TTC in December Through Friendship and Support - Part 3
323 Replies
LeslieK - December 30

Hi everyone. I'm feeling okay today. I can't tell whether my stitches are bleeding or if its just me from my fall. I tried to look but its hard to discern anything down there! I didn't have a c-section so its the ones from my tear. It was a pretty bad tear (2nd degree all the way back...) I have my 4 week follow up visit on Tuesday so I guess I'll find out then how I'm doing. Kelley - great job on the breastfeeding and Saydie gaining back her weight. Joey has a dr. visit too on Tuesday so I'll let you guys know how big he is getting. I'm guessing he's pushing 10 pounds already, he's really filling out. My nipples are still pretty sore. The scabs are healing with the help of lanolin but every now and then he tears one off and were back to square one. The last couple of nights have been hard. He's had a hard time sleeping and he's been spitting up so I haven't gotten much sleep. I tried to stay in bed for a long time this morning so hopefully I'll be able to make it to a family party tonight. Robyn - I'm glad you got to see Anthony a little bit. How fun to go on a cruise. When will he be back home? Well I hope everyone is doing well and I'll check back in tomorrow. xoxo


cmelissa - December 30

Wannabe - wishing you a BFP on the 8th!! Fingers are crossed for you!! Not much new to report - still waiting for AF to show - hopefully in the next few days so i can start the bcps! Robyn hope your nose power subsides so you stop gagging, ha! leslie - what a scare falling - hope you are okay babe! Rhonda i bet you are counting down the days now!! So excited for you! Slow when is your beta test?? JD great to hear from you - hoping you find a job soon!! Kelley sounds like you are a great mommy!! Saydie is a doll baby!! Well whats everyones plan for new years eve??? Have a great day!


wannabeamom - December 30

Kelley thos are great pics! Has anyone heard from Katt?


Katt - December 30

Sorry I have been MIA as I am trying to keep myself busy and my mind off ttc - I haven't even temped yet! I am on CD7 as today was my last day to take Clomid. I will do trigger shot this cycle and have my OB appt on Tuesday (cd10). I guess he'll determine when I come back for u/s and hcg shot. People tell me that the trigger shot has massive emotional side effects so this should be a wild ride, lol! GIRLS_ I am not going to play catch up at this point as I have missed at least a week of posts. PLEASE email me individually to fill me in on what I have missed with YOU! I will be back in full force on Monday... I'll assume we'll have a new thread name and look for that - until then I LOVE YOU! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Katt - December 30

oh opps >> [email protected] <<


Katt - December 30

Oh and BTW this is what Ovusoft said about my temps: "Progesterone levels can drop enough to affect temperatures anywhere from the day before menses through the end of menses. For some women, it is more common to see the temperature drop the last day of their bleed than it is to see it before they start bleeding. This is a normal variation." KATHY_ I was copy/pasting and saw your progesterone level - HEWWEEE here's praying for your BFP as 58 is more than double the high end of normal so I would definitely be banking on conception this time! Prayers to you Kathy!! C U Girls Monday!!


leahb5 - December 30

hello girls i'm new to this thread but have been on others with robyn (hi robyn) this is my first month of injections and first month for an iui too. i had some ? and robyn thought you guys could help me out? i had my baseline u/s yesterday (cd3)and she said i had 5follies on left and 8follies on right. uterine lining was 2.5?? is this normal or sorta low in the amount of follicles? i start my injections tonight bravelle 150iu and go for a u/s on tues morning....what should i expect for side effects and did anyone give the shot to themselves? how was it ? when should the follicles start to grow? how long was everyone on there meds before iui? thanks for all your help.


slowpoke01 - December 30

hey everyone. BL-not sure when i will test yet i havent decided. it should be around the 5th but i may wait a little while if a/f is late.JD_hope that they give you some good news when you go to the doc in feb/mar ROBYN-too funny about the dinner. MELISSA_i wont have a beta until after i get a + hpt.LEAH-welcome to our thread. first of all i think that the number of follies that you had are normal for most. most of them wont mature though, i think i ended up with 3 mature ones. i took clomid so i cant help you with the injectible side effects. i took clomid for 5 days and then had trigger shot on day 12 and iui on day 14 if that helps y ou any. good luck to you


ROBYN - December 30

Hey girls, Kelley, Isabella and Saydie are sooooo cute. I was laughing at Saydie sitting in her swing. Just looks so cute. LESLIE - girl I hope you feel better I cannot imagine anything "tearing" down there OUCH!! Does it hurt to go to the bathroom? Like pee and stuff? Sorry if too personal. Anthony will be home next Saturday. KATT - missed you glad youre back. You take your time and do what you need to do. SLOW - you must be getting nervous and excited. You also have the patience of a saint because as you all know I didnt. I promised I wouldnt test and hell I did 7 times !! MEL - you actually sound better. I think the IVF counselor was a good thing for you <<HUGS>> WANNABEAMOM - you also must be getting excited too isnt it next week for your beta test? LEAH - I am so glad you came over here. This is a great place and we are great friends so you will fit right in!! Well unfortunately I have to work tonite 4 days tomorrow till the U/S. Getting nervous. Well I also got to take a 2 hour nap so hopefully that will get me thru the nite. Well I will be back in a while. Take care. CYAS


wannabeamom - December 30

Katt you are such a sweetheart. TTC is such a wild ride. I am glad your are back. What injectible are you getting? I had no side effect ffrom Ovidrel. But I know our situations are different. My nurse sounded cautiously enthusiastic about my progesterone level. Welcome Leah! I had DH do my trigger shot. The first one he did in my leg and it was fine. The next time I had him do it in my tummy. He was so freaked out he jabbed me really hard. It only takes a second. I did my baseline u/s on cd3 and started clomid that day for 5 days. Then on cd10 I did my trigger shot ater they did bloodwork and u/s. The next day I went on for IUI. I would ask your doctor what "the plan" is. My RE is so hard to get a hold of. You have to leave a message unless you are returning a call.Owell. Robyn, I hope Anthony has fun on the cruise. Where is he going? I am so jealous. I loves cruises. My beta is on 1/8. I have to do that inthe morning and then bring my dad to start his radiation. What a bitersweet day. I pray that he reacts well to the radiation and chemo pills AND I can tell him I am pg. He was so sad when I lost the first pg. Well anyway, I will check back later.


slowpoke01 - December 31

ROBYN-lol i really dont have used to before i started this whole ttc journey, but my patience has been worn thin i will probably give in and test because the 5th dh's sister is supposed to be coming down for christmas. she lives in oklahoma so she will come down for a few days when she gets a few days off.WANNABE-i have never seen a progesterone that high when there wasnt a pregnancy. so that is good. i am hoping anyway that is why your prog was so high. good luck to you.


ROBYN - December 31

Wannabe - I agree with SLOW my progesterone test which was 7 days after the IVF transfer was 36. And I was already pregnant then and didnt know it and then the 1st beta was over 40. So they say progesterone doesnt mean your preganant or not its really good for implantation if it occurs or occurred and those levels are awesome!!


wannabeamom - December 31

Thanks for the encouragement Jamie & Robyn! I had some cramping (like a pinching) last night. I also have pubic bone pains. I have never had that before. That was also last night. I hope those are good signs and not the false kinds! Well here is to BFP's and all of us poppin out babies! LOL! Good night!


slowpoke01 - December 31

wannabe-i am praying that you get a + after those numbers i would be so disappointed if you dont. i was supposed to get prog checked but i didnt. i cant see having it done everytime when it is always good so they will just do it if i get a +. i dont want to get my hopes up so i was a fraid that prog test might get them up too high and then i would be disappointed later so i just didnt do it. it is always close to 30 so im not worried about it being low or anything. i am glad that yours was so high though i have never seen prog. levels that high on here before. KELLEY-great pics i loved them. your kids are just adorable. take care all and good luck to everyone who is in the wait


ROBYN - December 31

Wannabe - whats your 1st name I am sorry to ask I am sure you have said it before. Well those small symptoms are a good sign. I had the same thing the cramping on and off and had some pinching also. Those sound like great signs. But I so understand you not wanting to get your hopes up. I know with IVF they said alot of the meds imitate pregnancy signs and I am also doing progesterone injections they also mimic pg signs. But obviously it wasnt. So my fingers are so crossed for you are you going to test early?


Rhonda - December 31

Hello girls,sorry i did not post today.My sister is moving and we were helping her.Kelley thats very sweet of you,i will email you my address.At the end of your email it is .ca ?Sleepers is the main thing i need for the new baby.Is she sleeping at night yet?Robyn so glad you seen Anthony,even if it meant taking that jerk ex of yours to the cruise.C-melissa i just got your christmas card today,it took 11 days to get here.Thanks for the card.Kathy my fingers are crossed for you to get a bfp,your in my thoughts and prayers.Hello to all of you,i have missed talking with you today.Welcome Leah this is the greatest group of ladies,you could ever imagine.



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