2 Replies
tessy - September 29

well since two year i can,t get pregnant ,and i don,t no why,and any time i see my peroid,there is always thick blood,why,can i get pregnant any more or what is wrong with me.


mrshorse - September 29

Have you talked to anyone about this? If not, I would make an appointment with your dr. Do you any children? It kinda sounded like you have been preg in the past. If you haven't seen your dr yet that would be where I would start. They can do some testing for you. Also have you considered charting your temp, or ovulation tests? Those are also a good start. I hope that I've helped and if you have any questions I'll check back here. Best of luck to you and baby dust!


montie75 - September 29

Hello Tessy!! Sorry to hear that you are having problems. I think most of us here one issue or another. My suggestion would be to contact your RE. They may want to run some tests on you and/or your significant other. I have a 7year old DD and now unable to give her a brother or sister. My DH and I have been trying for 4 years now. Our issue is related to the male side. However going to an RE will open many doors for you. Baby Dust!!



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