~0~0~0Fertility Journey0~0~0~
93 Replies
Kristi1 - February 20

Hi ladies! Shawna, hope you are sleeping better, what a bummer, I hate it when I cant sleep! Tink, how are things going?? How did the ET go? What happens next? Shauna, hope things are going well with the house. Mel, how are you doing? Ginger, let us know how your u/s goes this week...the 23rd right? I go in Sunday for my u/s, then hopefully will get to do IUI Tuesday....so that is about all that is going on in that dept...otherwise just really busy at work! Talk to you all soon!


Tink - February 20

doing good guys. Kristi, glad you get to move on with the IUI. the monitoring is great and the trigger makes a difference. i am going in for my embryo transfer today. all 8 littl embies have been growing in the lab for 5 days. we are doing a 5 day transfer, which should be great. hoepfully 2 are still of great quality (i haven't gotten a report since the day before last), and we will transfer 2. i'll be on bedrest for 24 hours after it. we go at noon.


ginger6363 - February 20

Tink: how exciting! I wish you the best with your transfer today! Kristi: thanks, for thinking of me. yes, I do have my 12th week scan on Friday 2/23. I am so excited and so nervous all at the same time! Hope all you ladies are well.


Kristi1 - February 20

Tink, how exciting! Let us know how things go! Ginger, what will you be able to see on the u/s, do you know? Like will you know the sex yet or anything....?? I have not yet figured out when all that kind of stuff can be seen and everything ;-)


stepmommel - February 23

Just thought I'd check in and let you know I'm still around and thinking about you guys. Kristi and Tink, I'm praying that this is your month and that you're both still hanging in there. shauna, same goes for you too! Ginger, good luck with the scan today... baby should look a lot different that the last u/s, huh? Let us know how it goes. Hi Shawna! Not much going on here. I'm at 14 wks and still waiting for my 20th so we can learn the sex. Hope to hear from you all soon! Big hugs!!!


Kristi1 - February 25

Hi ladies! Went in for my u/s this morning. I have 4 follicles on my right side, but they need another day, so will do the the Ovidrel shot tomorrow night and IUI on Wednesday. How is everyone else doing??


mbostick25 - February 25

My husband and I have decided on another baby. We have two girls 6 and 9. When our youngest was 6 months old we lost twins. Boy it was a surprise to us. We didnt know we were pregnant. I had taken him for the vasectomy the day I found out we were prego. One week later miscarriage and imagine that they found two sacs. We now have decided instead of reversal were gonna use ICI. We want to start trying in May. I'm gonna start clomid. Does anyone have any input on where to begin. I'm tracking my cylces, and taking prenatal vitamins, prime rose oil, and B-6. I"m at average weight , I'm gonna be 28 next month. I'd like as much help as possible due to we've never really done this before. The first three pregnancy's were not planned they were a big surprise. My two girls want to be big sisters. Thanks.


Kristi1 - February 28

Hey ladies, where is everyone?? Mbostick125, welcome to our thread! I dont have much time right now, so I will try to get back later and maybe give you some pointers...any specific questions, just post and we will try to answer them! Just a quick update on me...I had 2nd IUI this morning...everything looked good, spermies were good, cm was good and I am having major O pains today...so back to the tww! I am going to wait until I am one week late before I test this time though, so it will be more like a three week wait! Anyway, have to get back to work...will check back later!


Shauna - March 1

Welcome MBO!!! Our thread is a little slow right now but we are all great people....even me!!! lol. Kristi...gl with the 3ww. I have actually been thinking about going talking to someone here about tests and stuff to do IVF or IUI. In our case I am guessing that the out of body fertilization would be a better way...is that IVF??? anyways...Miss you girls lots and I wont be on again for awhile now as I have to MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!! YAY!!!! So talk to you all when the lifting is done. hee hee


Kristi1 - March 7

Hey, just bumping us up...where is everyone??? Not much going on here, just checking to see what is going on with everyone else.....


stepmommel - March 8

Hi ladies. It sure is quiet around here! Kristi, I'm holding off for at least another week to ask you my usual 2ww questions, but don't think I'm not thinking about you every day, wondering! Shauna, how's the move going? Are you settled in yet? So, you're considering the IVF??? Is it definite? MBO sounds like you're on the right track, starting with temping, etc. Clomid worked for me, though it took six months of taking it and having an HSG before it took! Ginger, how did your scan go? Everything still going smoothly I hope? How are you feeling? Tink, what's the news? Shouldn't you have heard something by now? Let us know, we like the updates!! Shawna, what's up with you? The baby must be super active by now, huh? Still waiting on those belly shots, but NO PRESSURE! ;) I'm 15 weeks this week and still anxious to feel the first kick. People are starting to notice that I'm showing now - even those that don't know I'm pg, so that's exciting. AND, I just found out yesterday that my friend at work is 6 wks pg too! She even goes to the same doc as me AND her first appt is next Friday, the same day as my next one! How weird is that!? Only 6 more weeks (or five if I can make it happen) until we learn the sex! I can't wait! Oh, and my dreams are the WEIRDEST! We need to start a whole new thread just on those! You'd think I was psycho though, so maybe it's not the best idea! Miss you all and hope the thread keeps up! Big hugs, belly rubs and baby dust!


Tink - March 8

mel- 15 weeks? wow, time goes by fast. sorry i have been MIA, i post mostly on the IVF thread now. but we did get our BFP!!! on our first IVF try!! we had 13 eggs, they only took 8, since only 8 were mature. all 8 fertilized naturally (no ICSI). and all 8 made it to day 5. 2 of those were blastocysts, the best quality. so we put those 2 in, they were ready to hatch and implant, you could see the fetus and the placenta forming in the photo they gave us of the cells etc. The other 6 grew another day, but weren't of great enough quality to freeze. so the 2 we put in were it. my betas all came back great- the first was 139 at 14dpo and my progesterone is sky high at 110. it should be 20 or 30. but high progesterone is not bad, in fact it means less chance of m/c, since i have a lot of natural progesterone supporting the pregnancy. my second beta doubled like it should (more so). and now i am waiting on the first u/s on the 22nd (2 more long weeks!). i am 5 weeks today and will be 7 weeks at the u/s. I had cramping, twinges, back pain, gas, weird smelling pee, crazy dreams, nothing soudns good to eat etc. at about 2 days after the transfer (right when implantation would have just occurred). so my symptoms started right away and have continued since. i still get AF like pains to this day, but i know it means things are going well! i was doing progesterone in oil shots each night since retrieval, but got to stop those since my p4 is so high and do suppositories instead. so much better than those awful 2 inch long shots! i hope this thread continues to bring luck!


ginger6363 - March 8

yea, Tink! I am soooo excited for you that's incredible! I am 13.5 wks today and I go back for an u/s in 2 wks. The doctor said he could tell the sex then so I super jazzed about that! I'm glad to hear things are going well with you Mel!


Kristi1 - March 9

Tink, congrats!!! How exciting!! I really hope you keep us posted! Ginger, cant wait to hear what you are having!! Mel, glad to hear things are going good! Shauna, hows the move going? Shawna, how are you doing?? Nothing much going on here...will test the 22nd if I can hold out that long... Well, everyone have a great weekend!!


ginger6363 - March 9

Good luck with the testing, Kristi, my fingers are crossed for ya!


stepmommel - March 10

Tink, that's WONDERFUL!!! Congratulations!! So, what's your estimated due date at this point? Ginger, I wish I had your doc, here you are a couple weeks behind me yet you get to find out the sex way before me! What's up with that!? The wait is killin' me. Let us know the news when you get it! Talk to ya'll later...



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