TTC on Femara support group
125 Replies
tynadu - September 2

Hello Ladies, I will be using Femara this cycle as well. This will be the first one using it. I am waiting for AF to show up so I can start. I took provera for 10 day. I was told by my Dr to take it on cd5-9 but I will be taking it at night so I will start on cd4.


Anna1 - September 3

I am new to this. I tried 2.5mg cycle one on femera. Clomid did not work on me. I had to cancel my cycle as I was not ovulating. I took provera today to get my period. I will now have to take 5mg of femera. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Do you know if 5mg would work? Anna


skeeter - September 3

I had to bump my dose up to 5 this cycle. In my opinion, it didn't work. I had two follicles 15 mm and 16 mm. This is the smallest they've been. My first cycle on femara 2.5 I had one that was 24 mm and then the next month there was one that was 20 mm. Hard to tell. Good luck!!!


tynadu - September 4

Hello Ladies! Anna, How many days did you take provera before your cycle started? I took provera 10 days the first go round and I started to spot the next day after the last pill. I am now almost 4 days past the last pill and nothing.


skeeter - September 4

It doesn't work for me. My dr put me on the pill for two months, but he did it differently. He had me take 4 pills on day one, 3 pills on day 2, 2 pills on day three and continue 2 pills/day each day until I took all active pills in the one pack. I then immediately went on to the second months pack, skipping the "reminder" pills for month 1. I got af three days after finishing the second packet.


Anna1 - September 4

Thanks for your reply Ladies.
Tynadu: Today is 2nd day on provera. I take it for 5 days and get my period on the 7th day. My doctor says if you dont get your period after 2 weeks of the last pill to go see him. I am expected my first day on september 13th.
I have very disappointed to know that increasing femera does not help. What other options do I have? Do you take injections with femara? If so, how long do they wait before they put you on injections? I just need this to happen right away and has caused a lot of mental stress on me. Thanks for all of your help.


Anna1 - September 4

tynadu - you will have your periods in 3 days. I know you will, i have taken provera several times in teh past few months. Good luck this month.


tynadu - September 4

well Ladies, today is cd35 for me and 5days after taking provera. Still no sign of AF. I also chart and my chart say I O'ed late around cd24 and when I add up how fast my follies were growing they would have been the right size by then. So I may still have a chance to be preggo. I know as soon as I press send AF will show up! Well I guess we will see in about a week. ***BabtDust***


tynadu - September 4

ooops!! ***BabyDust***


skeeter - September 5

TONS of babydust to you!!!!! Hope the witch doesn't show up!!!


skeeter - September 6

Any news Tracy????


tynadu - September 6

Hello everyone! Any Good news? I am on cd37 and still no sign of AF.


Anna1 - September 6

Hey Ladies,
What are these trigger shots that you have talked about? When do you take them? I have an appt wtih my doctor on Sept 13 which will prolly be the first day of my period. I will be taking 5mg of femara this month and medication to lower my LH. I also have PCOS. However, I am not overweight. Maybe I should bring up these trigger shots with him. I know 5mg of femera will not work on me. Without any medication my follicles were up to 1.3 and with it I reached only 1.2. Any advice would help. Thanks Anna


Anna1 - September 6

Just curious.... How long have you been all trying for now?


TracyR - September 8

Hi Ladies... Thanks for keeping tabs on me Skeeter! I have my appointment to see my doctor tomorrow. This is the first time that I have seen him since I had my fun little trip to emerg! I am going to have to be more forceful and proactive this time. I will have a list of questions that I will need answered... this will include Why am I not monitored with U/S? and Why have we not done a complete hormone panel? Why have we not talked about a trigger shot? I'll let you know what happens. What is up with you? Any news?


skeeter - September 9

I'm waiting now Tracy. Sept 17 will be day 28 for me, so I wait. The trigger shot I take is Ovidrel. That's what makes me ovulate. It won't help you though if your follicles are so litte. They should be no smaller than 20 mm. Good luck all!!!



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