Anyone out there?....
I am 26 and DH is 27 been trying for 19 mo for #3me #2 for him. I am on my 3rd round of clomid just finished yesterday cd 5-9. I am just so tierd. This round i went up from 50 to 100mgs and took it at nite and man did it wipe me out. Anyone else out there on clomid?..Anyone had success?...Anyone on cd 10 of clomid cd 5-9?
Hey, I'm 25, my sh is 26. We've been trying for 15 months on #3 for me and his first. We just did our first round of Clomid Febuary 15, Days 3-7. So far, I am like a week late and a few days ago I spotted. The preg test came back neg. We see the dr March 27th to see what's up... Good luck to you.
hi everyone
I wanted to invite you all to check out
they have a great pregnancy and due date area for mommies to chat in:)
As well as an awesome TTC section and right now a contest to win free opk and pregnancy sticks!
What were your Estadiol (E2) levels before insemination? Mine was 500 something and I had 5 follicles. One of my friends who has POCS had an E2 of 1000 and had 10 follicles is now pregnant with twins. She is 29 and I'm 38 so I know that makes a difference too. Our first attempt with injectable drugs and IUI was unsuccessful and I had my second Lupron shot to shut me down yesterday.