starting clomid...want to join me?
129 Replies
Ashleyg - January 7

had a couple of hot flashes the first two nights and i have been pretty tired, other than i just have to hope it will run its course and make me drop a little eggy this week!


JenG - January 9

Hi eb and Ashley and everyone! Its monday and I am day 2 of taking clomid... so far only 'edgy' feeling like I want to keep my hands busy and some minor hot flashes. This is the same as last month... I am so worried this will produce the same result! I will say, for me, I did not have a lot of hot flashes, but it happened through the month. Weird. Let me know what you found out at the RE!


eb - January 9

Hi everyone, I'm on day three of clomid. I have been feeling okay, some moddy ( crying ) and some hot flashes. I'm hanging in there.


lene - January 9

Hi ladies. Tonight is the last day of my clomid. Good Luck to you Ashleyg...i ready yours was on the 7th! I haven't had any se...maybe just a bit emotional...but it's so mild that i'm not even sure it's from the pill. Oh well! Hopefully if i get any it would be too bad. Good Luck to everyone...will post again to work. ~baby dust~


Ashleyg - January 9

hey ladies...well i took my last pill 2 days ago...i have been SO moody...i feel like i want to scream, for no apparent reason. guess it is just one of the lovely side effects...also i have been having hot flashes, and those suck too. i just hope the clomid does its job. i go in to the doc in a few days for that scan...i will keep you all posted. how is everyone doing? baby dust!


JenG - January 10

Okay, last pill this morning. I am MOODY! Work is stressful at the moment and things that I normally just don't care... I want to throw a 2-yr old tantrum... Ugh. Other than than... okay. Thank god I am done. Now I wait... ~Baby dust!~


Ashleyg - January 10

well, i have been doing opk everyday since i finished my last pill (dont want to miss the big O!). Nothing yet...i know i am supposed to ovulate 5-12 days after my last pill and it has only been 3 days but i just dont FEEL like anything is happening...anyone else feeling like that? am i just being impatient...i am still very moody too...and still getting the occasional hot flash.


lene - January 10

hi everyone i go for u/s on the 13th this friday. Woo-Hoo!

Good Luck Ladies!


lene - January 10

Ashleyg, I'm sure you are ovulating. I don't think having symptoms should make you feel better. But I know what you feel you are supposed to. I feel the same. But let's be positive. I'm sure we will be sweetly surprised!


Ashleyg - January 11

thanks lene...i go to the doc tomorrow. hopefully they will be able to shed some more light on what is happening, or not happening and also on the rest of my treatment regiment, if there is any.


lene - January 11

Ashleyg, so you go for you ultrasound tomorrow?...good luck either way.


Ashleyg - January 11

yup, tomorrow at 1:30 i am due for my mid cycle scan (ultrasound). they should be able to tell me something, right?


B - January 11

They will tell you if you ovulated. I just had mine today and the dr did an internal ultrasound and said that I did in fact ovulate on the left side and it did look good. Good luck. This wait just sucks. I wish I could know now. I keep running it through my mind when I am going to test. I would love to test on Sun that way if I am I can tell hubby right away. If I wait until 14 dpo (Wed)-7 long more days, I would have to wait and tell him in the evening because I would want to face to face. I really hope this is our month. My dr wants to do an HSG test if I don't get pg this month. I have heard it could be painful so I am really hoping I am pg so I don't have to go through that. Baby dust.


lene - January 11

Ashleyg...when did u last take your pill? I believe they will tell u if you have good follicles. for me it's friday.


JenG - January 11

Hi Ashleyg, they will run an ultrasound (for me vaginally) and measure my ovary and then the number of follicles growing. With clomid, they like to see 2 or 3 right around the same size growing. I have my u/s on CD11 and normally they are still growing... then when I go back in a few days for a 2nd... I am normally very close to ovulation. That's when they normally run a post coital test to make sure if my DH and I bed... all is well in the CM area. If not, we schedule the IUI and Hcg shot. From there on out... 2 WW! Good Luck and let us know what you find out!


JenG - January 11

Hi B, HSG is not a great feeling WHEN they are doing the procedure. Having said that in only last less than a minute if they do not find anything. After, just feels like the first day of your period for a few hours. For me this was mild cramping and lower back pain and the test was clear. Anything to get to the bottom of things right?



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