Waiting buddy who just started clomid??
96 Replies
Linda - July 19

Gretchen, you and I are a day apart. I took mu last pill last night. I guess I was lucky because I didn't have any SE. We'll see what happens. I already started the bding every other night and starting Friday we'll bd every night. I don't want to miss any chances this time around. This will be my 4th month ttc and it's been frustrating because my mom and sister had no problems. My mom convienietly reminds me now and then that all she had to do was think about it and she was pg. Thanks Mom. I think now that it's been a few months she's starting to get the picture. Hang in there girls, it will happen!


annette - July 19

hi, today is the 1st day of clomid, for my 2nd cycle. last cycle failed :-( i took clomid 100mg, cd 5-9. i od on cd 21, and 15 days later af came... dunno why i didnt have any success last time. i am very anxious abt this cycle. starting clomid today.. hoping that something turns out good.


Jamie - July 19

Christina - You had some spotting too? If so that makes me feel better. I had a little side pains too but I am just assuming this is all normal.... Anyhow good luck this week. I have been praying for us all!!


Erica - July 19

Ji Jamie. We've been trying to conceive for 10 months, Im on my second month of clomid, 50 mill. just went for my check-up ultra-sound today, looks like the clomid is working, my doctor saw two stimulated folicles, now just waiting to see if im preggy.. 4 days till period. what dosage are you on?!


Rachel - July 19

This is also my first month on clomid. I am cd 9 and took clomid cd 3-7. i have been having major pinching pains on my side. Hopefully this is just some healthy eggs getting ready! Anyone else have this same type of sensation? Do I still ovulate on day 14?


Jamie - July 19

Erica -I am on CD 12 and I took 50 mg. of clomid days 5-9.... I go for bloodwork on CD 21 to see if I have ovulated. Rachel - I haven't really had any pains, just some spotting yesterday and today. I don't know if it is something I should worry about or not. Side pains maybe a sign that you are about to ovulate.


gretchen - July 20

Jamie- I had the sma pinching in the side pains today too, may be that is a good sign


Jamie - July 20

Maybe! Gretchen have you had any spotting in the last few days?


gretchen - July 20

I have not had any spotting but I had some bad pains last and this morning.


Linda - July 20

Being that I'm a day or so behind you girls I'm reading your symptoms and waiting to see if I experience it to. I'm on cd 9 took Clomid 3-7. No SE while taking the pills but had some nausea yesterday. We'll see... Baby Dust to all!


Jamie - July 20

How is everyone today? My breast feel a little tender today along with my stomach feeling a little weird. I still have some slight spotting as well... This is starting to bother me a little. I am wondering how can I ovulate if I am spotting.


JB - July 20

Well, I am taking my first round of clomid cd 3 -7 and am currently on cd 11. I go in on cd 13 to have an ultrasound...so hopefully everything is going along as planned. Experiencing hot flashes but that is about it.


gretchen - July 20

I am on cd 13, I took clomid days 5-9. when should I ovulate? I took an ovulation test at luch (LOL) and it showed on LH surge.


Jamie - July 20

Congrats on the LH surge! You started clomid on the same days as me. My doctor said you should ovulate 4-10 days after clomid. Today would be CD 13 for you right - so that would make it 4 days after clomid. Good luck. I took one this morning and it showed nothing. How are your symptoms - do you have any today? Right now have cramping like feelings in my stomach - almost like my period is on the way type feeling....maybe I am getting ready to ovulate - I hope!


gretchen - July 20

oops, i meant to say it did not show a surge


gretchen - July 20

Jamie- that is the same way I feel today.



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