Anyone ttc #1 and over 34 years old..?
311 Replies
meme_g - August 22

Hi! I'm much better today and thanks to you guys for all your nice words and baby dust - I'll take some and send some your way as well! I talked to my DH last night some more, and he's so cute - he says - let's not get discouraged, if you really think about it - with the short time the egg is actually available (exactly my point - I logically understand it's a freakin miracle anyone gets pregnant with the ridiculous stuff that all actually has to happen for conception - but why is it working for the random crack addict or 16 year old & not me! - waaa) - anyway - he says, if you really think about it - we've only had 12 tries so we'll get it one of these times - I mean 12 is not too bad...Isn't that sweet? I know some of you have had 24, 28 even 36+ tries but when you think about it like that - it's not so awful as if you think about how many 'nookie tries' you've had. Anyway - somehow that did make me feel better. We also discussed Clomid and my worries, and we agreed - we go one cycle at a time - if it really is awful and I can't handle it, then I just don't do it, the world won't end. At least I know what some of the possible side effects are and I'm better prepared rather than shocked if I don't feel so good. Anyway - hope you guys are doing well. Tracy - what did the MRI say? Hope you are ok!


Kristi1 - August 22

Hi everyone! Meme, sounds like you are in a better place today...the one cycle at a time is the best way to go....however, dont give up on the Clomid after one cycle, becuase it was the worst for me as well, or maybe after that you just kinda know what to least until you get into the higher dosages, then it is just like the lower ones, just more intense hot flashes and stuff. The emotional part of Clomid only hits me like a day or two before AF shows, the rest of the time its just the hot flashes for me.... Well, not much going on here....cd9 today, and I had two big temperature drops the last two days, but is waayyy to early to O, so I dont know what is up.... Hope everyone is doing well!!


hopeful-for-one - August 22

Hi ladies! Meme, sounds like you've got yourself quite the understanding dh. Good for you! I completely understand about how these drug addicts & young girls get pg so easily when it is so hard for us to get pg. I sometimes really wonder about the world these days. Hopefully this'll be the month for all of us to have our dreams come true. Tracy, I hope that everything went alright with the MRI today, keep us posted. baby dust to all. ~j~


cromwell - August 23

Hi all, my next scan is on Thurs on cd 4, I guess. It seems to be pretty flexible this Clomid dosing!! Tracy, what happened with the MRI? NatashaV, I am one of those skeptical types, but when I was 30, I started to believe in visualizing, writing down goals, and "dealing" with issues. I really credit my marriage to this stuff. I got married when I was 36 to a younger man (in a college town, no less, the same town I had been unable to find dates with any frequency for the 18 years previously.) There is something to it. Sometimes I just think we are on the brink of disaster with everything bad happening in the world so maybe, deep down, I am afraid of having kids --but women in war zones and living in desperate situations all over the planet seem to be getting pregnant just fine without Clomid. Baby dust, ladies....Laurie


Tracy88 - August 23

MRI went well, but revealed a herniated disc. I can't say I have no idea how it happened as I am very physical, so it could have been from a number of things I've done. For those of you talking about clomid, I am going to add my two cents. Since I hated that drug and felt awful on it, I can now compare the injectables with it, and I must say, the injectables are a dream compared to that crazy pill. So far so good. I go for my first u/s in the morning. Will post after that. Peace.


dana - August 23

I'm addicted to pregnancy tests. I take them constantly. If I didn't take them, then I wouldn't know that I was pregnant again, and I would also think that right now, all I have is my period. But, that's not the case. I know I was pregnant again, and now I know I have lost another baby. I've been to the Dr to get hsg levels checked. I feel like I am never going to have one and that I am going to keep losing every baby I get pregnant with. I'm so sad, angry, tired, and I feel old. I know we're all the same age, so I'm sorry about calling you all "old" too. Just how I am feeling today.


meme_g - August 23

Hi Dana - I'm sorry to hear your news - that sucks! I only wish I knew what to say - but I will say - am thinking of you - knowing how tough it is to get pregnant, and then you're having trouble keeping it - it's just not fair. I don't know if your doctor ever suggest taking 1 baby aspirin a day, but one of my friends from school tried that with her 4th pregnancy - she lost 3 to miscarriage - and she was able to bring the baby full term. You may already be doing that but it's just a suggestion - again, I'm sorry you are hurting!


NatashaV - August 24

Hi ladies, sounds like we've had a run of not so good luck lately. I'm sorry to hear your news dana. I just wanted to tell you all that we all will get our babies..I KNOW it. The road we're on is a difficult one, but god only gives us as much as we can handle, and in our tough times, there are lesson to be learned. We are all very STRONG women. Now, that doesn't mean that we don't get frustrated and sad, and feel like giving up sometimes! ...but when we do, we find our strength in ourselves and in those who support us - that's why it's important that we're all here for each other. I wish you all lots of healthy positive thoughts and baby dust.


Tracy88 - August 24

Dana, my heart goes out to you, and all of the other girls said so well all the things I was thinking. What kind of testing have you had done, and does your OB know how many times you are getting positives then losing them? I had my ultrasound this morning. There is good news to report so far. I have four follies. Two that are dominant and will probably be the ones that ovulate. On the right i have a 14.9 and an 11.2 and on the left I have a 14.3 and a 10.5. I will most likely trigger Friday night and have IUI's Saturday and Sunday mornings. I'm scared and excited all at the same time. I know you know how badly we want each cycle to work, but for the sake of my sanity, something's gotta give. I'm ready for this to happen. Keep me posted on you girls' progress. Being on this back medication, I seem to be out of it and tend to blank out on where everyone is in their cycle. I care so much, so please keep me on top of things.


meme_g - August 24

Hi there! Good to hear from Natasha and Tracy. I agree - we are due for some nice BFP's on this thread. We just need one of us to 'flip' and I just know it will be the start of many. I have a good feeling about this for all of us. That is very exciting Tracy about getting ready - this will be a fruitful weekend and I will be thinking lots of positive eggly thoughts! I had a nice chat with my mom tonight and brought her up to speed, she is so supportive and said she was really happy I went to the RE and least got a plan - she said she was feeling good for me too. She always tells me, your baby that's meant just for you will come when they want - and they must just still be getting ready - she's just really sweet and without saying the dreaded be patient, she's giving me hope. Interestingly it took her 2 1/2 years to conceive me so maybe we just take awhile to get going on the first one. She was cute too - saying I waited so long for you and you were way more than I could have hoped for and a complete joy in my life, so maybe that's what you have to wait for. Then she adds, I didn't have to wait for your brother and look at that boy - he's a great guy but given her much more grief than me. I just thought that was funny. So anyway - lots of happy thoughts, good eggs, swimming spermies and baby dust to all. Take care~


Tracy88 - August 24

Meme, your mom sounds awesome. She seems to know just what to say at just the right time. My mom has been calling me every night after 7pm to see how my shot went. Silly, but sweet that she cares and wants to be a part of it. I told her that when I get a BFP, that I will tell her first and let her have the joy of calling my sisters, etc.... to tell them. Lifequest, you are due to test again any day now, right???? Natasha, you are about 8dpo??? Kristi, you are about cd11??? Hopeful, cd 6ish????? Meme, cd 4 or 5?? Laurie, let us know how your scan goes. If I forgot anyone, I didn't mean to.


Kristi1 - August 24

Dana, sorry to hear the news...I had a m/c at 7 weeks back last Dec and it is horrible.... Tracy, good luck on your IUI's this weekend!! And yes, this is cd 11 for me, I usually O around cd 15, so we will see how that goes!! Glad your MRI went well and that now you know what is wrong and get it taken care of! Meme, your mom sounds great..... I think mine has decided I will never have any kids....once I turned 30 she started saying it was getting to late for I really dont talk to her too much about it.... Well you ladies have a wonderful day, I will check back later!


cromwell - August 24

So, today's great news. RE found a nice cyst on the right ovary. No Clomid or IUI this month. I don't get many answers from this guy, like did the Clomid cause it?? He said basically we can't do Clomid again this cycle because it will just make that cyst bigger. I have a call in to my acupuncturist for an appointment. Next week he is scheduling me for the dye thing. I can't even spell it so I guess I need to look it up. I heard it is quite painful too, and it turns out the other doctor in his practice is actually doing this procedure--I felt like he was kind of rough during the IUI, but alas, I am a wimp, too. Tracy, good luck this cycle (everyone else too, of course). Dana, you okay? I was crying when I came out of the office, but maybe this is all for the best. Maybe it will be good. Laurie


lifequest - August 24

Hi Ladies, Hi Tracy. Glad your tests on your back went well. I had a friend who had the same thing happen to him, and he was in so much I feel for you. It will get better though! Good Luck on your IUI this weekend....I hope to hear good news in two weeks. I am on 13dpo so yes it is coming really close.
On Sat will be day 28 for me from my last I will test at home if I haven't got her yet. I started to spot brown discharge yesturday...and it only comes on my tp. once in a while..I hope it's would only make sense because it was cd12 for me. But, it seems to easy...I think I'm getting AF earlier than planned. I leave to Disney World on I will test before I leave. I have to do blood work on Thur next week to confirm I'm prego or not. I wish all you ladies the best of luck. Take care.


hopeful-for-one - August 24

Hi ladies! Tracy my thoughts & prayers are with you this weekend & I hope it works this time. We really do need someone to get lucky this month don't we? You are right, I am on cd 6 however my AF seems to last for 7-8 days which stinks.Then when she is finally gone we can start bd'ing again since dh complained about not getting any for a whole month. I hope that they resolve your back issues too. Dana, I am so sorry for your lose, it is hard but try to remain positive. Meme, your mom sounds totally awesome & very understanding, you are so lucky to have that support from your family. Everyone else my well wishes are out there for each & every one of us. Hopefully this is hte month we will be blessed with those wonderful babies that we want so dearly. Baby dust to all & many well thoughts! ~j~


Tracy88 - August 24

Just finished my last shot, have u/s in the morning, will post an update then. Laurie, sorry you are benched due to a cyst. Can you try naturally regardless this cycle? Thanks for all the updates on where you all are in your cycles. I am on like 2 other threads and love the friends I am making on this one, so want to be able to keep up and be respectful by remembering special things going on in your lives. Like I said before, the drugs for my back make me tired, make me spell badly, and just plain make me stupid.



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