218 Replies
isa - July 13

Amanda congrats. Hope all is well with both and you have smooth sailing. Are you shocked? How many eggs did you have at the iui -remind us all the good details of how they came to be :)


isa - July 13

Got my appt with the Geneticist on Thursday next week. I cant believe they are squeezing me in yeah!


amanda78 - July 14

Isa, that is great news about the geneticist! Everything is fine here so far. I'm still shocked that there were two of them! Becky-My last cycle I took 150 mg clomid. I had 3 follies ranging from 18mm-20mm. I thought we would be very lucky for one of the three to take. I never dreamed that two of them would! The only thing I did different from the other 2 iuis was resting more and the day and night after the iui, I slept with pillows under me. I didn't know if that would help and don't know if indeed that is what made it work, but I've heard of people standing on their heads trying to get pg so I figure that gravity has something to do with it! Hope all is well with everyone-baby dust!


Toni - July 15

Amanda congrats!! I had 4 follies when I had my IUI and only one of course took. But that makes me realize how close I could have come to twins! I hope everything keeps progressing!! Keep resting. Isa I am glad you got an appt. Waiting is the worst! For all of this. I am now just counting the days till Jillian will sleep all night! Wishful thinking I know! But my other two slept at 6 and 9 weeks so I am hopeful!


Becky - July 16

Toni you are lucky that your others started sleeping through the night at only 6 & 9 weeks. My dd who is 4 years old still dosn't sleep through the night.


Tonya1 - July 16

hey girls, thinking about all of you...nothing new here....we are leaving town, so i will check back in on Thursday....have a great week!!!! :)


Becky - July 18

How's everyone? Isa what time is your appt on Thursday? Tonya have fun on your trip. Amanda how are you feeling? Toni how's Jillian doing. How long did you take off work.


isa - July 18

Hey Becky its mid afternoon so the day I'm sure will go really slowly. I was thinking of Lee last night when I watched the adoption stories and a gal went down to Guatemala for a baby boy


Toni - July 18

Hey everybody. Becky I am off for the summer, I am a teacher. Right now going back to work sounds fun. I am worn out! I only teach half days anyway. It's amazing how you forget how hard these early days can be. Isa I still wonder what happened to Lee. It can't be good if she left us for this long. Tonya I hope you were able to escape this TX heat! Jillian is doing well. She has baby acne right now.


isa - July 20

Toni I hope Lee is down in Guatemala or else has gotten HOPE and is just too busy at home to sign in. I think of her every time I see the adoption stories listed in the tv guide. I have my appt tomorrow with the geneticist so I hope I have good news that all is normal or if not its very fixable. I'll keep you posted.


Becky - July 20

Isa goodluck with your appt. today I am thinking of you.


Toni - July 20

Isa I too am hoping she has Hope, but I just feel if that was the case, she would let us know and share her excitement. Hope you post soon about your appt. Judi are you still out there? How is Lauren doing?


amanda78 - July 20

Isa-do you have any answers yet? I hope all went well. I'm feeling good, a little nauseated, but I'm not complaining about that. I'm on vacation next week and we had planned a trip to FL, but we decided to just stay home and save our money this year. Maybe next year. Hope all is well with everyone.


Tonya1 - July 20

Hey ya'll...Isa, do you know anything yet? Toni, we went to Corpus, so we still had the TX heat....but it was fine....On last Saturday when we went to my nephew's b-day party, somebody said that my cousin (whom we were both trying for some time) was pregnant, but she didn't want to say anything yet because of the threat of m/c....I was so happy for her but sooooooo sad....Anyway, we got everything packed for our trip on Sunday and I thought, "I haven't had my period yet." and I took a HPT and it was BFP!!!!! I was beside myself, although not telling anyone, because I've already had 2 m/c's....Anyway, I go in the morning and have my levels checked.....DH hasn't said much about it....I think he's a bit scared as we both are to get our hopes up again.....Anyway, I'll write more when I know more....:)


Toni - July 20

Oh Tonya! Congrats! Baby glue!!! I loved having this forum to tell good news to before you feel you can tell everyone in your "real" life! That is so great! Isa are you back yet?


Toni - July 20

Is that 3 pregnant ones on this now?



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