TTC in December Through Friendship and Support Pt. 2
162 Replies
Katt - December 13

breastfeeding doesn't sound that much fun :(


bl - December 13

Katt, it's not always bad, I breastfed ds for 8 months without any pain or problems. I can understand why cracked , bleeding nipples don't sound like fun!!! It made me ringe. Tanya, good luck tomorow, let us know how it goes.


bl - December 13

cringe not ringe!!


Rhonda - December 13

Girls Mark a job!! He got one!! yah but he wont start until next week and wont get paid for two weeks.We dont have alot of gas in our vehicle so i hope we can make it with gas for him next week.I m so excited i wish he starting right away.We have so many bills and if he could have gotten that job sooner than we could have had a christmas for all of us .Well i will talk to you all later,im just so releived that starting next wk he will be working.Im sure it is all do to all of your prayers and that sticky work dust lol.luv yas.


J.D. - December 13



bl - December 13

Rhonda, That's the BEST news!!! Tell Mark conrats. Things are going to work out for you guys. What's he doing?


1mom - December 13

Hi ladies. I did get a call from DH last night and i was so happy. He said they are going to let him come home this weekend. Yeay! Katt-- he is in the academy for 6 months. It's going to be very hard but it's worth it in the end. Rhonda -- congrats. So what kind of job did he end up finding? Hope you guys have a good christmas. Goodnight ladies i'm going to wait for another phone call from my DH if he is allowed.


ROBYN - December 13

RHONDA OMG!!!!! Thats like a BFP!!! I am sooooooooo happy for you guys. You so needed this. Where did he get a job? Oh on the breastfeeding issue, no offense to anyone but hell no!!! Bottle feeding for me all the way LOL. TANYA I guess your appt is tomorrow good luck and let us know as soon as you can whats going on. GAYLE - glad hubby can come see you this weekend I am sure you will enjoy him and your time together. Anyway I am at work and had a minute to check in. Wish me luck tomorrow I will update the results as soon as I know.


Katt - December 13

I gotta go but I wanted y'all to know this: Fertility Analysis - You are in the post-ovulatory infertile phase of your cycle. A fallback thermal shift has occurred. It has been accompanied by a complete cervical fluid dry-up. TCOYF estimates that ovulation occurred on Saturday, December 09, 2006. This was estimated using temperature and cervical fluid dry-up signs.


Katt - December 13



ROBYN - December 13

Good morning wish me luck on the way to RE I will check in when I wake up hopefully with good results. CYAS


Rhonda - December 13

Hello girls,I cant sleep and my back is hurting so i wanted to jump on here for a min.Well he will start his job on monday and it will be a full 8 hr job.It is at a very small welding shop.He has lots of experience with welding from his dad,but he is not certified for it.He thinks it starts at 7.00 per hr.But he will work from 7am to 3pm.I wish he was starting today!!! We could sure use the money.I need to find someone around here we can borrow a little bit of money from so he has gas to get back and forth until he finally does get a pay check.So we still have two wks before he will see any money.So not enough time before christmas.The job is only like 20 min from our house.We never even knew it was there,i found it online of all places.Thanks so much for all the encouragement girls,you kept me strong during this job seeking struggle.No more of having to use paper towles to wipe our butts"tmi"sorry lol but it's the truth."they make your butt sore"Gayle im so happy dh got a chance to call you,i know you must really miss him a bunch.Robyn good luck at the RE i know it will go just fine.Im with you!!!Katt do you think your pg?I really really hope so fingers are so crossed for you honey.Well i better go back to bed for a bit before Mark wakes up."HUGS"to all my girls,luv yas.


kelley32 - December 13

Good Morning ... RHONDA, wonderful news about Mark getting a job ... maybe you could do a little something after Christmas for the kids, I'm sure they would love that. KATT, glad the software says that you O'd ... hopefully you will be pg due to all the bd'ing. I plan on using the fertility awareness method for birth control after the baby is born, but then again, with breastfeeding, I didn't even get my period for close to a year after DD was born ... talk about a loooong cycle, LOL! I got my first payment from the government maternity benefit program ... it's not too bad I guess, $1090 every 2 weeks, and I don't have the same expenses as I did while at work, so I think we'll be able to manage. I had 2 pretty heavy duty contractions last night, they felt like really strong menstrual cramps, but no more blood tinged mucous, which I look for everytime I go potty, LOL. I can't wait to see what the doctor says today ... I also have my NST at the hospital today, hopefully it will be the last one. Well, guess thats it ... has anyone heard from CMEL? GAYLE, I'm glad you got to talk to DH, I hope you aren't too lonely (HUGS)


Shauna - December 13

KATT-OR- CHRISTINE!!! please send my poohbear's (christines) email address I want to send you something I got emailed to be yesterday. Also I need slowpoke's too. Then I think I got everybody's email so that I can send it out to you all. Its good. hee hee. I am so in the holiday mood today. I am also just on pins and needles to hear about KELLEY going in to have that little baby!!!! So exciting. You would think I was having the baby. lol. To everybody else look for me email. Oh... and if anybody gets the email and you dont do christmas then I apologize and just delete it. I wont mind.


Shauna - December 13

Oh yah...I also wanted to say that I only got rhonda's and katt's mailing addresses. That is okay. I understand that could be a cereal ( joke spelling) killer, you dont know. If anybody else sent their's, I did not get it. I will be sending those cards out probably tomorrow. Just wanted to make sure you get one if you sent it to me. O yah and in the above posting it should say 'my email' not me email. lol


mommy2josh - December 13

Rhonda, OMG, I am so happy for you :) I also wanted to let you know and share with the rest of the girls : My boss, an attorney, heard about Rhonda's and Mark's situation and he just wrote Rhonda a $250.00 check. I will put it in the mail today with overnight mail. He is a very compassionate and caring man and I was so happy about the check. $250 isnt so much money, but may be you could pay some bills and get gas and may be fit in a few Christmas gifts for the kids. I am so excited, I will go to the post office right now. Make sure you guys are home tomorrow to sign for the check. Be back soon. This put me in a really good mood :)



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