it was still great! Hope everyone else had a great Christmas too! Not much going on here still...waiting to go on my cruise in less than 2 weeks!! Woo Hoo, cant wait! Hopefully will get to do IUI when we get back, but I guess we will just have to wait and see. Hope everyone is doing well!


Shauna - December 28

Congrats Mel!!! I had an awful time this Christmas....I am soooo sick!!!! AGAIN!!!! I just cant get rid of this cold. I am going to the doctor about it in the morning. I just cant stay sick for ever with 6 kids. I hope you all are well and that you had a wonderful holiday. Love yous all!!!


Tink - December 29

Mel, what great news- a big congrats to you- how exciting to share it with your family for the holiday! well today is 6 dp iui. i had my 4th IUI on saturday, 12/23. crampy and sore boobs ever since, but i am sure it is from the trigger shot or the follistim injections. i had these side effects on my 3rd cycle with injectables too and a BFN, so i am certain it is the shots. i promised not to read into SE this time, so i am not. taking it easy, less stress this time. less pressure on myself, which i hope is helping. so i'll keep everyone posted and hope for my miracle this time around1



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