Unexplained Infertility
22 Replies
prayn4baby - November 13

elliemae........... i bought a 6 pack for about 18 bucks (after shipping) on their website. The website explains all about it if you'd like to know more. When you ovulate, the cervical mucus should be like eggwhites, and mine never is. So i think the environment is not ideal for the sperm to do what they gotta do for me. Preseed is and internal lubricant that creates the ideal environment for the little swimmers. I'm not sure how much cm you should have at o time but i read somewhere that it should be 5 times more than normal, not sure though how accurate that really is, seems like a lot!


elliemae - November 13

Thanks for the info. I usually have ewcm at some point during pre O and O. I have started checking CP and CM this month and notice that I have quite a bit of cm and it includes ewcm so I think I am ok. I would like it to be my problem because it would be easy to solve but I think no suck luck. Thanks again for the info. Good luck this month- BABYDUST Ellie


jademaiden - November 14

Another thing about CM is you are supposed to check it by sticking your fingers waaay up there (i know, ick) because if you are just noticing it when you are going to the bathroom, sometimes it means it's already dried up in the cervix and what you are seeing is the rest of it traveling down to come out. I was using the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor as well as BBT charting. The ovulation monitor said I was peaking on day 14, but my temperature wouldn't shift until day 17! It was really confusing when I ACTUALLY ovulated. I thought I was covering all the crucial days by bding on days 12, 13, 14, and 15. But that never worked. I read in a book of tips about getting pregnant, this woman only had 1 ovary and one tube, and she got pregnant several times doing it every other day...so I decided to try it.... and it worked for me 4 times. I know women get pregnant doing it just once so it seems like it shouldn't matter, but when you are TTC it's good to try different things to maximize your chances. Oh, and make sure you don't move for at least 30 minutes after bding, and keep your hips elevated or better yet inverted!


elliemae - November 14

jademadin-- thanks, I already do all that. I was just hoping for an answer. We are BDing every other day this month. We will see. I don't know if life will allow us to follow this pattern but it is the plan. Thanks for the info. I know I am on the right track.


udbe2 - November 20

Hoping2b. I am with K concerning the HSG. Ask your doctor about having one done again if you haven't already. I had been ttc for over 16 years. I had 3 HSG's done and the third one came back with my tubes being clear. That month that I had my HSG done I got pregnant. I am 4 weeks now (2 wks fetal age) however my HCG levels are not increasing like they should. I also had to go to the er due to bleeding w/out cramping and they thought I was going to miscarry. My dr put me on 100mg of prometrium 3xs a day, since my progesterone levels were at 3 Mon and 7 Wed. I go in for another blood test tomorrow to see if my levels have increased. My HCG levels were 74 Mon and 79 Wed. Not the greatest however they said there is still a good chance that now they have stopped my bleeding that the levels will now double. Have your dr check your progesterone levels when AF is due to see if you have a progesterone deficiency which is what happened to me. I couldn't conceive and when I did I would miscarry right away. I've had 5 miscarrages in 16 yrs, the last time I got pregnant was 6 years ago until now. I also used to get very sad when others I knew were not ttc and they ended up pregnant. I found it hard to be happy for them since I was having such a hard time getting pregnant. Just do not give up. I didn't even at 36 years old.


babybaby - November 26

Hi guys, I was also diagnosed with unexplained infertility after doing every possible and imaginable exam. Both dh and I are young and healthy so we thought it was going to be super easy getting pg. After 17 months of trying we finally got pg. We did 1 round of femara and timed intercourse, 1 round of femara and IUI and finally our lucky cycle was with femara+gonal-f (injectables) and IUI. I responded great with this combo and apparently it improved the quality of my eggs. We now have a 13 month old little girl who is the best thing in our lives. Don't despair, do whatever you have to because it is all worth it. During the process I felt horrible and depressed. Knowing what I know now I would do it all over again because being a mom is worth it. No matter how hard and how expensive. It is worth it!!!!! Believe on it. Good luck and keep trying!


manilavj - November 30

Had HSG while pregnant with 8 weeks. Anyone with sameexperience. Doctor says baby may be exposed to radiation



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