3rd Round of Clomid
305 Replies
M - February 22

I have taken clomid before (got pg first round! m/c then did 3 more rounds, of which the last 2 didn't work -no o). I think I had the clomid "drying" effect. I don't o regularly so I'm looking forward to having the clomid help me. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I'm a clomid baby! my parents resorted to this after 18 months of trying. my mom has the anovulatory/irreg. cycle thing going on too. like mother, like daughter! My ob did the hsg and somehow I o'd less than 2 weeks after that (day 21 ish) and got pg on my own!!! Maybe you'll have that same luck!!! :)


Mega - February 23

Hi M. Thanks! I hope so! I can't remember, have you been "officially" dx with PCOS? Sounds like classic PCOS patterns of anaov, irreg. AF, etc. That's cool though that the HSG cleared things up enough for you to get PG on your own. I'm sorry it ended in m/c though. I remember you saying you're a Clomid baby. How cool is that. I hope the Clomid works again for you & you O again on it. My mother tried for 10 years to conceive me, finally succeeding when she was 35. She did it naturally. My mom too had the irreg. AF thing going on. It's funny though b/c I myself was regular until my mid-20s, then the PCOS set in. Can't escape genetics I guess. Oh well. My post op appt. went well. I'm in the waiting mode now, I start Prometrium to bring on AF & then start Clomid once again. He thought things went pretty well with the OD. I'm glad I did it & I'll be more glad if I'm one of the 70% who gets PG in less than 1 year post op. JenG, maybebaby--anything new with you ladies? Well, I've got to get back to work now. My boss isn't a happy camper today so I've got to "look busy." I'll check back later today though.


Mm - February 23

I've never even heard PCOS brought up at my appointments. Any other symptoms of it besides irreg. cycle?


Mega - February 23

Hey Mm. It's just a syndrome, there are lots of possible symptoms of PCOS, but the main form of diagnoses is: anovulation &/or irreg. AF, excessive testosterone or excess hair, & polycystic ovaries. Two of the three. And that's just what my RE uses to dx. Opinions vary greatly from drs to drs. Me I was just highly irregular & then the dx of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) was confirmed by my RE when he saw that I had 19 tiny cysts on my left ovary, 12 or more is considered a polycystic ovary. I believe my test. level was normal, no excess hair or anything. High blood sugar/insulin resistance is another possible indicator of PCOS. I was just wondering based on your irreg. cycles. I'm not trying to "scare" you, or diagnose you per se. There are other causes too of irregularity, like Thyroid issues. But if it's PCOS there's lots they can do for you. Tons of PCOS women go on to have babies, a litter if they want.


Mm - February 27

My ob did do an u/s to check for cysts, he was probably ruling out pcos. I didn't have any. It's been 3 weeks now since my chromosome testing...I am getting pretty antsy waiting for these results!! How's everyone doing?


Mega - February 27

You don't have to have polycystic ovaries per se to have PCOS, but yeah, most likely you don't have PCOS then since you don't have cystic ovaries. So that's good news. Still no word on the chromosome testing? When did the dr say those results would be in? I'll bet you're getting ansty--that's a long time to wait. Nothing doing with me. Just waiting to start prometrium, my dr said to start it March 1st just to make it simple. I'm eager to get started on the next cycle! Bring it on. It's weird though b/c I noticed
brownish spotting this weekend, I guess my body is still acting funky from the OD. It could be O spotting I guess but it seems a little early for that since there were no follies developing during the lap. Oh well. JenG--you around? What's new with you?


JenG - February 27

Hi Mega and M, nothing new with me. Just waiting for A/F before starting injectibles. Not exactly sure when that is happening... should be Sat - Mon timeframe. RE wants me to call him towards the end of the week to get prepared. I am shooting for Thursday... May be preg now, but do not think so... or don't put much hope into it.


Mega - February 27

If you do end up doing the injectibles (IE not PG yet) what drug will you be on? So, if AF shows for you (hopefully she'll take a 9 + mos. leave of abscense), when is she due? Good luck! Keep us posted.


JenG - February 27

As far as drug... will find out probably on Thursday. Lucky for me, my insurance (perscriptions) is covered under my general plan, so I can do Gonal F or any number. I think my AF is due this weekend because I had a LH surge Friday ... so that would be an O around Sundayish. We will see... I have no signs of course, or none I have not experienced in the past that led to a neg... this month, its weird, but I am really putting much stock into it. Thinking to much towards next month... When is your AF due?


JenG - February 27

LH Surge 2 fridays ago! ... typo


Mega - February 27

Hi JenG. That's great that you have drug coverage for the injectibles. Sounds like you have a pretty good ins. coverage overall. It makes sense I guess that you're not putting as much stock in this cycle as usual--you're probably gearing up towards the injectibles, which probably carry really good odds for you. :) But since you're only a week past O, it's probably a little too soon right now for many signs so it could go either way. I'm hoping AF will come around 3/9-3/11, ironically right around my b-day. :)


Mm - February 28

Hopefully you'll get a bfp for your birthday present, Mega! Well, this morning af came, but I'm really excited cuz now I can start clomid in on CD3. My cycle was 37 days without meds (I think I o'd on cd25 from ewcm) and I'm tempted to ask the nurse if I should go med free this next cycle too....what do you guys think?


Mega - February 28

37 day cycle med-free, that's wonderful Mm! And you O'd on your own too. Refresh my memory, were you on drugs the cycle before this natural one? If so, then it might've been the residual effects left in your system. That's happened to me when I've gone on a Clomid break. But if you haven't been on Clomid for a long time, then I guess it certainly wouldn't hurt to try another natural cycle. Maybe your body is regulating itself! Trying anything new? Yeah, a BFP for my b-day would be the best present ever! :)


JenG - February 28

Hi Mm, how long have you been trying? For my husband and I, we have been trying for over 2 yrs. and I am in my early 30's. For us to continue trying on our own, won't improve out chances and statistically most likely would not be successful. So, we are more aggressive and the RE is moving us to injectibles. Really in the end, Fertility drugs are really their in most cases to treat a problem; its more to improve the possibilities and chances of pregnancy. If you are younger and have more time to let nature have its course... I would do it in a heartbeat.


Mm - March 1

Hey ladies. Here's my story: We started trying a little of a year and a half ago, but realized my cycle was so irregular I never knew when I o'd (60 days one cycle, 40 the next) so I went to the dr. after 9 months of just hoping it would happen. With my history of irreg. cycles and my mothers (clomid to have me, early 30's menopause) he recommended clomid. I'm 26, by the way and dh is older. We got pg on the first round, then m/c. Next round go af. And then the next two rounds on clomid nothing happened (no o, had to get af induced) and my dr. referred me on to a RE since he didn't know what to do since clomid didn't work. But before I could see the RE, the RE said to get an HSG to rule out that my tubes were blocked. Then I got pg! Something must've been blocked or it was just luck. But then I m/c's again at 5 weeks. So my OB did a lot of blood tests, found the gene mutation for which I take a lot of folic acid. We go tomorrow for the dr. to explain the results of the chromosome testing. Something is wrong because he wouldn't have us come in, if they were normal I would start clomid on cd3 (he doesn't think my cycles will suddenly go regular after years of being irregular) I'm SO scared for the appointment tomorrow. I don't know what to expect. The nurse told me not to surf the internet and I said I can't because I don't know what I'd research since I don't know the problem.


Mega - March 1

Good luck tomorrow, Mm. Please keep us posted. Hopefully like the gene mutation, this chromosome issue will be easy to resolve too. You're in my thoughts. For almost any issue, these days there's some kind of treatment available.



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