~0~0~0Fertility Journey0~0~0~
93 Replies
Shawna1 - February 8

Hi Girls, my we've been chatty. That's great to see!!! I had my 20 week us on Tuesday. Everything went well and we found out that we're having a baby!!! I told you we wouldn't find out! It wasn't hard at all! The baby is doing great and I've only gained 9lbs which is awesome! I'll be 21 weeks tomorrow! Kristy I can't wait to find out you're results! Mel, I'm so relieved to hear that the bleeding and spotting has stopped! Continue to take it easy! Shauna, I'm very happy for you and your family! I love that you use the word "yous". My uncle always uses it and we laugh all the time! Tink, it sounds like you have quite the process to go through and I pray that it works out for you! Ginger, why are you considered high risk? Is it because of your surgeries in the past or am I confusing you with someone else? Take it easy! I'll try and be more diligent when it comes to checking in on you girls. I don't like missing anything. I'll work on getting those us pics and belly pics put on myspace. Take care everyone!


Shauna - February 9

I just wanted to send out a huge thank you to all of yous who sent me birthday emails and such...SO NICE!!! Still have no idea how you knew it was my birthday as I can not find that I posted it on here. Yep the big 30 today at 7:05 am this morning. My mom is coming out from Saskatoon tonight to help me pack and to celebrate. LOVE YOUS ALL!!!


Shauna - February 9

Shawna...Just wanted to add something in response to your previous post...It is so funny that you like the 'yous'. Until lately I have always been so worried about what I type and try to spell properly and use the correct punctuation because you are a teacher. Do you remember when I started the tread and I misspelled THREAD??? Well that is why I really try to sound like I have a brain. Cuz I do!!! Now I dont worry so much....I can blame it on my age now eh??? lol


Kristi1 - February 9

Well, I got the test results back... BFP! However, my HCG levels were low, so I go back Monday for another beta blood and see if they are doubling like they should be and stuff.... So I am not really celebrating yet, but I am being optimistic...when I had the ectopic on Oct 05 (which all started with my low HCG levels), I felt differently and just felt like something was wrong and this time I dont feel that way, so hopefully that is a good sign! Happy Birthday Shauna!! Wow, 3-0.....dont worry about it, I wish I was just turning 30 (will be 36 in Nov...) Hope everyone is doing well!!


Shauna - February 9

KRISTI...CONGRATS!!! This is turning out to be a great big preggo party...cant wait to here about TINK joining in on the fun!!! fingers crossed. Some of you will remember that my dh had low sperm count and had a varicocelectomy in March 2005 to try to correct it....well it did no good...so we have about a point 5 % to a 1% chance of conceiving without IVF or something like that. So on a happier note we have our boys longterm so it is like having two kids at once. SORTA!!! without the diapers and the baby. hee hee boo hoo!!! jk. Have a super day and I know I will...my husband is taking me to Red Lobster and then a movie.


Shauna - February 9

The surgury was in 2006 not 2005....typo Shawna see old age is catching up with me....beware!!!


Shauna - February 12

LADIES...WHERE DID YAH GO??? Hey soooo my mom came to 'help' pack this weekend. That was a disaster. I am so glad she is gone. She puts all my stuff in the wrong places and it takes me extra time to undo what she did. She put me back a full day I figure. Oh well she was trying to help. DH took me out to Red Lobster for supper on Friday. That was really nice...I had some big expensive Lobster, Crab and Shrimp platter. It was soooo yummy. I had never had lobster or Crab before. It took me sooo long to 'crack' the crab open. hee hee. I was all covered in butter. My dh is getting me a family ring for my birthday. He wants me to pick it our to make sure that it is what I want. I think it is a really nice idea because now we have 2 kids. I want one that I can add on to incase I win the lottery and can afford the IVFs and stuff. I dont even understand half of what I read on here. IVF and egg transfers and such. Oh well...All I know is that it is expensive and we just dont have that right now. Any ways have a wonderful day and Shawna have a nice long weekend coming up.


ginger6363 - February 12

Congrats, Kristi. I am so happy for you! Keep us posted with your HCG counts!


Kristi1 - February 13

Hi ladies...thanks for all your support and well wishes...but I miscarried. My numbers were at 9 Monday morning....sooo, now I just wait to start bleeding I guess, I dont know how this works as my first m/c was an ectopic, so that was alot different......anyway...thanks and the best of luck to all of you!! I will check back later and keep you updated on what we are doing.... ;-)


ginger6363 - February 13

Oh, Kristi. My heart goes out to you. Know that I am sending hugs and prayers your way.


Tink - February 13

Kristi, my heart goes out to you as well. you are in my prayers and thoughts. well my ER is scheduled for Thursday at 6am. i trigger tonight. i have 13 good follies, of which they think they will get 7 mature eggs. i hope it is more. transfer will be on day 5, which is next tuesday, barring something happens and they have to do a day 3.


Shauna - February 13

Oh Kristi...thats aweful. I am thinking about you today. I have had early mc before and it sucks to say the least. Had you allowed yourself to get excited over the weekend??? I hope not too excited as that makes it worse. With mine I knew cuz of the bleeding but that was 12 years ago so now a days they do blood work instead. Im here to listen if you want to talk, if you dont want to for a while I understand. My heart goes out to you. TTFN


Shauna - February 15

Hope everybody had a good Valentines day. I didnt...dh went to bed at 9:30 because he was tired.I channel surfed and found the final episode of Dawson's Creek (always makes me bawl the whole way through). So I guess you could say I went to bed crying. lol Talk to you all soon.


Kristi1 - February 15

Hi ladies...thanks for all the thoughts and prayers...I am doing ok...started AF yesterday, and they will count this as AF since my numbers were never above 25...so I start the Femara again tomorrow, we are going to do a mid-cycle sonogram this time around, with an Ovidrel shot to make me release the egg and IUI #2 should probably be around Feb 27..... So, we'll see how it goes this time.... Tink, how did it go today? I am really keeping my fingers crossed for you! Shauna, sorry you didnt have a good Valentines Day... ;-( Ginger, Mel, Shawna, how are things going?? Talk to you all later!


Shawna1 - February 16

Yes, I am aware that it is almost 2am, and I am so, so tired, but my hips are hurting so bad, I can't lay on my side and you're not supposed to lay on your back for any long periods of time after 20 weeks. Wow that was a run-on sentence. There I corrected myself!!! Just teasing Shauna!! Kristi, I'm glad you're ready for another round. You're a very strong woman! This is taking me forever to type because I keep nodding off in the computer chair! I'm going to try taking a tylenol and hopefully I can get some sleep!! Later


Kristi1 - February 20

Hi ladies! Shawna, hope you are sleeping better, what a bummer, I hate it when I cant sleep! Tink, how are things going?? How did the ET go? What happens next? Shauna, hope things are going well with the house. Mel, how are you doing? Ginger, let us know how your u/s goes this week...the 23rd right? I go in Sunday for my u/s, then hopefully will get to do IUI Tuesday....so that is about all that is going on in that dept...otherwise just really busy at work! Talk to you all soon!



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