What can be done?
8 Replies
duckherd50 - November 24

my husband and i have noticed a problem just recently. when he reaches the point of climax, we have noticed something that is a problem. it seems as if his sperm is just coming out and not necessarily projecting out (im trying not to be too graphic). why is this happening and what can be done about it? please give some insight. he is going to the doctor. but, i'd just kind of like to know how this is interfering with our ability to conceive.


blessedwith4 - November 24

A friend of mine and her dh had this problem as well...their family dr prescribed him Viagra and it worked, they got a BFP! The viagra just gave some more power to the ejaculation.


duckherd50 - November 24

im sorry, but i do not know what a "dh" or a "BFP" stands for. can you help me out here?


Jennacat - November 24

DH= darling husband BFP= big fat positive


duckherd50 - November 26

ok. thanks for that information. does anyone else know if there is anything else that can be done before the doctor's visit?


duckherd50 - December 4

does no one have any suggestions or answers whatsoever? i can really use some help here.


Misti - December 4

ive heard b6 works but i dont know


TTC#3@35 - December 4

My dh has that same problem BUT he is paraplegic & I assumed it was due to that. It will make it more difficult for the sperm to reach your cervix but if your husband has normal motility and such than you could be ok. FYI the little bit of semen that was coming out of him did have alot of sperm still. I was shocked to find out after an sperm analysis, which we had drops of semen, had 15 million sperm.
Good luck


Naomi98 - December 5

the force at which the sperm comes out shouldn't affect fertility at all. All men are different in that respect. Some are shooters and others are dribblers lol. But as long as it's coming out, you can get pregnant. Maybe try to prop your hips up on a pillow afterwards so gravity can do it's job. Good luck!



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