TTC in September through Friendship and Support...Part 1
285 Replies
ROBYN - September 15

Hey girls first hi to each of you. We are packing and doing a lot of throwing out. We arent taking any furniture at all with us from our apt. So we have all new stuff being delivered so its gonna be cool. Its just stressful as I am sure you all know. Anyway I actually have a night off and gonna try to go to sleep like a normal person with normal hours. Anyway have a great nite all of you will check in tomorrow


kelley32 - September 15

GM everyone ... just wanted to wish you all a great day ... Robyn, I hope you had a good night's sleep ... I used to work night shift, so I know how you feel about just wanting to feel normal. My appt went well yesterday, my bp is back down again, so I was happy about that. As far as knowing the sex, the baby was in an awkward position for the third time, so doc was still unable to let me know for sure, although he thinks it's a girl. Well, better get to work ... happy Friday girls!


slowpoke01 - September 15

hey everyone just wanted to check in. hey i read on the net and in a book called morning sickness companion that studies have shown that women carrying girls have more and worse morning sickness than women carrying boys. dont know how true it is just thought you girls that are having morning sickness may find it interesting. good morning to all. how is everyone. i know girls it made me so mad that they let that poor kid go hungry all day. i mean what is this world coming to when women can sit there and watch a kid cry because they are hungry and not do anything about it. melissa how is your dad doing? well all i will heck back in later i have to go get dh's check and my fil's check and take them to the bank. good luck everyone and i hope that you all have a great day.


cmelissa - September 15

Happy Friday Ladies!! I'm actually taking off tomorrow to go to an amusement park with dh's company so that will be fun!! My dad has another biospy scheduled for the 25th - its frustrates me these tests are taking so long you thin kthe doc would want to do it immediately! Kelley - a girl so sweet! I can't remember do you have a name picked out?? Hello JD, Robyn, Slow, Wannabe, Mommy2josh, BL, Rhonda, Leslie, Katt, and 1mom - hope i didn't forget anyone!!


mommy2josh - September 15

Morning ladies. I am so sorry that I have been an absantee. DH is leaving today so I will be back in the evening to respond. Jamie, it made me sick to my stomache to hear that a child goes hungry. How could a school official allow this. At this point if I knew the name of the school I would seek the media on them and put someone in charge in jail for child endangerment. Dont for a second think that I would not. Anyway, hellos to Katt, Robyn, Kelley, Melissa, Brooke, NIcole, Jamie, Jamie74, Kathy, Erin, Rhonda, Gayle, Jen, Jess, Denise, Greeneyed, Natasha! Did I forget anyone?


mommy2josh - September 15

Leslie, I forgot Leslie. Hello to LESLIE:)


bl - September 15

Good morning everyone! Jamie, I've never heard of such a thing as letting a child go hungry at school. When I was teaching I would give my students money for lunch if they forgot it. Tanya, you must be sad dh is going away. Do you mind staying alone in the house? Melissa, how are the shots treating you? I'm sorry that the tests are taking so long with your dad, that must be frustrating. Robyn, that's too exciting about your house and ivf in the same month. It sounds like a lucky month for you! Kelley, glad to hear that little one is doing well in there. Is dd excited for the baby? Last night I had a dream that af was late but I was scared that it was a chem preg again. Jeez, I can't even escape ttc when I'm asleep!! I hope everyone has a great Friday. I'll be back later.


stephaniers86 - September 15

Hi Ladies!! i have been ttc with an irregular period. any advice??????


cmelissa - September 15

hey Ladies!! Mommy2josh how long will dh be gone for?? sometime like having alone time, not anymore though with the MIL living with us, ha! Bl - the shots are going ok so far - the one i did last night kind of hurt b/c i didnt push it in fast enough, ouch!! I will have to give myself 2 shots a day once i start the meds- not fun!!


mommy2josh - September 15

Welcome Stephaniers. How long have you been ttc and have your periods always been late? Have you seen your doctor? Only your doctor wil be able to tell you what is wrong, but not always. I have unexplained infertility and my doc sees no reason why I have not been able to conceive. Brooke & Melissa, dh will be gone 15 days. I like being alone, but not for that long. I will try to stay busy. I'll be back later I promise.


cmelissa - September 15

Mommy2josh - wow 15 days is a long time!! Hopefully you have some friends that can come stay with you a couple of nights!!!


stephaniers86 - September 15

thanks. we have been trying for about 3 months. my period has always been irregular until april 06 thru june06 its been coming regularly around the same time eah month but im july it came 10 days late and august it came 15 days late now sept nothing yet and i hope nothing come. sprinkle baby dust my way please


LeslieK - September 15

Hello ladies! Kelley I'm glad you bp is down and I'm sorry your little one is being uncooperative!! I had that problem with my dd and never did find out what I was having until she was born. Do you have any names yet? I actually went out yesterday and bought my first baby clothes. I bought 3 outfits for a girl and 3 outfits for a boy. Other than 2 bibs from a craft fair this is the first things I have bought for the baby. I think I'm starting to get worried I'm going to have it early since its running so big. I'm going to have a couple of showers next month so that should help ease my anxiety about not being prepared. Well, I had the worst evening yesterday. I had to go to a middle school laptop orientation (my dd's school gives laptops to all the students so I went to learn how to set the parental controls etc.) and curriculum night. I was at the school from 5:30 - 9 p.m. with only a pb sandwich in my system, so I was getting a little cranky. When I got home, my neighbor dog came running out from the side of our house and he had knocked over our garbage and it was all over the side yard. It took me about 15 minutes to pick it all up in the dark. When I got inside my dh had not done any of the dinner dishes and they were all piled in the sink. He also had not picked up any milk from the store so I had to run to the grocery store after doing the dishes and get some milk for breakfast. When I pulled into the driveway at 10 p.m., the neighbors dog was again in the garbage and it was all over the side yard again!!!! I was almost in tears. I went over to their house and they came out and helped me (they had no idea he was loose). After I finally was able to eat at 10:45, my dh came home from basketball and I told him about my bad night. He was very apologetic, but I was too exhausted to be nice. This morning I got back home from the store at 10 a.m. and our dog had gotten out of the gate in the laundry room and gotten into our kitchen garbage and it was all over the kitchen floor and into the living room carpet. It had gotten into packets of instant oatmeal, coffee grounds and everything else we had thrown away the past couple of days. You all know how I feel about this dog... hopefully I will have calmed down by the time my dh gets home. I just scrubbed the carpet and floors again. I'm getting way too big to be doing all of this crawling around. Okay, thanks for letting me vent about my awful day. I treated myself to a hot chocolate at Starbucks and now I'm going to lay down for a nap. I'll check in soon and see if you all had a better day and can cheer me from my foul mood. Love to you all!!!!


Smiler1 - September 15

Hello Ladies,

I am seriously confussed i am on clomid 100mg day 3-7 and have been taking opk since day 11 and holding my pee for 5-6 hours but no + opk i am on day 13 now and worried i may have missed it. I was told to not have sex until i get +opk and am so scared now what should i do? any help would be appriciated.


ROBYN - September 15

Hello girlies, checking in holy crap what a busy day. First TANYA I know you will miss hubby but enjoy the time. I would also be upset 2 weeks is a long time. Jason is going away for a 3 day business trip to Texas in November and I am upset about it. I could go but I wont fly. Soooo.. YEA we finally got our IVF contract. It was weird the company called today to see if we got the contract that they mailed out on the 8th. I start freaking out and I said no... So she goes we will send you the contract via email so she did. Its 11 pages long but looked at the final price they want 21, 300 not including meds. It was supposed to be 18.940. But they factor in age even though I am 37 i will be 38 in January. So we dont have a choice we will pay it and then add almost another 4 grand for meds. Its a shit load of money considering the house also. But ya do whatcha gotta do. Anyway hi to all of you. Welcome any new comers <SMILER1> I did Clomid ranging from 50 to 150mg I usually didnt get a positive OPK till CD 15 you should still be fine and then I did the Ovidrel trigger shot. We are past that and now starting IVF. Good luck to you will check in later girls LOVE YOU ALL <<<HUGS>>>>


1mom - September 15

hi ladies! cmelissa- a passion party is a naughty girl party that has all kinds of goodies! idon't have much time now but i'll check in tomorrow.



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