Will Clomid change nipple color?
1 Replies
cdmrose - November 12

OK, now that I see it in print I guess it is a pretty weird question... I took my first round of 50mg Clomid this cycle, and I'm on cd24. I feel like af is going to show any second, which is typical since I have a 25 day cycle. My dh pointed out this morning that my nipples have changed color like they did when we were pg earlier this year. Unfortunately that one ended in a miscarriage. So, I'm just curious.


magicmarcy - November 15

cdmrose~ I am pretty regulasr with my cylce, so last month I got super excited cause AF was 4 days late. Well sadly I didn't know clomid can extend your cycle. But darkening nipples I read is a sign of pregnancy, I dont' have that from clomid. I only noticed hard nipples while on clomid. Best of luck....God Bless



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