TTC in November through Friendship and Support ... Part 1
151 Replies
Rhonda - November 4

Thanks Robyn,mark is pretty upset he has cried off and on all day.So i had to hold him alot.I hope he will get that job.He is going next wk and put in an app at a welding company he knows how to weld.Hi is bound to find something.Thanks for your support girl.


luvmyliluns - November 4

Hi all. I am actually better known to most of you as Shauna. I changed my user name because there is another Shawna on my other thread. So now that this is over. Mom1...I checked out your space...your dog is a monster. In a nice way. Rhonda...sorry to hear about Mark's Grandma as well. GL to Mark for getting that job. Love you guys so much. Been going through 'stuff' right now so thats why not talking much. And before any of you wonderfully caring woman say to spill my guts about it....I would love to have someone to talk to about it but it is one of those things you just dont want the whole world to know...There are some people on these sites who I may be meeting in the next couple months and I dont want this info out to speak. It is also something that might start the a muchly un needed cat fight. Moral issue. Soooo I read you everyday and love the KATT posts as they include EVERYTHING!!! You are very thorough. lol. Kelley hope you are doing awesome...think of your baby bump often as you resemble a friend of mine. Will post again once you non preggers become preggers. Baby dust and tummy rubs. I love yous all. Your like family that I have yet to meet. Shauna


Katt - November 4

Good morning gals! Well Aunt FLo hasbeen pretty good to me this cycle...I only had flow 1 day! Not sure what's up with that, my temp is still above 97 - which I guess is my New Normal? GO ROBYN!!_ Yeah, I get to stick him tomorrow. RHONDA_ ((((HUGS)))) to both of you, I know how hard it is to lose a grandparent. My Grandfather passed this past April - it was rough. That's great news about your baby. GOOD LUCK MARK in your job hunting! Hey SHAUNA_ Thank you - I can't live without Details! LOL Well it seems today is dedicated to brainstorming, outlining, laundry and grocery. Although, I must get Email and myspace mail out of the way first or I'll never get started. I'll check back on my breaks, lol. Cyas!


cmelissa - November 4

Hey Ladies - well Heather thats so wonderful - congrats! Katt I cant wait to read your book! Yes cant wait to hear how your accupuncturist appt goes! Are you taking meds this cycle? Oh my SIL had her baby yesterday - another nephew for me! Robyn congrats on doing the shot yourself - i just press it in really quick - you will get used to it and soon will be a pro!! Rhonda I will pray Mark gets that job! Also so sorry to hear about his grandmother - had she been sick?? I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers!! Shauna welcome back - i used to post with you on other threads i believe! Hope everything is ok! Well back to work - will check in later!!


Katt - November 4

OMG what work this will be. I have decided the genre to be "realistic fiction" as in (based on a true story). I am trying to pump myself up, lol. Break time and breakfast making for the Kouki household. Because I am organizing today and letting the ideas build rapidly before any typing actually takes place I will try to get my "building" questions to you. Because you are a part of me, you will be envolved as I could not do this without you! Everything in running circles in my head now - this is good but also it is exhausting because ya can't produce as fast as thought presents. The Serious Side: Look for an attachment w/in the next week to include a few questions and a "disclosure" along with a fax number. I cannot accept email responses for liability purposes. Whomever faxes a response to me shall be included at some level, be it "whole" or "intertwined" with another (there are so many of us I am not sure I want 26 characters to plot, I can live with 13-make sense?) This will help narrow my sources and alleviate unnecessary work. Please also note that I have yet to decide whether to start at the end i.e. present or the beginning i.e. March or Both! Most likely both- what do you girls think? I have some ideas that I will share later in an email after I receive responses. Luvs and snugs! -Katt (ps I am emailing this out to every single thread member beginning in March that I have add's for)


Katt - November 4

MELISSA_ No meds this cycle; just Robitussin, Low-dose Aspirin, opk's, CM, charts with possible CP (if i get aid from the OB, lol) and ferning (I may purchase one of those scope thingies) I want to cover all bases and NOT miss my Ovulation! My Alt Doc made a cruel joke in fun of course, he said - now you won't get pregnant until you either publish your book or go on Oprah....I told him no jynx allowed! bbl


Katt - November 4

I have email addresses for the following people: jamie74, nicoleB, brooke, denise, heather, jada, jess, kathy, kelley, nicoleM, natasha, rhonda, robyn, shauna, jamiesp, tanya, and christie (treys). If you want to be included and you are not listed above please send me an Email with the subject line to include: TTC & "name". Thank you. I would love to hear from Leslie, Christine, Melissa and Gayle ;)


LeslieK - November 4

good morning everybody - we had a nice evening yesterday. Went to a friends house for dinner and stayed way too late. I didn't get home until 11:30 which is wayyy past my bedtime. Its pouring down rain still here and I have to go watch a soccer game this afternoon. Its going to be a long day! I'm waiting for some baby clothes to dry in the dryer and then I'm going to get them into my drawers. I've got to get some things accomplished here so that if we have baby sometime in the next couple of weeks, I'll have something to put it in :) I have my last shower tomorrow afternoon so that should be fun. Katt - I don't think I've ever given anybody my email address - so here it is: [email protected] - I hope to hear from some of you guys. If anybody wants to email me with their addresses then I'll put you all on a buddy list for pictures and a baby announcement when its born. Okay, hope everybody has a wonderful day. xoxo


bl - November 4

Hi girls! Katt, I can't wait to get your questions for the book. I'll fax them back to you for sure! How was taking blood from dh this mornng?Robyn, you're so brave to give yourself the shots. I feel the same way about having bood taken too. I'm so happy that your house is almost back together. Rhonda, I'm sorry about Mark's grandmother. hopefully he'll get that job and that will lift his spirits. Leslie, are most of your baby clothes yellow? Do you have a bag packed for the hospital? Try to stay dry today! My email is [email protected] I would love to be on the list when the little one arrives. Have you decided on names yet? Melissa, are you taking the bcp? Girl, I will be praying so hard for you on this round of ivf. Well, the bb's are getting increasingly sore. This might sound strange, but I'm happy to have any preg signs. It makes me feel like this might be real. I'll be back later.


ROBYN - November 4

Hey ladies, nothing exciting to report. If any of you that dont have me on your email list feel free to add me [email protected] and I will do the same. I am at work and wanted to do a quick check in. Jason leaves for his business trip tomorrow for 3 days to Texas I will be sad. I dont like being away from him especially when he has to fly. ): Anyway I will check in later. LUV YA ALL!!


cmelissa - November 4

Katt cant wait to see the attachment -its going to be great!! When do you plan on finishing your book?? Whats it going to be called? Katt please include me my email is [email protected] - also anyone else feel free to email pics, etc.. Leslie - have fun at your shower tomorrow! i emailed you so you will have my email! brooke yes i'm on the bcps right now still have like 2 weeks to go - ugh! i think i start the lupron on the 15th so not too far away! Robyn sorry dh is leaving for a few days - are you going to have any friends stay with you are do you like staying alone?


ROBYN - November 4

MEL - I like staying alone. My son will stay with my mom and dad since my hours at work he cant first go to bed at 1100 at night. The only thing that I am a little nervous about is staying in a big house by myself when I just had a small apt it was no big thing but now a 3 story house kinda scares me i will be fine. Will check in later.


Rhonda - November 4

hey girls,katt thanks for the info on your book,im rooting for you to make it big,you have a chance,a good chance girl.Thank you all for your support during this sad time.You have all been wonderful.Please keep your fingers crossed mark will find a job very soon.Hoping to hear from that security place this coming week.You are all a bunch of sweethearts and im so glad i have you all to lean on,if need be.hugs to all of you.


wewannababy - November 4

hello i just popped in to see how everyone is should be arriving in 5 more days i think'such a bummer'awww rhonda im sorry to hear the bad news;you ok?things will improve for least your electric got to stay on.well i have to go make dinner hubby will be home soon ttyl.


slowpoke01 - November 5

hey all i didnt read all the posts but i did read the one rhonda wrote. rhonda i am so sorry about marks grandma. that has to be hard on you both. dh and i got back late last nite from oklahoma the funeral was 10 yesterday morning. dh is doing pretty good. he is mad that everyone ran to the bank to try to see what they were getting. everyone but me and dh ran to the bank and we got a call today that they couldnt get their money without dh's signature so he said he is gonna make them wait it out. he said that was not what he went up there for and we didnt even know that she left him anything. his step dad and half brother went thursday to the bank and cussed the teller because she wouldnt give them the money and his siter went after the funeral yesterday and thought they would give it to her and they told her they couldnt without dh's signature too. so i think that is pretty funny that dh is making them wait for there part. he said he didnt want the money that he would rather have his mom. anyway. rhonda i am so sorry and i will be praying for your family and i hope mark gets the job and i am glad that the u/s went good. take care all.


Katt - November 5

Well girls it seems I got side tracked today...I smarted off to my hubby and said, maybe I should do like other writers and find me a cabin in some secluded space I'd get something done! I did accomplish order. Gimme time on the questions, okay. LESLIE_ & MELISSA_ I just sent you an email, I included the poem I sent out to everyone a couple weeks ago. BROOKE_ I take blood from him tomorrow (Sunday). ROBYN_ Sad or not, enjoy those 3 days I know I would, lol, I'd get some writing done - haha! MELISSA_ I do need to set a realistic deadline, but I work better under pressure so who knows. RHONDA_ Thanks for the vote of confidence as I will need it, gonna be hard to write a good CLEAN story. Hi JAMIE! Well It's off to the recorded TV. Need to watch before Monday comes full circle, lol. I think I am going to try to do my housework and things during the week so that Saturday is dedicated to my writing. I get more done in a big block of uninterrupted time and maybe if my dh sees things done he won't yammer on all day! Eh I was doing good until he started in about this and that. I made breakfast and then went upstairs. As soon as I got my groove back my Mom called, then my brother called wanting help finding airline tickets. He asked if I was busy - I told him I was working. He said your at work, I said no I am working. He paused. I said I am writing my book; so he proceeded to ask me to help - LOL - As I told my mom and my dh they just don't get it, just because I am hibernating upstairs does not mean I am farting around on the PC I am actually being productive. No one but an artist would understand this. Gggggrrrrah! Anyhoo, a hour or so passed then dh was home from grocery and there I went to help him and after I went upstairs and got an interesting Email and off track I went - permidently, Everything in my little brain left me. It's so sad. Oh well. It'll return after some rest. Tomorrow is football though and nothing interrupts my football, not even my creativity - sorry. Love you all. Goodnight!



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