Just diagnosed w/ PCOS...
482 Replies
Mega - October 10

Welcome Shari. Wow, you responded very well to the Clomid, those are nice big follies! Good luck in the 2 WW! Hang in there.


JB0405 - October 11

Hi Mega, I am excited for you! How many eggs will they transfer this time? You know that estrace patch did not work well for me...it would move around and well, it was just very weird so they gave me the pills. Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words, I needed that! I am very excited about the follicle count, I hope they have grown more since Monday, I am sure they have but you know what I mean. I also hope she does the trigger shot tomorrow morning, so I can get the 2ww under way...


Mega - October 11

JB--I'm sure the follies are getting nice & big now. They tend to grow up to 2 mm/day give or take. Can't wait for your update tomorrow though. Thanks! Glad I could give you some needed encouragement. All this waiting takes a toll sometime, huh?! Thanks. I'm thinking most likely we'll tx 2 again. Really don't want triplets! But we'll see how the 3 embies survive the thaw, maybe I'll cave and ask them to tx all 3. I'm on the Vivelle Dots patches actually. I'm sure they're pretty similar to the Estrace brand though. I mean how different can estrogen patches truly be?!! But fortunately when I used them for Clomid IUI cycles they worked well for me, thickening up the lining pretty good. I wonder if part of why my fresh cycle didn't work was my estrogen levels. Rising e2 levels caused my boobs to be sooo sore then during the 2 ww my boob pain diminished then completely disappeared. So hopefully the patches this time will help the cause. Oh well it's all conjecture at this point I suppose. Have a good appt. tomorrow. Wishing you lots of nice, big ripe follies!!! Hope you other ladies are doing well.


Megs - October 12

Hello Mega and ladies!! :-) Things are going well for me... Rather confused though. I have been charting my temp. and have started while a/f is visiting. I have been in the high end of 76 F and occassionally high 77. I read yesterday that the low temps could be caused by an under active thyroid. This concerned me since my mom had it... Well, I was looking back over my test results from my last doc appt. beginning of this month. My thyroid was normal. Should I continue to worry or just leave it? What are your opinions?? Since I am so new at this, I'm not exactly sure what mm the follies should be but since everyone else is responding well, I'm assuming they are looking good JB! :-) Good luck! Mega, what is FET?


HM0825 - October 14

Hi all. I am so happy to have found this site that has other woman just like me... I felt as though I may have been the only one. I am 26, and DH is 30. DH and I have been TTC since October 2004. We tried for a whole year on our own, but no success. We attributed that to my irregular cycle. DH had sperm tested~ and it was great, so I went to my gyno, and she just told me "you don't ovulate". So she put me on 50 mg of clomid for 3 months. I took it from April through June of this year with no luck~ also with no monitoring. Which I thought it was weird not be monitored, and that is why I saught out a Specialist. I couldn't get in to see a specialist until August. When I did, the very first day, he knew what was wrong with me. He did an ultrasound, and sure enough~ I have PCOS. I am a textbook case. Acne, excess hair growth, little bit of weight, you name it~ I had it. That day at the doctor was like heaven sent. I didn't care what I had, it was just such a releif to have all of my questions answered. Why do I grow hair on my chin when no one else does? Why do I have acne at 26? Why did I gain 20 lbs when I went off BC? Why do my periods range from 29-44 days? And so much more....The Dr. put me on South Beach diet, Metformin and 100 mg of clomid. (I lost 14 lbs~ From 144 to 130) Then I started doing U/S on day 11~ which was 9/25 this year. Nothing. For a week, nothing was happening. My follies were not getting bigger than 15mm. So they told me to take 100 mg of clomid again on 10/01. The next time I went in on 10/08 I had 2 follies that were 22 mm. We did the IUI the next day on 10/09 (day 25). So now I am in the 2WW, and it's agonizing. I can't wait to find out if it worked! I know this is long, but I wanted to share my story with all of you. I am so happy to have found this website, and looking forward to hearing back from all of you! Good luck and baby dust to all......


Mega - October 16

HM, Welcome. Glad you found this site & this thread specifically. I was relieved to find out there was a reason for my irreg. periods too. There's something about knowing what you have & knowing there are successful treatments out there. Good luck in the 2 ww! Keep us posted. Megs--A FET is a Frozen Embryo Transfer. I had several embies leftover from my fresh IVF cycle in August. As for your lowish temps, what CD are you on now? You mentioned something about being on AF, so I'm guessing you're early in this next cycle, correct? The temps matter more after you've O'ed, so if those are lowish still then maybe something more is going on. That's good that your recent b/w showed your Thyroid is okay. That is something you may want to get checked every year or so though. My mom also had thyroid issues when she was younger but knock wood I've never had an issue myself so far at least. So JB, what's new? When did you end up doing your IUI? Welcome to the 2 WW. Good luck! Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well!


Megs - October 16

HM, I completely feel your "relief" about just knowing what you have! It is encouraging to know it is treatable and one is still very likely to get pregnant. That's about all I cared about at the time. Now I'm thinking, oh my, can this cuase any other problems?? Etc... About my temps, I'm on CD 15 and have not O'd yet. So after I O if my temps are still low then be concerned?? Low is considered to be below 97 F, right?? When I go back in six months I'm going to have him do more b/w to retest everything and specificially look at my Thyroid to just double check and make sure all is well... :-) Peace of mind for myself if nothing else! So when can you all test again?? I have not officially entered the 2ww yet and really kind of nervous about getting there. I just am really hoping to see a clear ovuation occur this month! I think that's my biggest goal! Has anyone ever used or hear anything, positive or negative, about fertilaid and/or vitex???? How is everyone else doing?? Any BFP's occuring??


JB0405 - October 17

Hi Ladies, sorry that I have been MIA, I see that everyone seems to be doing well. As for me, I was in Virginia this past weekend so couldn't check in. The 2 leading follies were around 15-16mm and the others were around 10mm on Friday and so I took the HCG shot on Saturday and the IUI this morning! There were around 52 million sperm pre-wash, that's A LOT!!! They inseminated 38n MILLION sperm, WOAH!!! Needless to say DH has a big head about that, LOL! I am cramping quite a bit, when I get up from sitting or laying down, I feel like the entire bottom half of my insides are going to fall out! Hey HM, WELCOME aboard the roller coaster better known as the 2 week wait! I am there with you...I have to take another HCG shot this Friday...did you have to do that as well? Ladies, I am very anxious and my friends are such a great support, they are hoping and praying for me as I know you all are too... I hope that all goes well for all of us... GOOD LUCK and lots of BABY DUST to everyone... Mega, have you done the tx yet? keep us posted!


HM0825 - October 18

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with all of you! Thank you for the nice "welcome"! I have only 6 days left of the 2ww, and it's driving me nuts. The day I was told to test is my wedding anniversary, so I am doubly anxious! JB~ I did not have to have a second HCG shot. Why do you have to? Did they tell you? I am curious as to why I didn't. Wish me luck ladies. I am keeping all of you in my prayers.


Mega - October 18

JB--Wow! Look at those post-wash #'s, 38 mil. Fantastic! Your DH has a good reason to be proud! I hope you have a heating pad on hand today, with all your follies no wonder you're crampy today. It's most likely due to Oing not the IUI itself. Hope you had fun in VA. No, I haven't had my tx yet. Next Friday, so my 2 WW begins when yours is ending I guess. I did have my u/s today though to check lining. 9.2, they want at least an 8 so that's good. Plus there's another week left for it to thicken up even more. HM--Different REs have different protocols as you'll quickly find out. My dr has never made me do another HCG trigger shot during the 2 WW. That's what they call a hcg booster, some drs swear by it, some don't. I hope you get a BFP for your anniversary, what a special gift that will be. Megs--That's right, low temps pre-O are perfectly normal & nothing to worry about. What counts is your temps post O. I'm not sure if there's a certain temp they HAVE to be per se but yes typically post O temps are 97 & above but basically it does vary person to person & some do have higher base body temps than others. But irregardless I think that getting your thyroid checked again in 6 mos. or so is a good idea if it'll give you peace of mind. A good thing. Happy hump day ladies. Hope all is well!


Megs - October 18

Hello Mega, JB, HM, and all!! Thank you Mega for putting my mind at ease, for now anyways! I just hope I'll have a clear sign as to when I O! :-) Still waiting on that day... Next Friday is the big day for two of you to test, right?? HM, what wedding anniversary will this be?? How special for you to get a BFP!! :-) Good luck ladies and lots and lots of Baby Dust!


JB0405 - October 19

Hey Megs, Mega,HM...Last night I was in a lot of pain, it turns out that I have Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome... Basically, my ovaries are swollen and are pushing up against my organs causing severe abdominal pain and shortness of breath... I have been put on bed rest until Monday. I test on 10/31.
I will check in later...


HM0825 - October 20

Hello Ladies! JB~ sorry to hear about the OHS~ hopefully it will all work out for you! This Monday (the 23rd) will be my 2 year wedding anniversary. It's also the day I was told to test. BUT, I cheated. I couldn't take it any longer. I tested today, which is 12 days post iui. It was a BFN. Could I still be preg? It was stupid of me to be so impatient, but I couldn't help it!


Mega - October 20

JB--Wow! OHSS, really? I'm surprised that you got it with only 5 or 6 follies, I didn't get it with my 24 eggs for IVF, surprisingly. I'm sorry to hear that, it's quite painful from what I've heard. And of course us PCOS women are at risk for it. But here's some good news, MOST ladies who hyper stim do end up pg. Here's hoping you're in that category. Feel better. Good luck. HM--So sorry for the BFN. You're still in the game though. It's still a little early really. Embryos implant 7 to 10 days after fertilization roughly & then from there it takes a couple of days for enough HCG to register + on a HPT. So put away the HPTs for another couple of days at least. Hang in there. I hope you get your BFP for your anniversary.


JB0405 - October 23

Hey there HM & Mega... I had a relapse on Friday due to 2nd HCG shot. This OHSS is no joke, the pain is quite severe. My MIL & SIL both say that there's a good chance that I am pg! To that I say we shall see... DH actually weighed in on the subject saying that he also believes that I am pg. I was surprised, he's such a "proof" person, I was thrilled that he had an opinion on the subject. My younger sister is convinced that I am. I am having nauseas spells, stomach uneasyness, etc. My MIL said it won't go away for another 2 weeks... but if I am pg, I wonder if the nausea will stick around... I hope not! I am also taking tomorrow off of work, I just want to be sure that I can handle being away from my bed, laying down REALLY helps. HM- crazy lady, LOL!! You have to wait at least 2-3 more days to test... I am hoping that you get your BFP!! Mega- I hear that too and I hope that I am in that category also. By the way, there were 10 follicles released, 2 were leading... equal in size.
2 more were smaller but growing and the rest were small! What's next for you, Mega? GOOD LUCK to all!!


Mega - October 23

JB--I'm not surprised you had a relapse after the 2nd trigger shot booster. I'm sorry you're in so much pain though. I think taking an extra day off is a very good idea. Whatever gets you thru the day--laying down, what not. I can totally understand not wanting to get your hopes up, but I can see why your DH, SIL, MIL etc all think you're pg. The signs sound promising. Keeping my fingers', toes' various other body parts crossed for you. Up next for me is my tx on Friday. The RE is defrosting 3 embies on Thurs., & plans on tx the 2 best. I think though I may call him on Wed. & ask if perhaps we can tx all 3 if they all survive the thaw. Up my odds a bit that way, since the odds go down a bit with a FET anyway. Today is my final Lupron shot & I start PIO shots tomorrow. Ouchie! HM--Happy Anniversary! I hope you get a BFP today as well. It will happen for you. Hang in there!



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