TTC In May Through Friendship and Support...#4
148 Replies
ROBYN - May 28

Morning girls woke up with a damn sore throat i feel like crap. I thought the meds i am on are supposed to prevent me from getting sick not let me get sick LOL. LEYSA - well since i am one of the few who basically and literally knew the second i got pregnant and got pics to proove it (LOL) I can 100% completely understand the fears. I dont think mine will go away till we actually leave the hospital with the baby. I am sure everything your feeling is normal but if you start getting lower back pain and cramping more like period cramps associated with anything else than call the doctor or go to the ER. But i truly think youre uterus is just stretching. Just rest and take it easy.


Katt - May 28

HELP-- My husband decided last night that he would like some help to stop drinking for "awhile". He wants to stop self medicating because it just doesn't feel good anymore. I did explain that this is something he will have to do as a "life change" because stopping for "awhile" does not work, especially with his history. Anyway, he checked himself into the local ER at 3 am. I had no idea until I woke up to no John at 6 am and phoned him.
His ETOH (blood alcohol) was 1.68 from a blood draw taken at 630 according to the counselor; so she said at 3 am his content level would have been a 3!! John swears they took his blood at 430 - who knows. We'll chalk the level up to a 2.5 for arguments sake. WOW! (He was driving!)
After a 30 monite "Intake" the counselor advised John to a 30 day Beacon Outpatient Alcohol and Substance Abuse group Mon, Tues, & Thur 530 - 730 PM. This program also requires extra AA meetings 3 times a week, the use of a sponsor, etc. After completion, continuing care group on Wednesdays for 12 months, It sounds really structured. Quite frankly, him having something like this 5 or 6 days a weeks may be helpful as at home it is: "sports = beer" as a constant. I really do not enjoy doubting my husband but I know for a fact that he will be physically unable to do this w/o a tremendous amount of positive reinforcement, guidance, etc. He has admitted to himself, me and this counselor that since the age of 16 he has been truly sober a total of 3 or 4 days - he is 33. The other days involved some amount of alcohol whether it be 3 beers or 10. Certainly, the question is <what will he say about this after he has slept it off>

Although this group sounds excellent I would like a comparison myself. The place I used to work with, the behavioral health place, has similar programs and maybe one of those would be better?? As for me, just knowing he was in the hands of people I know personally and already have a vague idea of our life could be quite beneficial to him. On the other hand, it may be not so good. This is NOT about me now is it ;) What do you girls think? I have known he has issues but there is nothing a person can do until the person with the issues wants help. Dunno if I am strong enought for this one :(


wannabeamom - May 29

Katt, I believe we don't know how strong we are until it happens. I know you are a strong woman. This year of TTC and changing jobs and everything else proves that. You love John. Ia m sorry you have to go through this. But it seems like a smart move.


wannabeamom - May 29

I am have another u/s and b/w tomorrow. Then I will hopefully know when my IUI will be.


Katt - May 29

Hi KATHY_ Thanks. NOt sure why I posted all of that. Guess I needed to vent. The shitty partof it all is all efforts seem to be a waste as he says he will not do AA and the program requires it so who the F knows. Oh well. Can't beat a dead horse! Anyway, he truely wants to stop but with 1 on 1 counseling. Dunno we'll see. KATHY_ I am on pins and needles in wait for your IUI news. Good Luck!!


ROBYN - May 29

Morning girls, KATT - i think you are stronger then you think you are. You do truly love John and will stand by him to help him thru this. But like you have said he has to want to help himself you cant force that issue. I hope he gets the help he needs and my god i cannot beleive he drove with that BAL (blood alcohol level). You are in my thoughts. You posted your feeling because you needed to get them out you are very brave to get so extremely personal with you life to all of us. I commend you for that. Kathy - good luck with the upcoming IUI hopefully good news coming your way. I am really sick i feel like total shit. I guess better to get sick now and get it over with then in 2 weeks with the transfer. Well gonna get some rest Anthony has a half day of school so i need to rest.


mommy2josh - May 29

Afternoon girls. Sorry been MIA. I was in no mood to be here and didnt want to pass negativity here. Friday I came home and we received a letter from our insurance that the Endo appointment I had will not be covered as the doc was out of network. The asshole charged $350 for 15 minutes. I faxed them my insurance card and asked that they verify that I will be covered and they said no problem come in. So DH was pissed and screaming. He said that I need to stop this shit and that ig its meant for me to get pg, it will happen naturally. So I understood at that momment that he wii not go for any assistance with conception. The whole weekeng we were at each others throats. I dont even know what cd I am on. Had some major cramps around my left ovary last night and this morning. I just hope its not a cyst. I read the posts, but in no mood to respond, sorry. Hope everyone is well, I will try to be back tonight. Love yas.


mommywannabe - May 29

I just wanted to let you all know you are in my thoughts and that I am sorry I still haven't posted. Hopefully tonight I can. I have had so much going on that I feel overwhelmed but I just wanted to post that I miss you all and hope to catch up on all you soon. LOVE YAS!!!


ROBYN - May 29

Tanya i am sorry about the crappy weekend you had. Man we should change jobs considering the asshole got 350 bucks for 15 min. I so understand the money issue with infertility its outrageous. Are you going to the doctor for the pain you are in?? I hope its not a cyst either. Dont worry about being "negative" we are here for you and love you.


slowpoke01 - May 29

READYFOR#3-go to wal-mart and get some boudros butt paste. it is great for diaper rash and also corn starch is too. both are pretty inexpensive and work good. i too could use a vacation and i dont have kids. dh and i are constantly taking care of stuff for his family and we dont get anything done around here.
LISA-hope that the morning sickness goes away soon.
KATT-cant wait until you publish so that i can get an autographed copy.way to go girl. so glad you are finally getting some use out of that gazelle. keep it ay that is great that john is admitting that he has a problem, that is the first step. be as supportive as you can. he will need a lot of support and i know that you are strong enough to handle this. you are a strong woman. we are here for you as well if you need a shoulder. it is good that he is wanting to get help.
WANNABE-we have all been there with the dh's being dicks. vent away girl we all need to sometimes.
ROBYN-so sorry that you are sick. i hope that you get to feeling better.
MOMMY2JOSH-omg i cant believe that you dh said that. my dh tells me that no matter what the cost do it. i know this is hard on you.what is wrong with him? doesn't he know what kind of stress you are already under and then to say something like that.
RHONDA-how are you doing? are you still having pain from the kidney? i hope not. how are the kids doing?
JEN-how are you doing? its been a while since you posted. is there anything new with you?

HI TO EVERYONE ELSE..i hope that you all are having a great day. it is raining here so dh may get to go with me to the doc tomorrow. probably not have u/s tomorrow and maybe trigger shot and maybe iui Friday we will see. i will update you all tomorrow on what happens. i miss you all and i am sorry that i havent been posting very much lately i have just been really busy. RICO is doing good with house training. so far now he barks to let us know he needs to go out. i have been watching him really close so that i can kind of tell when he has to go so i am catching it quicker i will let you all know something tomorrow. Where is everyone at in their cycles? tomorrow will be CD-13 for me so we will see. Good luck to all. Take Care~~JAMIE~~


lisas0305 - May 30

Hi Ladies... Things here have been more than a little crazy for me. I am officially 7W 4D today. Went to the RE's office and they did another u/s for us. So far our little one is looking good. As most of you know I have been really scared because I keep hearing stories of women who have a m/c and not even know it. The heart rate was 160 and we are at 13.1mm. It was really cool to see. We go back to the RE next week one last time. He keeps telling me that but I really am hoping that we will be able to keep seeing him until the end of the first trimester. The m/s has not stopped. It was really bad on Sunday and yesterday I couldn't stay awake for anything. The good news is that DH is very supportive. We have 3 dogs because I wanted to get another one just before I found out I was pregnant. It is really hard for him to walk all 3. I try to go but I have been having some lower back pain and have been too tired to go. Don't know what is going to happen when I get really big. ROBYN - A few more days to go. How are the injections? Are they getting any better? Sorry that they are making you sick. KATT - That is a lot to take in about John. Just know that you are such a strong woman and you can get through anything. Just try to stay positive. It is really good that he took the first step in getting help. Know that we are here for you always. You have always been so supportive so here is our chance to give back to you. JAMIE - Good Luck with the u/s tomorrow. It must be really exciting to know that your IUI could be on Friday. How many IUI's have you done? Stay positive and try not to stress!!! TANYA - I know how you feel about paying so much $$$ for 15 minutes. My RE doesn't take my insurance either. We go to him because he was recommended to me by my OB. They do their best to help us file our insurance. Insurance pays like $50.00 and we have to pay the rest. DH and I do feel like he has helped us and we did concieve while working with him. Stay positive!!! LEYSA - How are you feeling? Is the m/s getting any better for you? Were you able to get any rest this weekend? TO EVERYONE ELSE - I hope that everyone is doing well. I hope to hear that there are some BFPs here soon. Take care!!!


Katt - May 30

Evening Ladies!! 10dpo and counting. AF due Friday or Saturday. Can't really read I am truely sorry. Work will have me quite busy this week with 3 bids and entering 4 new employees. It's not the number of employees but that they're Union workers so there's a lot of extra crap that goes with the data as we have to pay the dues and shit. Oh and get this I have driving around w/o oil in my car!! I know! Anyway, I pray to God all works out since I have refilled the oil to level. GIRLS_ Kathy Emailed me and she will be tied up for about a week or so but she misses us all and shall return as soon as she can!! Luvyas ALL. Take care, be safe and wish RBS Construction, Inc a happy and lucky bid day!! Cyas!


Katt - May 30

SLOWPOKE01 (JAMIE) WRITES: "hey will you tell the girls that i am good. i go back to have another u/s tomorrow and i will let them know exactly when iui will be then. i think that they will trigger tomorrow and iui Friday but we will see. let them know that i am thinking of them all. tell them that i miss them but i have been really busy. i had an alright time at the lake. i was trying not to hurt anyones feelings with the mood swings that i have on this clomid so i was trying to stay away from did get to go for my first boat ride and rode on the barge as well that was pretty cool. i miss you all though and would have rather had you all at the lake with me instead of dh's family with their million and one questions about what procedures they do and what meds i take and when i go back and when i find out if i am pregnant. it was hard not to tell them to just mind their own business and i will let them know when and if i think i need to. anyway i hope that you all had a great holiday weekend. so how are things going with you? take care i will update everyone tomorrow.

love ya,


Katt - May 30

I couldn't resist... I did a quick skim from my last post... ROBYN_ Thank you. I wear my life on my sleeve, haha. I figure if I am an open book then noone has to ask me any questions. Seriously though, thank you. ROBYN & LISA_ John isn't a textbook alcoholic by no means. He never did go to group. He is going to go to my Alt DOc as the doctor is also a Psychiatrist. John wants the one on one and that probably is betterfor him as I honestly think he may have a social disorder/anxiety. I mean he has to drink a few beers to go to a function - nerves! He's sober 2 days now... we'll see how determined he is. TANYA_ I am so sorry your weekend was so crazy. I would seriously call your doctor's office and remind them that you sent the ins info to them for verification prior to the procedure and that you will not pay as they obviously didn't do their jobs. Your local attorney general may be worth a call for advisement, if any. That may be a bit extremem, but at the same time, $350.00 is a lot topay for negligence. (sp) JAMIE_ Thank you for responding, you have no idea what that means to me - I'll definitely sign a copy for you!! As for the gazelle that is going to take some hard determination. Itmay seem like an excuse ut with the weather at 92 degrees and muggy after working a 9 hour day; the last thing I want to do is exercise in the upstairs sauna!! I say sauna because we use a window air unit upstairs because the the blower in the basement doesn't do so well to push it up and there are no air returns up there either so this whole exercise thing NEEDS to be done in the AM - gggrrrrr!! Why do I let myself get fat is the damn question. CHRISTIE__ I am so sorry about today. The IM's. I was so bust at work and it will continue all week. We have 2 bids tomorrow and 1 Thursday. I am entering new employees into quickbooks for payroll thursday AM and the bid is at 2pm with an hour drive so I have a lot to do. Okay girls - I am off to beddiebye!! Sweet dreams!! Y'all have a happy wednesday!! luvyas!


Katt - May 30

ooops I forgot to mention the point of elaborating on the "sauna" lol duh - the window air unit is left OFF all day! NIghty-Night!


mommy2josh - May 30

Morning ladies. How is everyone? Lisa and Natasha, how awesome that you got to see the little ones and the heartbeat. I remember how excited I was before every u/s. Its great. Katt ((((hugs)))). A whopper of a problem you have on your hands, but John is your hubby and you will support him. At lease he admitted he has a problem. That's step number one. My husband is a recovering addict and the NA meetings were enough for him. For the first 2 years of our relationship he hardly ever touched alcohol. After that he started to drink socially. He wont touch the stuff unless we have company or are at a party somewhere. He says that I changed his life and he sees no reason to drink or do drugs. Maybe one on one counseling will be enough for him. It is said that he had such a horrible relationship with alcohol all his life. I truly hope that he will get well soon. Thanks for the advice. Hope AF stays away. Robyn I am so glad that Anthony is making friends. Not too much longer for you. I hope that this cycle will be a success. (((hugs))) Jamie good luck to you with the IUI. Keep us posted. Are you using the same donor or a different one? Kathy where are you in your cycle? Rhonda how are you feeling? How are the kids? Hellos to Kelley, Leslie, Christine, Christie, Lesya, Erin, Jo, Shauna, and anyone else I may have missed.



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