TTC on Femara support group
125 Replies
skeeter - September 9

I'm waiting now Tracy. Sept 17 will be day 28 for me, so I wait. The trigger shot I take is Ovidrel. That's what makes me ovulate. It won't help you though if your follicles are so litte. They should be no smaller than 20 mm. Good luck all!!!


TracyR - September 10

Skeeter, I understand about the Ovidrel shot. Actually I work at a Vet Clinic and we have similar drugs that we use on animals when needed. I saw my doctor on Friday. He upped my dose of Femara to 10mg/day days 3-7. Then around day 12 I go in for an U/S to see where things stand follicle-wise. As for all of the pain I had... he thinks it was my dermoid cyst possibly twisting my right ovary. However I am skeptical since the pain went from side to side. He said that we can't always differentiate which 'side' is causing the pain when the pain is internal. Hmmm... So we'll see how this goes for me. I have to take provera for a week first to bring on AF. Good luck to everyone! Skeeter... Keep in touch over your wait! I'm thinking of you!


tynadu - September 11

Hello everyone! I am now on cd42 and still no sign of AF. This time provera is taking a long time to work. I'm not sure why. I will also be taking femara cd5-9 7.5mg


skeeter - September 16

AF arrived :( We're doing IUI this cycle.


TracyR - September 16

skeeter...I am so sorry! But hopefully IUI will be a great step forward for you guys! I really think it's going to help. I've read about a lot of women who had great success with IUI!


tynadu - September 16

Hello Ladies! Skeeter- good luck on this cycle. I am on cd47 and still no sign of AF. If I can ever get my next cycle started I will be getting a IUI if all gose well.


skeeter - September 16

I think this is soooo funny. We are all trying to get pregnant, but we're all waiting on AF. It's a tish ironic. I'm trying to find the humor in our situation.


Samantha27 - September 17

Hello ladies sorry for not being around but I had some complications ufortunately my pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. I found out on thursday and I had to go straight to the emergency to get a needle so it can desolve and hopefully start tryin again soon. I hope all is well with everyone.lots of baby dust to you all.


skeeter - September 18

I am so sorry to hear that Samantha. My thoughts are with you. Hopefully this next cycle will be "the one". Loads of baby dust to all.


montie75 - September 18

Hey skeeter, I found you!! Hello Ladies. I hope you don't mind that I am reading your thread. My Re has suggested that I start taking Femara 2.5mg cd 3-7 with an u/s on cd12 then my ovidril once they ok it and then the IUI. I have been on clomid for over 8 cycles and clomid with ovidril my last two cycles. I did get pregnant in August however m/c in my 6th week. I believe my RE was worried about my lining from being on the clomid for so long so we are switching over. I am not that familiar with Femara and was looking for some insight. My first cycle won't be until November, which is when my RE has given us clearance to start trying again. Soooooooooo, any suggestions from you experienced girlies? Do you prefer the Femara over Clomid? BTW, sorry for your loss Samantha. I am sure you are on an emotional roller coaster, which I can totally relate to. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.


Lucky717 - September 18

Monte75 -- I am in the same boat as you...Looking to switch to Femara next cycle if we don't conceive on Clomid this cycle. Ladies can you give us some info on Femara? Are the side effects as bad as with Clomid? Hotflashes, nausea? How long will your Dr. keep you on it for? Baby dust!!


skeeter - September 18

The reason my dr put me on the Femara instead of the Clomid was because of the minor side effects. This is my fourth cycle on it and the only side effect that I've had has been headaches, and even those were barely there last cycle. It's a medication that was originally used to treat breast cancer. Dr's prescribing it discovered that the women's follicles were kick started, so now it's commonly used for infertility. The great part of this is that insurance companies don't consider it a fertility medication so they'll cover it. My dr had to increase my dose. I started out on 2.5/day on cd 3-7 with the u/s on day 12. I then had to up it month 3 to 5mg/day on cd3-7 and u/s on day 11. Now we're doing 5mg/day cd3-7 and u/s on day 12 with Ovidrel and IUI to follow. I've read where some people have posted that Femara causes birth deffects. This is the case if you take WHILE you're pregnant. NOT if you're taking it to get pregnant. That's why it's imperitive that you test. Good luck!!


tynadu - September 20

Hello Ladies! Samantha27- I am sorry for your lost. I hope you get well soon! Skeeter- This whole waiting for AF thing is the pits, kind of like a cruel joke if you ask me. Its funny because last time it stayed on more than 9 days and I was soo mad. Now here I am wondering when she will be back. I am now on cd50, I took a BPT Monday so my Dr can make sure that I am not preggo. The test came back today, but only after the Dr had left the building so I will have to wait until tomorrow to get the results. I already know that I am not, but I want to know if I can get started tring again.


montie75 - September 20

Tynadu-good luck. Don't lose just never know!! Thank you for the insight Skeeter. I do appreciate it. Baby Dust to everyone!!!


montie75 - September 22

Where is everyone?


tynadu - September 22

Hello Ladies, Well I got the test back and it was BFN. I knew it would be, but what I didn't know is I will have to take more provera!!! This time 2 pills a day for ten days. All of this because AF still have not showed. But first I have to get more blood test because Dr wants to know what the heck is going on. I go on Vac. Sun. so it will be Thurs. before I can have the test done. Then after that I can take my provera. I am on cd53 and I hope AF come while I am on Vac. so I don't have to take those pills. Good Luck Ladies!!!



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