TTC in November Through Friendship and Support - Part 2
174 Replies
Katt - November 12

I got me some luvins!!! YAY!!! Still not pos opk yet so there is much more luv to come, heehee. Yes, he used the pill. It was crazy too cuz the pill wasn't working as long as he was thinking about it so we started talking about football bets, lol and low and behold there he rose! ;) Crazy! ROBYN_ So glad to hear she apologized!!


bl - November 12

YEAH Katt, I'm so happy for you. You deserve some good lovin!! Robyn, I'm happy you got an apology at work and that things will be covered for Monday. Tanya, sounds like the dr app went well. She wouldn't elaborate on the kidney thing?? How was the movie? What did you see? Melissa, that's great that your dad is doing much better. How many more days of bcp? Well, not too much over here except I think my hormones are raging! Everything and everyone is annoying me. I remember feeling this way when I was preg w/ds. It's like having really bad pms. My mom told dh that she hopes for the both of them, that the first 3 months go quickly!


Katt - November 12



Katt - November 12

The last to say goodnight and the first to say GOOD MORNING!! Y'all know what day it is and I really don't have any updates or anything SO I will check in laters. Luvyas!


Rhonda - November 12

Hey girls, how is everyone doing?Mark has been looking for work,he was trying for a job welding,because he use to weld for his dad but this place wanted him to take a welding test and he did not know how,it was a different kind of welding then what he use to do.One place he went to they told him they were looking for more experience than what he had.He is trying to get a number to a security place to see about employment there.Hell he even tried getting a job working at a drug treatment place his dad works at,but they could not hire him because the only opening they had was for the same position his dad does which is a tech and they dont hire family for the same job,sounds really stupied though.Sometimes i think it is hopeless.Christmas sure aint looking to good this year.I cant beleive he is having such a hard time finding work.Hell i know the towns around here are small but give me a break,there has to be something.Anyway i have my partial but it hurts real bad when i put it in so i have not been wearing it.Thats depressing as well.So Robyn how are things going with work?Is it easen up on you at all?How are you doing with your ttc?Kelley you sure dont have much longer to go huh?Im so glad she turned i know your so releived.Pooh how much longer do you have?Katt how are things going for you?Did you stop smoking all the way yet?Tanya how have you been feeling?NA25 anything new with you?Hello JD what have you been up to?Doing alot of baking?Brooke hey hun how far along are you now?I know this will be a wonderful pregnancy for you.Gayle i hope your doing ok.I have had my share of kidney and bladder infections and they can be very painful.Hi CMelissa how have you been doing?Leslie you are due in dec or am i wrong?Do you know what your having?I might have asked before but i cant remember.Well our dog had puppies a couple days ago,great just what we needed.They will be ready right before christmas so maybe they will go fast,will make great christmas presents.Everyone please pray that Mark will find a job i really hoped he would have found one by now.It is so depressing.Please just pray he finds one.


cmelissa - November 12

Katt very cool statistics - i dont even know how long i have been posting -it has been a long time now! mommy2josh did the u/s tech say if anything looked wrong? What movie are you going to see with the kids? Katt hope you are feeling better - hope you're not getting the flu! Robyn glad your supervisor apologized! Are you glad to have dh back! How are the shots going? BL - i hope you are pregnant!! I have 7 days left of the bcps - then i have to wait for AF to show. Katt i voted to have him come to WV - hope it works!! Rhonda - keep your head up - Mark will find a job soon - just keep on trying! What kind of puppies did you have??


Katt - November 12

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?! LOL I had to do that, heehee. I am soo happy - I got my positive OPK 30 minutes ago. Send over loads of babydust, esp sex vibes to my dh and some happy swimmer vibes couldn't hurt I-ther ;) RHONDA_ Sorry to hear Mark is having trouble - where do you live again?? One of my nails cracked today and I had to cut em all down, well except for like 4 of them because they are silk overlayed due to other crackage and it is really difficult to type, lol - It makes me sad :( Who am I rooting for this fine NFL Sunday? 1PM Line up: Houston @ Jacksonville: Houston +10 Cleveland @ Atlanta: Cleveland +8 Indy @ Buffalo: Indy -12
Washington @ Phila: Washington +7 >4PM Line up:
Denver @ Oakland: Denver -9.5 New Orleans @ Pitts: New O +5.5 Dallas @ Arizona: Dallas -6.5 WISH ME LUCK!!!! Oh and please check your Emails because I need some assistance again in the Lukas Rossi Rock Star Supernova gig - I know ya love me ;) Babydust to all and to all a happy happy DAY!


Katt - November 12



kelley32 - November 12

HI everyone ... hopefully you are doing OK tonight, and I hope you all had a nice weekend. We went on the hospital tour this afternoon. we were a few minutes late, which was embarrassing, I am never late ... anyway, so we get there and we sit down, and the nurse continues explaining things ... then about a minute later, she says that children are not allowed on the birthing floor (Isabella was with us), and so I say 'I wasn't aware', then Isabella says 'neither was I' ... everyone burst into laughter and it sort of eased the situation, then the nurse said that she would make an exeption and allow her on the tour. Anyway, I was oozing with pride because she was so well behaved and patient. The hospital has the tubs, but not one per room like the hospital I gave birth to Isabella in, and you labor and deliver in one room, then get moved to another room for the remainder of your stay, which is also different from the last time ... I labored, delivered and stayed in the same room the whole time. Anyway, I'm not complaining ... at least they have the tubs to begin with. I am also still shaving my legs, LOL ... but not the hot dog buns ... DH did it with the trimmer, but I still have to get him to do the bikini line with the razor. Leslie, LOL ... I hear ya on getting out of the bathtub ... it's starting to get difficult for me too. Are you swollen at all? My hands and fingers are like double their normal size, and my feet are starting to get really bad too ... my fingers look like sausages, LOL! KATT, you're right, when I took the Robitussin, it seemed like I had less CM than usual, but I got pg, so go figure ... Robitussin will always be on my good side, LOL. Oh btw ... glad he rose to the occasion!! What a relief ...thank goodness for the pharmaceutical companies!!! Its strange but I never got a +OPK the cycle I got pg ... I remember how mad I was that I wasted $40, LOL! ROBYN, so happy that things got straightened out at work ... you need as little stress as possible right now. RHONDA, I will keep hoping that Mark finds work. Has he been to the local employment office? Anyway, better get going, I've got a chicken soup on. Talk to you all tomorrow.


ROBYN - November 12

Hey girls, quick check in Nascar is on and I am obssessed with it. Anyway on a very sad note at work last night 2 deputies from the next city over were shot and one was killed and the other one was shot 4 times. It was so awful. We sent every single cop to look for these scumbags. Every police dept in our entire county was there about 300 police officers to help. The police officers were only 34 and 37 and the one that was killed had twin 4 year old girls. I was crying. So I had a horrible night back at work and just makes you appreciate that life can just be taken from you so quickly. I am getting such bad headaches from these injections I feel like my head is going to explode. I can wait to go to the RE on Tuesday and see what happens. I also called out sick tonite because Anthony was feeling a little crappy honestly... I just didnt want to go in. Well... I need to read the rest of your posts and I will check in later. CYAS


ROBYN - November 13

Hey girls, my freaking hair is falling out from Lupron injections. Its not just a strand its alot. I am really upset. We reseached it and its says that hair loss is part of the side effects. It changes your hormones drastically by surpressing everything well... i guess my hormones are surpressed.. So now I am really upset. I am having horrible headaches, moodiness very emotional and now hairloss just from one injection. Dont know whats gonna happen when you add the others. Will check in later.


LeslieK - November 13

Good evening everybody - Robyn I'm so sorry to hear about the deputies. They were so young too. It's too bad that you're getting so many side effects too from these medications. I remember when my Dad died, I had a bunch of hair fall out which was quite depressing in itself so I understand how distressing this must be for you. I hope this side effect is short lived for you. Rhonda - I'm sorry Mark hasn't found a job yet, something is bound to turn up. Katt - I hope you're enjoying your sunday football. The Seahawks won today so were pretty happy around here. They had a ton of injuries and were hoping they'll all get better quick. Kelley - I'm not too swollen right now. I'm down to just wearing my engagement ring ( I have two anniversary band that I wear too, diamonds and sapphires) because I was afraid I'd have to pry off the others. My biggest complaints are that I'm just uncomfortable right now. The baby is engaged and I swear its going to stick its hand out and wave to me one of these times. I'm pretty achy and just tired from everything. I'm having lots of braxton hicks contractions too which are just annoying. You know the month I got pg I never got a + OPK either...go figure. Glad the hospital tour went well, we did that last month too and they've remodeled the hospital since I gave birth to Alex. Its much nicer now, kind of like a hotel room, just that you have to give birth in! My dd and dh wrote down the room numbers that were the biggest rooms so were supposed to request those when we check in at the hospital. I just want one of the rooms with those whirlpool tubs. About half the rooms have them in our hospital. Well, I've got to go get dinner on the table and then I'm planning on laying down. We've been gone all day at 2 basketball games for dd (they came in 2nd place in their tournament) and a soccer game in the freezing cold rain. I'm all sportsed out! Okay, have a great evening everyone and I'll check in on you all tomorrow.


cmelissa - November 13

Katt congrats on the +opk - sending you baby wishes!! Kelley thats so funny dh shaves your bikini line, I cant see mine doing that - i'd be afriad he'd cut me, haha! Robyn thats horrible about the police officers - there are such horrible people out there! Robyn call your dr. about the lupron - i didnt seem to have any s/e from the lupron, but everyone reacts differently. Leslie your hospital sounds super nice! Well i got to get to bed i have a seminar all day so wont be able to check in til tomorrow night f i'm lucky!


kelley32 - November 13

Morning ... Robyn, so sorry about the police officers ... have they found who did it? My aunt is friends with a police woman who was shot in the head and survived, but with many medical problems afterwards, not to mention sheer stress and nightmares. I would have liked to be a police officer, but when you hear about things like that happening, it makes you realize what you can lose ... anyway, my thoughts are with you today. Leslie, hospitals are so nice in the U.S. ... everytime I watch A Baby Story I can't believe how nice the rooms are, with TVs and everything, nice furniture and big! Due to our strained medicare system here, our hospitals are in desperate need of money, they have to do alot of fundraising just to get much needed equipment. You are so lucky that you're not swollen, it's a horrible feeling and I can't stand looking at my hands any longer. Oh, and I lost part of a tooth yesterday, thank goodness it's in the back, but by looking at it I can't really tell, but I can really feel it with my tongue ... just what I need right now. Leslie, I keep hearing that the baby doesn't engage until labor starts with a second baby ... how do you know that the baby is engaged, I don't think that I even knew that with Isabella. CMel ... I know it's strange that DH shaves me, but I trust him because he does that for a living ... not down there, but often has to shave his patients faces (he does home care for the government for sick and elderly) ... anyway, wishing you all a great day and hoping that Robyn feels better and that the side effects calm down a bit. (((HUGS)))


mommy2josh - November 13

Morning ladies. Robyn I am so sorry that you are suffering side effects. Do they say that the loss is temporary? I am also very sorry for the loss to the police department. I said a silent prayer for the poor man who lost his life and the one still fighting for his. Stay possitive, you shouldn't be too upset now. You need to center your energy around the growing follies. (((((((Robyn)))))) Katt, I am so glad you got some. I told you the pill works. I am sending you lots of sticky baby dust. I am pretty sure you are set with the lovin you got, but hoping you will get a couple more sessions in :) By the way, I tried to do the Supernova thing, but every time I would type the code it told me incorrect code. I'll try again later. Kelley, the swelling is the begining of labor. I remember I got swollen about a week before I gave birth. Rhonda, I am sure Mark wil find something soon. As for your partial, its not supposed to hurt you. You need to go back to the dentist and tell him to fix the problem. Brooke, we saw Flushed Away. It was cute. Next week we are going to see Happy Feet. Anyway. Hello to Leslie, Melissa, Jen, Jessica, Gayle, Christine, Jamie, Erin and anyone else I am have forgotten.


mommy2josh - November 13

I cant even write. First I said "MEAT my friend" and now I say "anyone else I am forgotten". Ofcourse I meant MEET my friend and anyone else I MAY have forgotten. Duh.



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