TTC on Femara support group
125 Replies
skeeter - November 7

It's always nice to hear happy stories :)


babybaby - November 9

Hello guys, how are you? This thread is great! I start Femara today, 5 mg from days 3-7 then on the 14th day (11/19) I go in for an u/s. Do you guys think that it might be too late for the u/s on the 14th? I see that most of you went in on the 10-12. I have unexplained infertility. I have always ovulated on my own. All of my exams and also hd's were normal with good results so re decided to try with femara and see what happens. We are very excited and hoping for a baby soon. We have been ttc for 14 months. I'm 25 and hd is 29. Do any of you guys know anyone with unexplained infertility on femara? How about someone with unexplained infertility who got pregnant? allbelly120206 and Bren81 thanks for sharing the good stories with us. Why were you on Femara? Did you use to ovulate on your own? I'm glad to read success stories. I hope we can add more to this thread soon. Take care!


skeeter - November 9

Babybaby- Femara doesn't make you ovulate. It's used to increase the rate at which your eggs develop. I was on the Ovidrel injection to cause ovulation after taking the Femara because my eggs don't develop on their own.


Lucky717 - November 9

Does anyone have later periods due to Femara? I know Clomid threw off my cycle but this is my first cycle using Femara.


dgroove - November 10

Hi Lucky717, on my first Femara cycle I got my period earlier (cd28) vs. the usual 34-38 days! So I actually ovulated sooner and everything.

I am now on CD10 of Femara round 2, hoping to ovulate soon...

Good luck to you!


Bren81 - November 10

I was on Femara because on my own it always seems to take forever to get pregnant I was using the Clearblue easy Fertility monitor and it didn't seem very accurate so one time it said I didn't ovulate and my Dr. agreed to put me on something to speed up the process Im not really sure if I was only ovulating sometimes or if the monitor was just off or what.


kimsbabydreams - November 10

i took femara for one month i got pregnant that month but lost the baby after 12 weeks has any one else had this happen


babybaby - November 11

Thanks skeeter, my understanding was that Femara would make me produce more eggs to be released during ovulation which would be triggered by the ovidrel shot. I don't care how it happens as long as I get pregnant I'm happy! Thanks for the reply Bren81!


montie75 - November 15

Hey ladies. I have finished my first round of Femara. Today is my cd12 and I went in for my u/s this morning. I have one follicle which the technician told me is still too small. I am waiting for my RE to call at 3:00 with all my details. I am kinda nervous with this result. When I was on the clomid I was producing anywhere from 2-4 follicles per month and by cd12, they weren't considered small. Any thoughts? Hopefully I will have time to let this one mature alittle before the ovidril and IUI. (or would they have me skip this cycle?) UGH...


montie75 - November 16

Good morning ladies!! I spoke directly to my RE yesterday and I was informed that my follicle on the right side is a 17mm. (cd12) I will get to take the trigger tonight and go in for my IUI on Saturday. She told me that by Saturday, my follicle should be between a 21 and 23, which is a good size. She also told me that I had 10 follicles on my left side however they were so tiny that they were considered non-viable. I sure do hope that this one follicle blossoms this weekend with my IUI…………LOL!!! BABY DUST TO ALL.


babybaby - November 16

guys, how is everyone doing? Are we all ready to have bfp's all around for Christmas? For me it's been 16 long months of ttc and I am tired of this wait game. Sunday I go in for my day 14 u/s after taking femara from days 3-7. Hd and I are bding every other day since Monday just in case. I'm hoping for a easy bfp this time around. Wish me luck! You guys are in my prayers every day. I hope we can all have great news very soon. I'll let you guys know what happen, ok? Take care!!!!


babybaby - November 20

Hi guys, it turns out that femara is making me ovulate late. I had to call and cancell my u/s because I still haven't had a surge on my OPK. Has any of you guys had late ovulation with femara?


montie75 - November 20

BabyBaby, this was my first cycle on the Femara and did not ovulate late, matter of fact I was on time. The clomid however caused me to ovulate later than normal. I heard that femara causes early ovulation.......I am sure it really depends on your body. Sorry I can't be of more help to you!!


babybaby - November 21

It turns out that I didn't ovulate late. I got an LH surge today which was day 16 and since my cycle is 31 days long I'm ovulating perfectly on time. I just got too anxious to see if the femara was working. I just came back from the re. They did an u/s and found a bunch of follies, but only 2 were a decent size. One of the was 16mm and the other one was 22.8 mm which made my re pretty happy. My uterine lining was 0.834 and he said that it was a good size. I gave myself an ovidrel shot an hour ago so today, tommorow, and thursday will be crucial days for some baby making action. The re is really hopeful and he said that I should not think about an IUI until I try femara for a couple more months. I am really hoping and praying to God that I won't need one because I can't afford it. I hope to have good news in about 2 weeks! I'll let you guys know! Can anyone tell me if the size and amount of follies that I have is ok for a cycle on femara? I have no idea how many we are supposed to make so if anyone know please let me know too. Good luck to all of you!


montie75 - November 21

babybaby, your follicle size sounded great!! Remember, they grow 1-2mm until you ovulate. You will not ovulate until 24-36 hours after the trigger shot!! Nice to hear that you had two. I only had one this cycle. Good luck to you!!


tynadu - November 26

hello ladies, I am so happy for you guys with the bfp's!! I hope everyone is doing ok. Well i am on cd40 and 10dpo. I got a big shift in temps this cycle so i am hoping for the best. good luck to all!!



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