Wacky cycles...
2 Replies
lizbeckwith - February 19

Hi everyone. I usually post in the "signs of pregnancy" forum, but I've been ttc almost a year, so I wanted some input from you ladies in the same boat. My last 2 cycles have been really strange. Last cycle went 42 days, which is very strange for me (usually I'm on a 30-day cycle). My doctor gave me a prescription to get my af going, but I started on my own before I had a chance to take it. This time around, I'm on cd 43 with no sign of af. I've had light stretchy cm for weeks now, and my cervix is low and open. I'm certain I'm not pregnant at this point (negative hpt), but am I maybe ovulating really really late? My temps have been all over the place this month because I was sick, but they indicate that I haven't ovulated at all. I had a slight drop in temperature about a week and a half ago. I'm lost. Any advice is appreciated. Also, sorry for the novel.


JND - February 20

Try the clearblue ditial ovulation tests, they are pretty pricey but well worth the guessing game of is the test line darker then the referenece line? With clearblue you see a smiley face when your LH surge has been detected and you should "o" 24-36hrs later. I have had a 32 day cycle these past 2 months and I have been using the OV watch since Sept. but I didn't use it this month because my last af was sooo light I didn't even know if I should consider that as af. So I started feeling very bloated and sore boobs and thats what made me buy those tests on cd20 I finally got the smiley face. It's worth a try if you think you may be "o'ing" now. Good luck.


lizbeckwith - February 20

Thanks jnd.



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