Life After IUI 5
197 Replies
Elyse - June 1

Carole - so nice to see you back - good luck with the cycle. What injectibles are you on?


Ann1 - June 1

Elyse, sorry to hear about your dp and the double whammy of delaying your ivf cycle. I hope everything goes ok today and the drs figure out what is wrong! Let us know how things go.


Carole - June 1

Good Morning! Elyse and Ann, thanks for the welcome. Elyse, I am sorry to hear that you dp is back in the hospital. You guys sure do have a lot going on. I hope that things improve and they can help her. Who is keeping your little one? I am on Gonal-F 150 a day. I also have Ovidrel (is this HCG?) I don't know what the dosage is. It is prefilled and says 250pg/.5ml on the box. Make sense?? You guys are so up on all these injections so maybe you can give some advice to me. He started me out low on the gonal as I haven't done injectibles for so long and not sure what my reaction will be. He said if I am not responding well he will up the dosage. I have an ultrasound follie check on Tuesday morning. I hope by next weekend I can do iui. It will be nice to have a normal 28-30 day cycle this month. I am usually the 40 day person or not at all. Just a little info on me, I am 34, dh will be 35 next month. We have a 4 1/2 yr old little girl who was conceived b/w 2 round of injectibles in 2001. Weirdest situation! If you want to hear it , I will tell it. My daughter asks and prays everyday for a baby. I hope that I can give it to her. Not doing so hot at the moment and getting nervous about the age thing. Ann, when will you be starting the injectibles for ivf. Maybe you, Elizabeth and Elyse will be close in cycles. I hope that everyone has a great day! I will check in later! Thanks for letting me join your group!


Ann1 - June 1

I probably won't be posting much for a while. I had the saline sono today and the RE wants me to have a hysteroscopy before he does ivf. That means I can't start w/ivf until September...I am really bummed and my dh is pretty frustrated, too. The sono showed that I have a fibroid that may be interfering w/ttc. I also have either another fibroid or a polyp. Either way, I am going to have surgery in a few weeks. After that you have to wait 3 months before starting w/ttc procedures. Now I have to worry if this wait with further reduce my chances...Carole, let's hear your story! The Ovidrel is the hcg shot. It is a painless shot. It is pre-loaded into the syringe, but point the needle up and squeeze the air out of the tip before you do the shot. I hope you guys all have BFPs soon!


Elyse - June 2

OMG, Ann! That is crazy - I am so sorry. I never heard of a saline sono - what is is. I cancelled my hysteroscopy for this morning and it is rescheduled for next week. DP is in so much pain and puking her guts up b/c of all the pain meds and she hasn't eaten since Tuesday. Carole - good for you. My hcg was never preloaded - I had to mix it - 10K amp with 1.5 ml fluid. Don't sweat it - it is he beginning of the exciting part!!!


Elizabeth444 - June 2

Geez, alot has happened! Elyse and Ann, I'm so sorry your ivf cycles can't be done this month. Elyse, it sounds as if you and your dp are not having a good week. I hope she is better today? Please tell her we're all thinking about her and praying for her. Ann, I can't believe the bad news! But there is always a bright side - maybe that is the reason why you've had difficulty concieving, and after the surgery, you will have no problem becoming pregnant. So I don't think the waiting will reduce your chances. Your body will have rested from all the meds, the fibroids will be gone, and you will be in top condition to become a mommy. Carole, welcome to our thread. Good luck with your iui cycle, I hope it works! As for me, af arrived yesterday, so I'm starting Clomid on Sunday, and shots on Monday. The procedure will be exactly the same as last time. My first follie check is next Friday. I'm feeling very hopeful for this cycle. It has to work, otherwise I'm going to have to wait until next year before we try ivf again.


Ann1 - June 2

Thanks, Elizabeth and Elyse. Elizabeth, for most people a wait is no big deal, but for me with borderline fsh, it can be a big deal. I guess I just have to trust the dr and wait. He must think that the fibroid outweighs the risk of egg quality decline. I really feel like my body is betraying me. Elyse, how is your dp doing? Did they figure out exactly what is wrong? Tell her we are all thinking about her and hoping she gets better asap!


Elyse - June 3

Thankyou everybody for your wonderful thoughts. 24 hours, 2 tests and probably $10,000 later, no idea what is wrong and the pain as not subsided one bit. She is ill on 3 pain meds round the clock and a few other drugs s well. Elizabeth, sorry for the bfn - are you doing ivf this cycle? with clomid? Ann, It is so hard to trust what the docs want to do when you have such valid concerns about the course of action. But it sounds like they have weighed the options and the + exceed the - . Have you talked to them about the decline in egg quality that may happen over the next few months?


Ann1 - June 3

Elyse, yes I talked to the RE about the egg quality decline vs the fibroids. He said that he wouldn't wait 6 months, but he thinks a 3 month time is worth getting rid of the fibroids. I guess I just have to trust his assessment. That is just crazy about your dp. What all have they tested for? Is it possible she has a kidney stone or something like that? Keep us updated on how she is doing. I hope you are holding up ok.


Elyse - June 4

Ann, I'm holding up fine - thanks - I can hardly feel anything at all b/c I feel so busy taking care of her. They have tested for everything - thought it was kidney stones from the beginning, but it isn't. Did sonograms of the abdomen, chest and uterus and ovaries, ct scan of the same and today and MRI of the back to look for back issues that may have arisen after the surgery. NO ANSWERS - only more questions. I guess we'll see how she does tomorrow. My surgery is still scheduled for Monday, so life is oig to be pretty crazy for at least a few days.


Ann1 - June 5

Elyse, I hope your surgery went well today, assuming you had it, and that dp is doing better. Let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it!


Carole - June 5

Good Afternoon Ladies!! I hope you all had a good weekend. It was too short of course to do everything that needs to get done. Hope the next one rolls around quick. ELYSE, I am so sorry you dp is not doing better. Very frustrating. I hope they find the source and get things under control. Please give us an update on you when you can. I hope your procedure went well. ELIZABETH: You should be doing shots tonight , right? And you are doing IVF again? I hope that this round works for you. ANN: I am so sorry to hear about the wait to do IVF. I hope that you trust your doc and everything will work out better for you. I say get all the ducks in a row and let there be no obstacles when you do your round of ivf. I hope that you don't go anywhere and will still post. Does anyone know what happened to NATA? As for me, I have given myself 4 injections so far. They are not so bad once you get used to them. I have a follie check in the morning. I will update you guys after. I am feeling fairly bloated today so I assuming something is going on. I don't know if I told you guys but they found a cyst that he said is filled with blood, left over from a follicle. Has anyone else had any of these??
I hope that each of you are doing okay and I will check in later. Thanks for the support.


Ann1 - June 5

Carole, I don't know what happened to Nata. I hope she checks back in at some point. She probably just needed a break from all this ttc stress. I have cysts this time from being over stimulated, which is think is from left over follies. I've known several people that have gotten them and they went away on their own for everyone I have known. Did your dr still give you meds when you have a cyst? I thought you weren't supposed to take anything until they go away. I am glad the shots aren't bad for you. My dh and I are both needle phobics, so I do my own shots. It is horrible. I get so worked up about it!! It is frustrating, because it doesn't even hurt (except for the Menopur for me).


Carole - June 5

Ann, yep he gave me the meds and said that it wouldn't interfere with the iui at all. I have been having a weird feeling about it. It looked like a big blob on the screen and that was the first thing he saw. I have never had one before. I am doing ok with the shots. Dh is a needle phobic too. I had my girlfriend come over for support on Thursday night to help. She doesn't like them either but insisted on coming. Well we were reading the directions and laughing, etc. I gave myself the shot and then she said she was getting woozy and went out to sit on my bed. Then she said she was going downstairs. I was putting the stuff away in the bathroom, dh was getting my daughter in her pjs. I told him to watch her go down the stairs, which he didn't. I walk around the corner and she is passed out at the top of my steps. Freaked me out. She was out for a few minutes. Ended up staying at my house for a while to recoup. It was crazy. Needless to say she is not coming back for support. I am on my own. No one else knows I am doing this at all. Just dh, best friend and you guys. Sort of nice so I don't have to field questions. So Ann, had any good wines lately? I always enjoyed reading your posts about food and wine. What is your opinion on drinking in the 2ww? Is your job keeping you home for a while??


Ann1 - June 5

Carole, that is a great story about your best friend--poor girl!! I don't tell anyone anything about ttc either. Only my dh and I know. Lately, I have been telling everyone I don't want any children, because I am getting so pessimistic about this happening. I can't stand the thought of being pitied. Dh and I opened a really special bottle of wine last night. We said it was because the Mavs just made the playoffs, but a big part of it was that we really needed to drink it (it was on its last leg). It was a 1981 Chateau Haut-Brion. It is one of the First Growth Grand Crus on the left bank of Bordeaux. You may already know this, but of the thousands of wines produced over there, there are only 5 First Growths. We sat w/my bday present from last month (Le Nez du Vin tasting set) and tried to identify the aromas in the wine. I am terrible at it but hope I can learn. I made dinner last night, too--butter lettuce salad w/bacon, dried plums, and blue cheese w/dressing that I make and penne w/diced tomatoes, mushrooms, capers, and olives. Not exactly a wine-friendly pasta, but oh well.:) Do you like to cook as well? I have done both in the 2ww--a glass of wine here and there and no drinking at all. Personally, I don't think there is any harm in it, but of course I am not 100% on that! What do you think?


Ann1 - June 5

Oh, and yes, my crazy work travel has ended for now at least! I hope it stays that way. What do you do?



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