TTC in December Through Friendship and Support
168 Replies
mommywannabe - December 7

Katt, OPK right? That's odd. I don't think I've heard that before.


ROBYN - December 7

Girls not good news for me on the 2nd beta my level dropped 5 points today. I am very upset. I go in again on Saturday. I am being realistic. The RE personally called me and told me that to keep doing the progesterone shots for a few days and we will see. He said obviously if the levels are dropping the pregnancy wont be viable and its so early that I will just get my period and then start the next cycle. I dont know what to think right now I have been crying for hours. The RE said you are still pregnant stranger things have happened your levels could rise but I think hes just saying that. He also said it could be a multiple gestation and one could be expelling. We wont know till Saturday. I do need to read your postsand catch up. Take care.


javidsgirl - December 7

kay i can"t believ you said what you did this thread is suppose to be full of love and support for each other , robyn trust in god sweety and i am send you a big bear hug sweety


cmelissa - December 7

Thanks ladies for all the support! I have to start those pio shots tonight - so not looking forward to that! LESLIE - congrats on your baby boy - how exciting!! What a big boy too!! I'm a red head too and heard red hair is usually dominant - i bet his black hair is gorgeous!! SEnd pics when you get a chance! BL - congrats on seeing your little one today - how neat!! Robyn just read your post - keep your head up!! You will know more saturday! I cant imagine how you feel but you know we are all here for you!! Hopefully it will go back up!!


mommywannabe - December 7

Robyn, I will keep you in my thoughts. Sorry it wasn't better news.


Kay75 - December 7

As i said i was not directing my comment anyone in particular and im not being harsh.I was just saying it in general.Anyway try to stay positive robyn thats all you can do and if you lose the pregnancy at least it will be in very early pregnancy and you have not gotten attached to the baby yet.I notice so many people on these forums are so uptight.katt an opk that was darker and now gone just means your past o dont worry about it.chow ladys.


bl - December 7

Robyn, I'm sorry you're upset, that's understandable. I hope you get some good news. I'm sending you a huge (((HUG)))


bl - December 7

Kay, I'm surprised that you find so many women on this site so uptight. I personally I have them to be amazingly open. Maybe we've all been through so much on this ttc journey. I'm not sure if you ever suffered a pregnancy loss, in any case, I siffered a very early m/c. I have to tell you no matter how far along you are, it's devistating.


Kay75 - December 7

bl im sure having a m/c is devastating but if it is going to happen then it is going to happen and there is nothing you can do about it,so why worry?I hope very much that robyn does have a strong pregnancy but she needs to remain stressfree is all i meant by what i said.And im talking about women all over the forum alot of them seem uptight.Some of you on here are nice as can be while others just want everything to fall into there hands.I am still ttc#1 but stressing over it wont make it any eaiser on anybody.


ROBYN - December 7

Hey girls please I am begging no negativity Kay we are like sisters on here and these girls are the most strongest and wonderful people I have ever spoken with in this whole journey. IVF takes a complete toll on your emotions and body most of us have been thru hell and back. I know I need to remain stress free but honestly girls I thought I would be home free. Alot of people dont get bfp on their 1st ivf cycle we obviously know it works. I know its very early in the pregnancy and the RE said i would just get my period and we would start the next cycle. I want to remain hopeful and that maybe this is a multiple gestation and one just isnt making it. But whatever the plan is it is. I have absolutely no control over this and honestly if this was going to happen that better it happen at 3 weeks then 3 months. Most people would never know they are pregnant. But the weird thing is today would have been my 1st beta so I would have been getting good news because they would have said your pg and we will see you in 2 days for the 2nd beta instead I knew earlier than I probably should have and now will be trying not to freakout for the next 2 days. But this is life and its reality. So I still really havent read your posts and I aplogize for that I will try and catch up I love all you girls.


javidsgirl - December 8

your in my prayers robyn i am praying fro a miracle for you . you deserve this so much


javidsgirl - December 8

*you deserve this baby so much sorry for the typo sweety


ROBYN - December 8

Tan thank you so much you too deserve this. Actually we all do.


Katt - December 8

DO y'all think I should ask the doc about this opk issue? I dunno what to think. There was an egg - a big one and no LH Surge? I find that quite mysterious. Although it is hard sometimes to gauge those lines, lol. Do any of you know how long after a + you should get a - ? And I certainly dunno what to put on my chart. Here's my chart again: I mean, I really do not think there are faint positives in opk land.? JAMIE_ I took Comid 3-7 and I think I Oed on day 10 like the OB said temp rise or not, lol I can't seem to figure it out. Anyway, I'd say yes. I was afraid of it messing up my cycle, haha I think I missed my Surge all together this month. Wishing AF to visit you soon! Ok where was I (just got back from a bd break, lol) Ahh RHONDA_ THanks ;) KELLEY_ That's great your Moms came in!! Sorry about the delivery turned kidnet stone, I hear those things are worse than labor?! Don't you fret, Saydie will be on her way soon ;) TANYA_ That makes two of us, (((MELISSA))) GAYLE_ Make these next 2 days last girl, we'll be here when ya get back from dh's arms! ROBYN_ Please don't stress, you have a positive beta, 5 points or not your doc has a valid point or 2. Hang in there it's gonna be okay (((HUGS))) BROOKE_ All is well except I am not sure whether to bd again Saturday?? My OB said every 36hours okay so we have 1230am Tuesday (day of u/s and BIG follie), 630pm Wednesday (eh, about 42 hours,) and then tonight at 630pm (24 hours - oops) My temp only went up by 4 points. My chart is listed above. Well irls I am gonna call in the hogies, and get ready for my favorite Thursday night TV lineup. At least ER is new - was supposed to be new last week and a rerun was ran (lol) because of the Cincinnati Bengals making a deal with NBC; even though thegame originally is aired on the NFL network. Eh y'all don't care about that and I certainly cannot explain it any better so I am outta here! LESLIE_ I am so excited to see pictures! ([email protected]) KAY_ I wasn't going to post to you but then I decided that would be mean and I am certainly not that. All the girls here will welcome you with open arms, but I do want to tell you that you must have posted on a different thread and thought it was us because I have no record of you posting with us. So welcomes to YOU! I guess it's time to go. (((((ROBYN))))) I am sending healthy wishes to everyone and babydust too!! G'night!


mommy2josh - December 8

Robyn, I am sorry. But I think Katt is right. Your doc I am sure was honest with you, what would be the point of giving you false hope. May be one embie didn't take. I am wishing with all my heart that it will work out. ((((hugs Robyn)))) Leslie, congrats girl. I am so happy for you. Wishing your little boy lots of love, health and happiness. May he be for you everything that you have dreamed of. Is Alex excited about being a big sister? I am sure John is overjoyed this being his first. (((((Leslie, John, Alex and Joey))))) Katt I had the same OPK problem. The line was lighter but strongly visible and the next day it would disappear altogether. Brooke awesome news. I am so happy that you have graduated back to your ob. Ok, got to go and will pretend that I didnt read the strange comments. Hellos to all you beautiful women. Hugs and love to all. Oh yeah and lots of baby dust.


J.D. - December 8

hey everyone!! damn ya'll have been congratulations leslie on your baby boy.i bet he is a little doll.jamie-i missed ya'll too! how are you doing? robyn and rhonda-i'll be praying for the both of you. kay-this thread is not for you to judge other people or any other kinds of negativity.hello to everyone else.



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