Feeling very lost and confused, what now???
155 Replies
mg - February 8

Well still no AF, maybe I O later then expected. If I dont get AF by Friday I am going to the MD.


Ann - February 8

mg, sounds good that af is staying away!!


mg - February 9

Well my breasts are still tender which means no AF for today either (they always stop hurting the day of AF) no spotting either. I still havent had a strong BFP yet either. So either I am pregnant or I O later then expected. The waiting is killing me.


Ann - February 9

mg, sounds good! Do you have an appt to go to the dr tomorrow?


mg - February 9

No I am going to wait a day or so. I would just hate to go and see a MD and find out I am not pregnant and start my AF the next day. I might wait until Monday to see what happens, I think that is long enough to either get a BFP or AF.


Ann - February 9

That is great you are at least a day late!! I'm sorry if you've already said, but did you take clomid or anything last time?


mg - February 9

No we just used preseed. I cant imaged I o any later then26th? I was dry by the 27th? I am not even spotting like I normally due before AF


dea - February 10

Hi Girls....ANN: for first IUI- dr did nothing, took my word for the Oing. My PCT test didn't come out very good...For the next IUI we are doing the u/s before to make sure the follicles are ready. My dr. wants to try one more (after another SA). If it doesn't work- she recommends IVF. I'm depressed but working through it. MG: Good luck!


Ann - February 10

dea, I am sorry to hear about your pct. What were the results? When is your dh's next analysis? I hope it works out well. I am glad your dr wants to be agressive and suggested ivf, so you can get pg asap. Good luck!! mg, any news?


mg - February 10

I have started seeing some light brown spotting when I do a cerivcal check, I have mild cramps and my breasts are still tender. So I dont know what to think, normally with pre af spotting I dont have cramps and my breasts stop hurting the day before. I guess I will know tommorrow if af arrives.


dea - February 11

ANN: PCT showed only 2 swimmers or so on two of the slides. One slide had NONE! My dr. wanted to see 4-5 soldiers. She also said it looked like there was a bit of "debris" and they didn't know where to go. But- I might have Oed the day before so that would have made sense. (Thicker fluid). One good thing though is that there heads all looked good- DH had morphology issues. DH needs to make an appointment for another SA...but I will probably be getting my next IUI around St. Pat's Day. Hubby is Irish--maybe the Luck O' the Irish will kick in!! ANN: Anything new?? Signs?? Feelings?? MG: good luck- hope this it for you! ~~DUST~~


Ann - February 11

Hi dea. I am glad to hear that dh's morphology looks better. When is his SA appt? I am not doing so well. I talked to my RE yesterday, and the got back the results from my last blood tests. He said that it is unlikely that I can get pg, and even if I wanted to do ivf, he would suggest not using my eggs. I have an appt with him on Monday to see where to go from here (if anywhere). I think I will probably try injectibles for a few months and then stop trying if that doesn't work. I am really upset and depressed this weekend. I wish time would stop so I could get back to feeling close to normal at least.


Ann - February 11

Sorry, I just noticed you said dh hasn't made the appt. Whether it is luck from the Irish or any other source, I hope it goes your way!!


sherry - February 11

mg- for my iui dh had 13,000,000, and we got pregnant. never lose hope


mg - February 13

Well I think I had AF, it was just very very light. Tommorrow we have testing at the fertitlity clinic I am going to have them run a HCG just incase. Back to my DH, he has to have a SA tommorrow, and he seems very reluctant to have me in the room helping him. What is this all about? I just dont understand and it makes me feel sad and insecure. Is he nervous or afraid he might not give the best sample if I am in the room? Does he need to think about somebody else instead of me or something. I just dont understand and I am not sure if he will talk to me about it before we go. I know he is very shy about sex and stuff ( he wont even watch one of those really dirty movies with me.) What do you think is the reason he doesnt want me there.


Chas - February 13

I wouldn't worry about that mg. My dh didn't want me with him either. It's nothing against you, it's just very sensitive for them. At least he is willing to do it at all. I would just let him be by himself and hope for the best ! good luck



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