2ww driving yhou crazy- Part 9
87 Replies
JB0405 - November 27

LOVEMY3!!! I am so hurt for you!! I know how painful and defeated you must feel. I have an IUI tomorrow and I just feel ok about it... you know? Hi Angel & Linds! I am sure you guys get my drift too. I am just not looking forward to the 2ww part! Anything worth fighting for must be worth it! Have a good week everyone, I will be checking in... Hey LOVEMY3, please don't be hard on yourself and live it up in Disney, it truly is a magical place to be.


Amysince70 - November 27

I'm sorry, lovemy3.....I hope that next month will be better. I am sadle right there with you. I was dashed by the trigger shot. I got a BFP on days 10 and 11 that slowly faded. (Called the nurse and she said NO WAY IS THAT STILL A TRIGGER! My beta was only 7....Think I cause it when it was leaving my system. Now, getting BFN's and going in tomorrow to pay another $180 to confirm that I'm not pregnant. I think we're going to IVF next month. We're gonna get pregnant soon...


lovemy3 - November 27

hi amy and jb, thanks for your encouragement. I'm feeling really good today. I feel an incredible relief about stressing over this anymore. For the first time in a ,long time, I cuddled in bed late this morning with my little ones and thought, no more stress. If it happens it happens, I don't have anymore opks and from the looks of the past year I most certainly ovulate, I'm getting my ewcm, dh has produced 3 kids already, hes had no issues that I think may have changed his sperm, so chances are its a matter of time. Even if my fsh is high because of age, I can't change it, so my plan is to get healthy as I'm very overweight and regardless of pregnancy, thats a good thing. So thats my plan ladies. I hope you all have a wonderul day, God Bless


angelkitty - November 27

Lovemy3 I am so happy for you and proud of you for your decision!! Doesn't it feel good to not stress yourself out!!!! You will probably come back from Florida pregnant!!!! Please keep in touch - at least for my sake!! You have no idea how much your words lift my spirit and how much better I feel when I see a post from you!! How is everyone else doing? Linds - how was the turkey? Mine was good but only because my Dh jumped in the middle of my cooking!! Thank God for my DH - he is awesome!!


Amysince70 - November 27

Lovemy3...That's a good way to think about things. It's so easy to fall into panic mode about this. I understand exactly how you feel. You're right, it will happen sooner or later. I wish I could feel a little peace with this, as well.


lovemy3 - November 27

Thanks all, Angelkitty, I am stickin' around here till you get that BFP and have that baby!lol!!! Even if I don't, I will be around and maybe can help you with pregnancy questions! Amy... I hope this month you get your bfp, is this your first you are trying for?


linds99 - November 27

Hi angelkitty, glad to hear your husband "saved the day." Seriously, love men who cook and know their way around a kitchen, it is hotter than an orgasm! (J/K). Since you aren't tracking this cycle, do you have anything going on right now in terms of "oddities" and symptoms? Lovemy3, just read you are off to FL for break time...really, that sounds like something we all need here in the thread...I hope you have an enjoyable time with the family. Amysince70, I just read about your waning beta levels, really, I thought it happend for sure for you. I feel disappointed too, it is just so depressing. So sorry, really, really sorry. Pam, you out there in cyberspace? How you feeling?


linds99 - November 27

Ok, AF just arrived. Really, with the way my period has been coming clockwork the last several months, 15 days after ovulation, i just can't believe how predictable it has become and I haven't gotten preggers on my own. I'm hoping IVF will give me an answer as to why. I guess I start the stimulating shots on Wednesday. This girl I know just emailed me her experience about the progesterone oil shots, and she told me they are horrible, just the news I wanted to read about...Ok everyone, pray for me this week that I don't overstimulate, get kidney failure and die. I know, really morbid, but if something bad will happen, it will happen to me! J/K...the saga begins.


Amysince70 - November 27

Yes, At 36 I'm trying for my first.


angelkitty - November 27

Linds, you know just how to make me smile!!! You are right about men that know how to cook...I tell dh i only married him because he is totally hot and he can cook!!! I think af is on her merry little way. I have had spotting today - very minimal. I had forgotten about her because I'd had no symptoms of her coming. It looks like I have gone from a 28 day cycle to a 30 day cycle. Not sure if that means anything or not. I am ok with af being here. Sure there is that disappointment that always come with af but I am ok. How is everyone else doing? Yeah Pam where are you!! Lovemy3 when do you leave for sun and fun in Florida?


linds99 - November 27

I remember when I first started dating DH, I thought it was "cute" that he knew his way around a kitchen, but really, when we got married and moved in with one another, (and I realized I am a complete idiot with no patience in the kitchen) it became more of a major asset to me and increased his sexiness in my eyes. It is beautiful, he bought a "cooking for pregnancy" book and only makes dishes from that book for us. Nonetheless, he is my hero. Anyway, enough gushing about that, looks like we ovulated on the same day angelkitty, with my af here today too. I also had a 30 day cycle this time, Ovulated Nov 12th-ish. Hey, our news station just did a story about international adoption with these two people I went to high school with and they talked about how it costs $30,000 to adopt. I was blown away. IVF is only $12,000, so I told DH, we will try the max on IVF and if we can't do that successfully, we'll fly to Romania to get one from an orphanage. But i just wanted to say that when these people I went to school with adopted their baby, about two years later she got pregnant, after she was told she probably won't get pregnant. Of course, that always happens. They were trying for such a long time and nothing, and then forked over $30,000 and wham, gets preggers. Life is just unpredictable.


Amysince70 - November 27

Well, I was officially BFN today. We wanted to move on to IVF next month but the clinic has messed up hours from the holiday so I have to wait another month. Deciding whether or not to do IUI again one last time or take a break? Any ideas? Anyone have any luck after they stopped clomid?


JB0405 - November 27

You can say that again Linds, unpredictable! I had an IUI this morning and decided to come home and relax rather than go to work and be stressed...12/11 is my test date with out AF! I really hope that all works out for the best for everyone!


lovemy3 - November 27

Thats for sure Linds. My neighour had 3 kids thru IVF, was told their chances on their own were almost nil. So they had 3, then in May did the last embryo transfer and it failed. They were really sad, had a garage sale and got rid of all the baby stuff etc, moved on. 2 months later found out she was pregnant! On her own, not planned or anything, was late and was preggers!! So there ya go! Unpredictable for sure. Forgive me cuz I tend to forget details, but Linds, why are you going in the direction of IVF again? I was thinking you had said PCOS and you were even thin, but now looking at your cycles, I'm thinking I'm confused. With early cycles, good length, you don't think it could happen on your own? I'm happy this month because when I was originally starting to post my af was barely there, regular but so light. Well, I'm on cd3 and its a great flow, so I'm impressed-lol. Maybe things are evening out for all of us. My LP was 12 days this month. I leave for vacation not to Dec 19th. At least all of our bding and ovulating will be done by then, that wold be tricky on holidays with my kids-lol. So it'll be the 2ww that will fly by with Mickey Mouse. I'm definately not testing till Boxing day, I'm learning my lesson these days. But then again, I was reading in the New Man mag my dh reads, its said, "when you dream with God, go big!"" So maybe I will put myself out there for a BFP Chrsitmas morn in Disney World where the magical monents are. Gosh, I could be a commerial-lolololol. So ladies, look like we all start another cycle of hope. I'm so glad I have you all. XOXO


JB0405 - November 27

Hey Amy, sorry about the BFN... I know what a pain in the butt that can be. Love, have fun in Disney and trust me, you & DH will find a way to have your own fun HI LINDS!!!


linds99 - November 27

lovemy3, I used to have 35-37 day cycles before clomid, a few months I would be lucky to have a 33 day cycle. Since I did clomid in July, Sep, Oct...I've had 29 and 30 day cycles. (And had a 30 day cycle without meds in Aug and a 30 day cycle in November without meds) so the clomid must have kick-started my hormones to activate and ovulate a few days sooner. But it doesn't mean that I "actually" release the eggs, which is why I've never gotten pregnant. But my left tube also "collects fluid" and is slightly dilated at the end, which they think the egg never gets through, weird anomoly, so they think that lowers my chances each month too. I also ovulated this month on the left side. Anyway, yes, I have PCOS, and yes you can have regular "normal" periods, but it doesn't mean that you ovulate or have quality ovulation by any means. I'm hoping IVF will let me know whether I have an egg issue, maybe the shell is too hard for the sperm to penetrate, I have heard many PCOSers complain of that little discovery at IVF time...Hi JB, good luck this cycle....baby dust to you of course...maybe you will be our first + here.



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