uterine lining
7 Replies
zigzag1 - February 21

I was wondering if someone may have some input on this. When I go in for my ultrasounds to check my uterine lining, she said it was at 7? Is that good or do they like to see it higher in order for an egg to implant? Thanks for the input.


fncdavis - February 21

ZIG...my RE told me they like the lining to be more than a 9 at the time of insemination. When was your u/s? Good luck. Cindy


zigzag1 - February 21

fncdavis, I had my u/s yesterday, so, 11 days past my period. I took femara and they started me on Bravelle injections yesterday, today and tomorrow, and I go back tomorrow for another u/s. Do you think my lining may have "thickened up" since then. (I hope thats not a stupid question). Thanks for your input.


SaintRose83 - February 21

zig, it depends where you are in your cycle. as you get closer to ovulation it should rise. they like to see it above 9 when implantaion occurs.


SaintRose83 - February 21

oh 11 days past your period.. sorry i didn't read your last post... umm.. mine was 9 by then, but maybe you have a few more days to go be4 you ovulate. yes i think your lining has thickened up by since then. is the bravelle for your lining, if so then it should be better.


nurse08 - February 22

zig, i went for an us yesterday and they told me they were looking for a 7 on the lining...and mine was 8 which she said was fine. maybe dif docs go by dif #'s??? i duno, but she said she was looking for 7


kelsmi - February 22

My RE too looks for it to be a 9, but it can thicken up to that from a 7 in the span of a day - mine did!


Blakey - February 24

Hi! yup, me too, they like to see the lining at 9-10 just bfore you trigger for IVF.



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