@@@@ IUI and SPERM DONOR 2 @@@@
108 Replies
thayward7 - August 29

Mon, glad to hear you are doing okay in this tough journey. I think your little angel is just waiting for the right time to join you. Maybe we will end up in the same 2WW... that would be great. I just finished AF, and I want to get my period again... that sure doesn't happen often! Then, the cycle after that I can try again - so, if I have regular cycles it may be around the end of October. We'll see how my body reacts to being off the meds. This year my class is a 4/5. One of my favourites! I have taught grades 2-6, but 4,5 and 6 are my favourites. Last year I had a 3/4, so I will have some of the same kids. It's a fun job, that's for sure. Anyway, I have rambled on for a long time now! Mon, I am sending you a big hug. Slow, let us know how your beta goes. Smiles and babydust.... T


slowpoke01 - August 29

hey girls this is the first chance i have to get on here and let you all know but first montie that is so sweet how you explained to your little girl. it will all work out next time just dont give up. how is everyone doing tonight. well my beta is definitely a + 102.9 and they said that was good for early pregnancy i have to go in tomorrow for another beta i will get the results wed. sometime. also my progesterone was 37.35 and that was good i didnt need the progesterone pills after all but they didnt know so they wanted to be sure. also they said that the progesterone wouldnt hurt anything so that is good also. montie i hope all goes well next time. to the new girls and tawnya and whynnotme good luck girls keep me updated. and montie vent all you want to here we arent going to push you you just talk when you are ready.


slowpoke01 - August 29

hey girls how is everyone doing today?


thayward7 - August 29

Congratulations Slow... That is wonderful news. I'm glad that everything is progressing well. I am off to school again - I am still not getting up at the time I will have to next week. It will be horrible to get up so very early again after 2 months of sleeping in! Have a super day everyone. Smiles and babydust. T


montie75 - August 29

those are great beta results!! The average for your week is 48, so you are ahead of the game!! I am so proud of you, slow. You go girl. Today is alright. Just work. LOL.......
Any big plans for the holiday weekend? I am going up north. Looking forward to sitting on the lake and doing nothing.


montie75 - August 29

T-I just love your attitude..........you are so wonderful!! You have a great day too!! And yes, we will be in the tww together!!!


mmelo - August 29

Hi Ladies,
Well AF showed up yesterday(on time and with a vengence)so tomorrow I go for my day3 u/s and b/w. Depending on the results we see if we go forward with the IUI this month. I am feeling anxious and scared. Part of me is afraid that my prolactin will still be off and that means another month wasted. Another part of me is scared that it will be a go and wonder if I am ready. Which is crazy because I have wanted this for like 15 years and now I am petrified! I worry about all the things that can go wrong(I am 42), I worry about being a good mom. Then on the flip side, I worry that I won't be able to get preg, that I waited too long and what kind of basket case I will be if that is the case. What is wrong with me? Has anyone else felt this way? Maria


montie75 - August 29

Maria- I think your frustrations are only natural. I mean, the procedures we are all going thru is a scary process!! Don't worry, I am sure you will make a wonderful mother, when you go thru everything that we have it makes the outcome so much more special. And with today's technology, i am sure it's only due time before you are pregnant. We are all here for each other to the end, Maria!! So baby dust to you!!!


whynotme - August 29

Hey girls! Here I am......I was out sick yesterday and wasn't feeling much like getting on the pc. I just got done reading all of the posts and I would like to welcome the newbies to the group. It's so exciting to find women out there just like you!!! Montie, I'm sorry that you had such a rough weekend, but you were right on when you told DD that God took the baby because it wasn't strong enough. I didn't even realize that you had a daughter already. Did you tell us that??? Was she from a donor? Slow, I am soooo happy for you girl! I bet your sister and DH are coming out of their seats! Just try to relax and not worry and enjoy this time. Hopefully we will all be in your position soon!! Tawnya, October will be here before you know it! Maria, welcome to our thread! I understand your frustration and doubts about being a mother and if you will be a good one. I say you will because you have waited and wanted a little one for 15 years. That's a long time to have a dream fullfilled! Don't worry about dh, he will come around. My husband and I really found that seeing a counselor was the best thing for us. After we walked out of her office, we were so sure and full of hope and love. We were acting like newlyweds again!!! I learned alot about feelings that he had and didn't realize and we were able to open up about it more. It took us 4 years to come to terms that we would need to use a donor, and have no doubts about it! Don't worry about your age, because as long as the doctors think that your healthy and body is good, then you are golden!! I just love all of you girls for being the strong women you are and having the guts to pursue a dream of motherhood!! We are all so lucky to have found eachother!! Take care girls!!


thayward7 - August 29

Hey Ladies... back from school. I actually left around 1:00 because I was feeling weepy again. One of our staff members is 8 months pregnant - she looks wonderful - and when we were all around chatting about how she was feeling another staff member said "well, I guess that's what I have to look forward to!"... so we were all so excited for her and talking about babies and pregnancy, and I just started to feel sad. It's horrible I know. I am so happy for the 2 ladies on my staff that are pregnany, please don't get me wrong, but I wanted to be able to be part of that conversation too. I guess the bottom line is I was feeling jealous... horrible jealousy - I feel like a nasty person for having felt it. Both women are wonderful people and will be great mothers and I am so glad that they are happy.... I guess I just am so anxious for the day that I can announce to my staff that I'm pregnant too. Thanks for listening gals. Smiles and babydust. T


montie75 - August 29

whynotme - well welcome back girlie. I missed you. Yes, I told you about my DD. No, she is not from donor. Matter of fact, she is from my first marriage. My DH has no children.
Well, I just got off the phone with the clinic. My numbers are dropping as scheduled however the nurse told me that it could take up to 3 to 4 months before I have a normal cycle to start trying again. OMG, I didn't realize it would take so long for my numbers to drop and my body to regroup. That is depressing. I guess I won't be with you girls during your next tww.


thayward7 - August 29

You never know Mon - maybe that's "worst case scenario"? I hope things work themselves out quickly for you - for both of us so we can ttc again soon!!!! Smiles and babydust... T


whynotme - August 29

Oh Mon, I am so sorry that it may take that long. Maybe you and your family could take a nice vacation or something to take your mind off of things. I know that dh and I need one desperately!! I know that FL. is out of the question with the tropical storm about to hit down there.


whynotme - August 29

Tawnya, I am so sorry that you got sad like that. I have tried my best to avoid baby showers and pregnant women all together for the last 4 years. It wasn't easy!!! I don't think anyone can truely understand the pain unless it happens to them. I know that I want to be happy for my friends and family that get pregnant, but I am still so jealous of them. It's the worst!!!


thayward7 - August 29

It's hard. I felt awful for feeling jealous though. She was so happy she was crying... I was happy for her too, but my mind immediately started thinking about when I will be able to shed those tears of joy. Smiles and babydust.... T


montie75 - August 30

I can also understand about the jealousy. One of my close friends had a son 4 months ago and watching her go thru her pregnancy was so hard. But believe it or not, the hardest part was going to see the baby after he was born. I felt so terribly for feeling jealous. I mean, half of me was happy as can be and the other part was full of envy.
Well, we will be there soon ladies. All of us together...............I just know it!! Good night girls. Talk with you tomorrow.



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