3rd Round of Clomid
305 Replies
Mega - March 1

Good luck tomorrow, Mm. Please keep us posted. Hopefully like the gene mutation, this chromosome issue will be easy to resolve too. You're in my thoughts. For almost any issue, these days there's some kind of treatment available.


JenG - March 1

We wish you the best tomorrow. Some gene mutations can be bypassed by doing IVF and a Gene analysis... Good luck.


Mega - March 2

Hey Mm, just thinking about you & wondering how your appt. went today. I hope it went better than you feared. Update us when you feel like it. Take care!


Mm - March 3

I only have a second. The appt. went horrible. 10% of my chromosomes are abnormal. The dr. thinks that my ovaries are dominated by this 10%. Unfortunately, I have hopes that the 90% normal will come through. We meet with a genetecist in a few weeks. Looks like we might have to go the adoption route which dh is not prepared for yet, maybe a few years down the road. Or we could do ovum donation and his sperm, but that would be half his child and none of me and dh doesn't like that idea. We just found out last night and it's starting to sink in. All my dreams are just crushed. I have to go, but will talk to you later.


Mega - March 3

Oh Mm, I'm so sorry. That's a lot to process & deal with at one time. Anytime you need to talk, vent, this is a great place to do that. In the meantime, I hope that the genetecist can offer you more hope. Hang in there. Take care. And again I'm so sorry.


M - March 3

thanks. I don't even know what to focus on. I can't believe this is happening to me and dh. I feel like such a let down. DH is handling this so much better (I think). I don't know what to look forward to in life if I don't have kids.


Mega - March 3

Well that's good that your DH is handling it pretty well considering, you can be the best support for each other. Also, at least you're going to see someone who is an expert in genetics, maybe there's still hope for you. I sincerely hope there is. Pamper yourself this weekend. You have a lot to work out right now. It'll take time.


JenG - March 6

Hi Mm, Don't get your hopes dashed... there is so much that you still haven't reviewed and I am sure so many possibilities! First, no offense, you are with your OBGYN, not a specialist or even a RE - Reproductive Endocronologist. I love my OBGYN, but this is like getting news from your general practicitioner telling you have a problem. I had according to my OB a heart shaped uterus; I went to the RE... I am fine. My girlfriend had an issue as you did and did IVF with genetic testing to bypass the issue eggs. Don't assume anything yet until you see the expert. I would definitely move to a geneticist AND move on to a RE. Is the genetic issue the folic acid one? What is the worst that could happen? Miscarriage, birth defect? Hard to do, but please don't think next options till you really see the experts... THEN a 2nd opinion. As I said before, my friend received news from one that 'no children'; she went to another and now is pregnant and growing!!
Well, ladies I do have good news... I am BFP. We went in Friday to our RE and the blood test came back that I will not need injectibles. Not sure we did anything differently other than HSG, clomid left over in system... and a whole lot of Bding right after +opk.
Unfortunately, I am anxiety stricken and scared. I hate to say this, I desparately want to be sick, so I know my hormones are okay. Sad. I miscarried last time at 16 weeks, so this is a milestone, but I do not feel home free. so to speak. Hi Mega, what is up with you?


pj - March 6

hi guys. I have never actually written , but I have followed your post regularly till now. My God , what a lot of info at one go.
anyway, to introduce, I am 30, have PCOD with cycle length of anything above 35 days. I tried ttc for six months without success, then I went to a gynaecologist, who put me on clomid-50. I have been having ultrasounds, to check follicular growth. and it seems only one follicle is growing or atleast grew, Today on CD 20, it is still 9*11mm. They say that this cycle wont result in ovulation, as it is too late. My endometrium has also shown no change after 7.1. Anyway, I go to the gynae on Wednesday, to see what next.
By the way, do I really need to see an RE. I hadnt even heard of this extent of specialisation. By the way, I am from India, maybe that is why or maybe I am simply too ignorant.
Oh, and sorry for the long post


Mega - March 6

That's wonderful news, JenG! Congrats on the BFP. I know this will be an anxious time for you, but we're all pulling for your baby to grow healthy, strong & go full term. Have a happy, healthy 9 months! :) As for me, not much is happening. I'm on prometrium now to induce AF so I can start Clomid yet again. You've given me hope now too since it took you several months on it to get your BFP, maybe it'll work for me now finally too. I'm spotting again, for the 2nd weekend in a row since I had the lap & Ovarian Drilling, so I'm thinking (hoping) that that just means my hormones are finally regulating themselves & I'll have a really good chance of getting my own BFP soon. Hi PJ, welcome. It sounds like maybe you'd have a better chance of Oing on a higher dose of Clomid. It's not unusual for a woman with PCOD/PCOS to need a higher dose of Clomid to see results. That's good that you're getting regular monitoring of your follies, so the dr will know exactly what's going on with you. Good luck & keep us posted. Mm, I totally agree with everything JenG said about getting a 2nd opinion & waiting to see what the experts say first. I still think there's hope for you. OBs know more than we do of course, but they're definitely not experts esp. in something so complicated as genetics. How are you feeling? How was your weekend? I hope you pampered yourself. Hang in there!


Suzy - March 6

Hi there, I just finished my third round of clomid and I think I will start the dreaded you know what today. I hope you have better luck. Do you know what happens after round 3? If it doesn't work........? Thanks and GOOD LUCK TO YOU!


Mega - March 6

Hi Suzy, welcome. Good luck in your dreaded 2 WW. Opinions vary, but typically if round 3 of Clomid doesn't work for you, drs tend to prescribe it a few more times. Studies show though if it hasn't worked in 6 cycles, it probably won't, but there are exceptions. I'm about to start my 7th cycle of Clomid myself, but you might've read in my past postings I just had Ovarian Drilling for my PCOS, so I guess that's like starting over again. But anyway, I hope the 3rd times the charm for you, Suzy. Are you seeing an OB or a RE? Keep us posted.


M - March 6

Congrats on the BFP! I'm so happy for you! I am doing better and know I need to just go to the genetic counselor. So I should go to the RE? That's probably where they'd do the ovum donation and all the genetic testing on the cells if I were to get pg.


Mega - March 6

Good, I'm glad you're feeling more hopeful today, M. Yes, the RE would be a lot more knowledgeable than the OB on testing, ovum donation, everything. Between the RE & the genetist you should be in good hands.


JenG - March 8

I would go to an RE... not only do they have more expertise, but they have the technology far beyond that of a OBGYN.


M - March 8

I made the appt. with the genetic counselor and the RE (that's not till May) so we are moving forward. DH thinks we should wait to start anything (the ovum donation and ivf)....I don't mind waiting till August, but I don't want to wait a year.... How are you all doing?



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