Anyone ttc #1 and over 34 years old..?
311 Replies
Tracy88 - August 19

Laurie, so sorry you got a BFN, but never give up unless the witch shows her face. And in reference to your little anecdote, YES you want to do all this to your body, the reward in this case is well worth the sacrifice. Hopeful, thanks for the positive vibes for my back. The meds I have are helping until we figure out through MRI what is going on. And yes, it is truly a miracle anyone gets PG. I'm always amazed at how many sperm are ejaculated, and how few end up making it up the tubes. The human body is a crazy thing! Kristi--hope the clomid is treating you well! Start getting nookie before you even ovulate (I'm preaching this as if it's worked for me! hah!). Stacie, keep getting nookie girl!!! Throw yourself at DH every chance you get! Lifequest, I wish I'd have input on your implantation question a few days ago, but I've never had an IUI, so I wouldn't know what to expect either. Sorry. I am truly hoping that regardless of what it was that you get your BFP this month!!! Natasha are you drinking your tea? I love photography and one day want to go take some classes on it. I studied broadcast journalism, and in doing so, we had to learn a lot about cameras, so it sparked an interest in me a long time ago. The guy I was with before my husband was a Director, photographer, and cameraman, so I used to take his camera and shoot pics of my dogs and his daughter for practice. OK, I know I didn't finish catching up with everyone, but my meds just arrived so now I can run and do my errands before I have to go to work. I will check in later this evening. And wish those of you that I missed so far the very best!


meme_g - August 19

Hello all - hope everyone is doing well. My AF was due yesterday. Nothing - tested and got a BFN but it was afternoon, so tested again this am - and BFN again. Maybe I'll start today - the cramping has stopped but I just feel like it will start anytime now, so we shall see. And trusted me I studied that stick and twisted it in every light - and there is Nothing! Boo hoo! Oh well - off to an appt now - see you ladies later.


Tracy88 - August 19

Meme, you are so cute. I did the same thing the other day when I took a pee test. I kept turning it and going back to the bathroom to look at it just in case a faint positive decided to show later! Eventually I just threw it away (the next day!) Sorry you got BFN. Stick around though, we'll be here thick and thin!


NatashaV - August 19

Hi ladies, sorry to hear about some bfn's but it's true, you really don't know until af shows. The friend (that I took maternity pics for last went well)..anyway, she told me she knew she wasn't pg that month (months ago)because she had spotting like she always does before af. But af never showed up in full force after 2 or so days of spotting, she tested, and bfp. So, keep the faith. I tried my herb tea and man, what a pain in the butt! Because I have to boil it for an HOUR, it's way too time consuming..and it tasted so bad, I couldn't even finish it. So! I plan to try it a couple more times over this weekend, but I'm going to tell him that these herbs aren't going to work for me and that I'd like him to make me up some capsules instead (even though he says they're less effective and more costly). I think you ladies are all so brave for doing hpt's..I haven't done one in probably 10 months or so because I just can't stand to see a bfn. My trick is that I take my bbt around 12-13 dpo and if it's low, I know af is showing up in the next day or two. That helps me to ease into knowing I'm not pg, and it's not as depressing as a bfn. Tracy, good luck with MRI, I hope it goes well. I also remembering reading something online that I thought was interesting about sperm. Apparently sperm have to 'capacitate' which means that it takes them about 6-12 hours (from ejaculation) to be 'ready' and 'capable' to fertilize an egg. I've no idea if this true, but it was a medical website, so who knows. Apparently, that's why it's so important to bd in the days leading up to O instead of only on O day. But, as you hasn't helped ME get pg, but if it helps someone else...great!!! By the way, anyone else find that since we're a bit older bd-ing so much just isn't easy or fun? When we first started ttc, we were bd-ing for 3 or 4 days in a row around O etc. and I found that to be too much and stressful for us. I remember telling dh that I didn't want a baby conceived in a forced way. These days, I find that I O on cd13 or cd14 so we bd on cd12 and cd14..that's it! It's alot easier on our marriage (although, obviously it hasn't worked yet). Anyone have opinions on this? Any of the pg women you know do TONS of bd-ing to get pg? The two who told me when they bd-ed said it was only one time for both of them (day before O for the one girl, and morning of O for the other). Your thoughts are appreciated...take care!


tynadu - August 20

Hello Ladies, I just wanted to say hello! And Hello to all the newbies! I have been reading the post from the last time I posted so I can stay updated. I have gotten sleepy now so I am off to bed. But here is an update on me: I am on cd19 and waiting for my beanies to grow to a good size. I go for my 3rd U/S this Monday. If they are of size I will get a trigger shot and IUI. If not I will wait about 5 to 7 days and get the trigger shot. But according to my fern test I should be O'ing in about 4-7 days anyway so we shall see what happens. ***BabyDust***


Tracy88 - August 20

Keep us posted Tynadu on everything. Natasha, sorry the tea is nasty and a pain in the tooshie to make. That is frustrating. What's in that tea? Perhaps Whole Foods or a nutrition store already has a tea that has some of the same ingredients? Well, my meds arrived yesterday and I gave myself my first shot last night around 7:00. There's no turning back now. The hardest part of giving myself the shot was actually just getting the nerve to stab myself. The shot itself did not hurt one bit. I woke up a little while ago and realized I had a dream about my husband's brother's wife telling everyone she is PG. Having dreams like that sucks because I never dream that I am the one PG. I am so tired today. I wish I could just go back to sleep.


cromwell - August 21

Hi all, yes that old AF showed. Every since the Pill I have never had the periods I had pre Pill days. I stopped taking it in Oct 05 and then started with Clomid last month. Never did my period return to the days of heavy and painful. As usual, I am second guessing myself. The point I made on the earlier post was that I had already let pharmaceuticals control my period so why I am kicking myself for doing Clomid now? Saturday morning I felt like I was swimming against a huge current-- I was exhausted and I suppose depressed (stuff going on at work too). Now I am much better after forcing myself to go see family members and get moving. I am wondering if coming off the progesterone didn't cause a brief downward spiral?? I was bummed about the bfn too but when she actually showed this morning, I had prepared myself. Natasha, I bought some of the Maca to take. Then I got nervous because there is really no QA on the supplements nor safety tests, etc. I did want to get Preseed although the Clomid has left me with NO cm to speak of. Meme g is there still hope?? Laurie


meme_g - August 21

well ladies - woke up with bad cramps - very painful! And started spotting later - so sadly AF showed for me. Oh well, at least I'm going to the RE tomorrow morning so we shall see. We have used pre-seed and must say really liked it. I forgot about it and so we may try that again this month. The other thing I've tried that I will try again this month is the OV Watch. My first cycle on it was a bit weird has it didn't seem to think I ovulated until Day 20 but my temp rose on Day 16, and like clockwork I started AF on day 27. So if we go with my temp than m LP was normal, but if we go with OV Watch, then yikes I have a problem. I did start a second cycle but that sensor was a dud - which they replaced, but not in time to use for last month, so I'll use it this month. Has some good success stories - with people who tried for years, and got pregnant within a few months of using it. It really helps with the elusive timing of BD - gives you a 6 day fertility window. As like Natasha said, after many months of going at like crazy, we were getting burnt out, and there's no freaking way we could keep up that pace. My DH felt like he was being used - too funny - but true and that meant during the 2WW we'd do it like once just to recover. So anyway that's my 2 cents and I'll let you guys know what the RE's plan is tomorrow. Sorry for the other AF's - but perhaps it means we'll all get BFP's at the same time and we WILL enjoy our pregnancies together!


Tracy88 - August 21

Laurie, definitely get the preseed and make sure to take straight robitussin starting about day 10 through ovulation. I say this because I always had EWCM, but while on clomid I had my post coital test and apparently I was dry. I was doing robitussin at the time, though only once a day, and no preseed at the time. I recommend it so you won't worry about that being an issue. So sorry to hear about AF ladies. I was pretty bummed too, but knew the shots were going to start almost immediately, so just accepted it and decided to press on. Meme, good luck at the RE tomorrow and definitely let us know what happens. I like what you said about all of us getting PG at the same time. That would be the most awesome thing ever wouldn't it? Our cycles are so close. I am on cd4 today. I have my MRI in the morning. I hope it all turns out ok. I'm worried about what they'll find.


NatashaV - August 21

Hi ladies, not much to report (around 4dpo and time is going slowly), but I wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear about the bfn's. I'd never heard of ovwatch, maybe I'll check out. Have any of you ever seen the ad on this website for ""? Well, I was caught in a weak moment and paid the $29 to get the online book sent to me. I know, pathetic..but like I say, it was a weak moment and I thought "what if they actually have a 'secret' to getting pg?! They had all sorts of supposed women who's been trying for a long time and tried the 'secret' and got pg ..also, it says it has a money back guarantee. We'll see.... (don't anyone go buy it until I find out, could be a scam?). Anyway, since I already paid the $, I thought I'd pass on the basis of the 'secret' according to the author. One thing is that she says that you shouldn't bd AFTER O at all, and you should make sure that you stop bd-ing 3-5 days before O so that the sperm is fresh. You should bd the day before O and the day of..that's it. Interestingly, that's pretty much what I've been doing lately. Also, she says that if you have late ovulation, that you should change your eating, exercise etc habits until you can get your O back to day 13-15. (who knows if that would work?) Anything past day 15 is considered "late" and according to her theory, this means you're less likely to conceive and if you do, you're more likely to mc because the egg is 'old' (in terms of the cycle). There's a bit more that wasn't all that enlightening (eating right, exercising, avoiding bad foods and alcohol etc.) and another section about allowing your body to release emotional hang ups you may have in your subconscious re: getting pg (that is, that you think you want to get pg, but until you FEEL that you can/will/should, it won't happen). Anyway, I've no idea if any of this works, nor am I standing behind any of it. Could be I'm an idiot for buying this online book, but hey, if it teaches one of us something that leads to a bfp, then it'll have been worth it. Take care!


meme_g - August 21

Hey there! Well just got back from the RE - where I cried - I know ridiculous but I did because she gave me the official 'unexplained infertility' - that I did meet the definition perfectly. Great - I like doing things right and achieving things, - and so I have achieved perfect infertility! She was very nice though and did take the time to explain all my different test results which my OB never did he just said things were fine. She said that stress does not cause infertility, infertility causes stress and she agrees - going home and relaxing is crap and so hurtful to someone as it makes seem like it's your fault your not PG because you are stressing. So, she decided to repeat my thryoid tests, and I had an ultrasound done which showed everything to look normal - it was vaginal which was weird! Fine, just weird and when you are on CD2, I don't exactly feel like having anything in me. They are also checking FSH level. My DH has to repeat the SA - he does have a variocele, which apparently can affect motility - and the motility showed just above normal - whereas all the other parts were way above normal. So she wants that checked again, and then she wants to discuss the treatment plan. She does 3 types: Clomid with IUI, Injectables and then IVF. She doesn't do IU without Clomid - I mentioned my worries about it, but she just said - it's usually not bad, and makes a difference with IUI success. So that's my next option is do I try that? Given how awful it's been with so many others - I just don't know what to do? And that's what made me cry. I called my DH - he is so kind and understanding - just let me cry and listened. So anyway - I'll be fine in a bit, I think it just hit me when I was there - I was really hoping I missed something to try - and she would say hey do this and it would all be okay. And it's not - I'm unexplained and should probably take the next step. She says if IUI doesn't work, she will do a LAP before the injectables but there isn't much in my history to warrant that yet - my periods aren't too painful. And to finish me off - their scale showed I was up 10 lbs from my normal weight from last week - what the heck?


Kristi1 - August 21

Hi, lots of reading to catch up on!! I am sorry about all the BFN's, but I still have faith that a BFP is in this thread!! I am on cd8, so getting ready to start bding. Meme, I totally hear you about sex not being as fun or easy as it used to be when we were younger....maybe it just has something to do with having to have "timed" sex, I dont know, but dh and I have had problems a couple times now, and it is always falls on the day I this month we are not going to do quite as much before O and then really go after it the day before, the day of and the day after.....its just that we start bding 5days before O, by the time I O, its just not happening anymore....and my dh job does not help - he works nights (1130p to 700am) and I work days, and by the end of the week, he isnt sleeping well or not enough and thats when we have problems....and now he started back to school last week (he's taking college courses) so he works till 7am, goes to shcool from 8am - 12pm, Mon thru Fri, goes home and goes to bed and sleeps till 930 or 10 when he gets up to get ready for work. This cycle will be first trying to get the bd thing while he has the schedule, so should be fun....however, he has some time off from work coming, so he is going to take it next week when we should be bding, so hopefully that plan works out and I dont O early or something!!! Tracy, so far the 150mg is going ok....having some major hot flashes, especially at night, but that is it so far..... Hope your back is doing better!! Well, will check back later!


hopeful-for-one - August 21

Hi ladies, sorry to hear about all the BFN's & AF's showing, mine showed up on Saturday. Natasha, I completely agree about the bd'ing no longer being fun or easy. It seems that it is always timed, no spontaniety at all. My dh was mad when AF showed up because then he finally figured out that it has been a month of no bd'ing for us at all. I get so tired of being the only one making the moves so to speak so last cycle I didn't say a damned word because I knew that nothing would happen. I swear that at times that I am the only one trying in this relationship to get pg. Men, sometimes you can live with them & most of the time without! =0) I hope that everyone gets a BFP this month & I send out all my best wishes to you all. ~j~


lifequest - August 21

Hi Ladies, hope all is well...sorry to here about the BFN. Well I guess I'm 9 or 10 I thought I'd do a HPT...negative! Oh well, I have anothe 6 or 7 days, what you think the chances of that changing by next Sat...hmmm...I could only dream.
Oh well I guess it's on to bigger things next month...I'm planning on doing IVF. I just thought maybe, just maybe I'd be prego this month...things went pretty good. Oh well. All the best to all of you..and I'll still keep you posted for any changes! BABY DUST~


NatashaV - August 22

Hi, just a quick post to tell you meme, that Clomid is not that bad. I wanted to get off of it because...well, because it didn't work. I guess I feel like, if it worked, at least feeling hot flashes, bloated and emotional would all have been worth it. It's definitely worth trying and I'm sorry if we scared you so much. Interestingly, I found that the first month on it was the worst (and not THAT bad)..the months following were better. I'm sorry to hear about your episode at the clinic, we've all felt like you... As I said at the top of this post, this process is HARD..wishing you all well, and lots of baby dust...


meme_g - August 22

Hi! I'm much better today and thanks to you guys for all your nice words and baby dust - I'll take some and send some your way as well! I talked to my DH last night some more, and he's so cute - he says - let's not get discouraged, if you really think about it - with the short time the egg is actually available (exactly my point - I logically understand it's a freakin miracle anyone gets pregnant with the ridiculous stuff that all actually has to happen for conception - but why is it working for the random crack addict or 16 year old & not me! - waaa) - anyway - he says, if you really think about it - we've only had 12 tries so we'll get it one of these times - I mean 12 is not too bad...Isn't that sweet? I know some of you have had 24, 28 even 36+ tries but when you think about it like that - it's not so awful as if you think about how many 'nookie tries' you've had. Anyway - somehow that did make me feel better. We also discussed Clomid and my worries, and we agreed - we go one cycle at a time - if it really is awful and I can't handle it, then I just don't do it, the world won't end. At least I know what some of the possible side effects are and I'm better prepared rather than shocked if I don't feel so good. Anyway - hope you guys are doing well. Tracy - what did the MRI say? Hope you are ok!



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