Pregnant after a laparoscopy, anyone
88 Replies
mimi - November 22

My Dr. inform me that if its mass amount of scarring it requires a two day procedure. There are different techniques that can remove scarring and what kind of instrument did your Dr. perform on you. There is operational scissors and laser surgery. the laser has a better advantage because it minimizes injury to surrounding areas. The operational scissors they use to cut the scarring can scar your surrounding area or put a hole in surrounding areas. I wish u luck with ttc and if this your dream be consistent. I'll keep you in my prayers and very much LUCK.


mimi - November 22

christine, He should at least removed some of the scarring, maybe the scarring is muscular and kind of hard to remove. the scarring becomes muscular when the area is servere. Was the blockage distal or proximal?


Amy - November 23

Hi all.. I am scheduled for a Lap Dec 1 for Endo etc after ttc for 4 IUI cyles... Hope I can get PG after...


christine - November 23

mimi, i didnt really ask , but the RE said he wouldnt reccommend me trying to clear the tubes, its about me going thru another surgery , i had myo in feb.


mimi - November 23

You should always ask questions about any procedure a surgeon perform on you. The Dr. recommened IVF I understand because it bybass the tubes w/o any effects to the organs, but what will happen if in the future if you will want to conceive w/o IVF. So he/she should have removed scarring instead of letting it remain there, it may extend to other areas. At least your tubes would have been open. Have you considered seeing a new RE who has patience and endurance. Request for another HSG instead of going through a second surgery. Sometimes during the HSG exam the Dr. will use a wire instrument to force the scarring away from the tubes. I haven't have any of the two exams performed yet, but I will use my voice for options I prefer. good luck 2 all ttc.


mimi - November 23

Gook Luck Amy!


EB - November 24

Does anyone how soon ovulation occurs after laparoscopy.Been for this op on Nov 11.Found out that I had endometriosis which the doc removed.I am eagerly trying to fall pregnant.Would I need to wait for a new menstrual cycle?


CW - November 28

Amy, I am in the same boat as you...lap on Dec. 2nd after TTC 4 IUI cycles. I have been TTC for about 1 1/2 years and am hoping that I will get pregnant shortly after this procedure. Good luck to all!


Billie - November 30

Hi I had a lap and dnc done one year ago in Nov 2004 in Dec 2004 I popped up pregnant but the pregnancy did not go well and had to have another dnc, then one day after that I found out I was still pregnant but with a tubel and had to go back in for a lap to help remove it. Hear it is another year and on Oct 24 I found out I was pregnant agin and had been for 8 weeks so right now I am about 12 weeks and everything is going good other then I am so sick and was never that way with my two boys I have now. And I was on the pill the whole time that is why I did not know I was preg. cuz I had had a period. My doctor told me that if women are having a problem getting preg then get a dnc and lap to help clean everything up and your chances go way up. I did not want to get preg a year ago and was very careful but also my husband is alot older and this time the same did not want taking the pill and have one ovary and he is older almost 50 and hear I am preg agin must be a meant to be baby


EB - November 30

Can someone please answer my questions? I am going crazy here.does anyone know the estimated time for ovulation after laparoscopy.I have been for the op on the 11/11/05, when can I expect next AF.when can DH and I start trying again.I am scared that I will not ovulate again.What if AF doesnt arrive?I mean not being preg and still af doesnt arrive? What then?


mimi - November 30

ovulation occurs 14 days before the day you started your period.


mimi - November 30

purchase a ovulation kitt at your local pharmacy then you and hubbie should start putting in work every day if your really ttc. Stop being pessimistic and be more optimistic.


mimi - November 30

Ovulation starts 14 days before the day u started your period


mimi - November 30

try to be more optimistic than pessimistic.


just had one - December 1

please note any instructions your doctor may have given you regarding sex after a lap. my doctor scheduled my lap for as soon after my period ended as possible (day 5) and then restricts sex for two weeks after the procedure or until your next period which ever comes first. i assume they want ample time to heal before a pregnancy. he gave us the go ahead for the next cycle. besides i don't know about you but i just had my lap yesterday and the last thing on my mind is sex! i am just trying to get my mind around the idea of how painful a bowel movement will be!


EB - December 1

Ladies, thanks for the advise.But let me explain my story.I have been for laparoscopy on Nov 11 to have ovarian drilling.doc noticed severe endometriosis which he a week later i was healed and then my dh and i started bd (i know it was soon).i do have the saliva ovulation test kit but it does not show what i am looking for. hopefully i am reading the results correctly.My question is when will I get AF.Or does ovulation occur any time after an op like this?Its been almost 3 weeks since the op, I am anxious to know when af will arrive.Does anyone out there had a lap and can tell me when af will arrive?



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